Iris Symes


image of Iris SymesOur lovely mum, Iris Symes, passed away on December 30, 2023, at the age of 92. She is now reunited with our dad, who passed 13 years earlier.

Iris was a classy, yet feisty lady, always the authentic-British wife and mother who emigrated with her structural engineer husband and 3 children to Canada, and then moved to the United States in the late 1960’s.

She loved life, family, knitting, walking, gardening, the art of making tea, and her beloved England. She also greatly enjoyed reading and reminiscing about World War II, which she lived through as a child.

Her heart was always firmly rooted in her home, and she strove fiercely to preserve her independence until the very end.

Iris is survived by her 3 daughters, 4 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild who will all deeply miss her great stories and sense of humor.

Mum, rest peacefully now and someday we will all be together again for a nice cuppa and a chin-wag!


15 Responses to “Iris Symes”

  • Sharon Mooney says:

    Wonderful memories to honor a lovely, gracious lady.

  • Dave Prior says:

    Rest in peace Iris. I will always have fond memories of you. God bless you.

  • Janet Selby says:

    Remembering a dear Aunt who`s visits to us here in England we would love, as I know she enjoyed too.
    We will miss you, but have wonderful memories.
    Rest in peace Auntie Iris.

  • Helen Mooney says:

    Mom, I really miss your voice and talking to you. We all miss you terribly.

  • Dennis Mooney says:

    Iris, You lived life how you wanted and remained independent the entire time. We had a number of “adventures” over the years, from buying a new car to getting a new Fridge plus numerous other things. I’ll always appreciate your kindness.

    Rest in Peace.

  • Kim Martin says:

    What a lovely obit! You have captured the essence of Iris as I’ve known her, for almost 56 years, back when I first met Linda (now Lynda) back in elementary school.

    I recall many a sleepover at the Symes house. Always being offered tea, Iris watching the snacks consumption like a hawk, and the ever fussing about us girls-not rolling up our sleeping bags the minute our eyes opened.

    In later years, I loved joining the family for her birthday celebrations, lunches at the ‘square’, Pauline’s first birthday (and years later, her wedding), and being invited into Helen’s lovely home. Iris loved a good party and could laugh and tell stories, as good as anyone!

    It was Iris, who gave me prudent advice about the importance of old friendships. Knowing how she so missed her family and friends in England, I believed she was truly speaking from her heart.

    Iris was also proud of her girls. She rebelled in catching me up on her loved one’s successes and bragged without shame.

    Thank you to Ron in heaven, her 3 loving daughters, the grandchildren and the great grandchild, for giving an Iris a a well-lived life. She made the most of it!

  • Kim Martin says:

    What a lovely obit! You have captured the essence of Iris as I’ve known her, for almost 56 years, back when I first met Linda (now Lynda) back in elementary school.

    I recall many a sleepover at the Symes house. Always being offered tea, Iris watching the snacks consumption like a hawk, and the ever fussing about us girls-not rolling up our sleeping bags the minute our eyes opened.

    In later years, I loved joining the family for her birthday celebrations, lunches at the ‘square’, Pauline’s first birthday (and years later, her wedding), and being invited into Helen’s lovely home. Iris loved a good party and could laugh and tell stories, as good as anyone!

    It was Iris, who gave me prudent advice about the importance of old friendships. Knowing how she so missed her family and friends in England, I believed she was truly speaking from her heart.

    Iris was also proud of her girls. She revelled in catching me up on her loved one’s successes and bragged without shame.

    Thank you to Ron in heaven, her 3 loving daughters, the grandchildren and the great grandchild, for giving an Iris a a well-lived life. She made the most of it!

  • Saul says:

    Iris, you lived life to the fullest. A woman full of interest, which brought friends and family around you. I will miss hearing about your bowl of Fruits for Breakfast. Thanks for sharing an English Tea and Biscuits with me. Thanks for your influence of nature & power walks. I will miss hearing about your passion for the weather. Our many conversations about birds & flowers in lovely garden, while having good laugh, over a proper good meal of Salmon, will be missed. Rest in peace Iris. We will miss you greatly.

  • Bill Lukov says:

    My best memory of Iris was on her birthday, and how much she enjoyed getting the Branston Pickles. She will be missed.

  • Pauline Matlock says:

    You were the best grandma I could have asked for and I’m so glad I got to have you for 35 years. I will always remember running around playing tag at Bellevue Park, picnics at Lake Sammamish, playing card games after dinner with you and grandpa, and getting coffees at Starbucks and Mrs. Fields’ cookies while walking around the mall. I saw you almost on a weekly basis through my whole childhood and I can’t imagine it any differently. I already miss your stories about WWII, and your phone calls to talk about the weather, your plants, and the latest political fiascos on CNN. I’m so glad you had a full life with so many amazing memories, rest in peace ❤️

  • HELEN MOONEY says:

    Happy birthday, mom.

  • Teresa Doran (Neal) says:

    Dear ‘Aunty’ Iris – I’ve just found out today about your passing and I wanted to send a little note to your girls to let them know that I’m thinking of them all. I have very fond memories of you & your family in both North Vancouver and Bellevue when we were all much younger! My Mom & Dad (Madeline & Les Neal) along with you & Ron had a special bond for many years. Love to all xo
    Rest in Peace Iris

  • Greg Neal says:

    Sue, Linda and Helen, my condolences on the passing of your Mum. She was a wonderful and supportive woman and a great friend of my parents (Les and Madeline). After relocating to Bellevue from North Vancouver, I have many fond memories of the cross border visits.
    I have many childhood memories of time spent together.
    May she rest in peace, with Ron by her side.

  • Helen M Mooney says:

    Mom, I cannot believe you have been gone one year. Sadly, Pauline and Josh are gone now too. You are all missed very much by many.
    Love you.

  • Helen M Mooney says:

    Happy birthday mom, we love you. Hopefully you and Dad are taking care of Pauli and Josh.

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