Ximing Zheng


image of Zheng Ximing

Zheng Ximing

I am heartbroken to announce the death of my father, Ximing Zheng. He passed away peacefully at the age of 64, with family members at his side on December 7th, 2022, in Kirkland Washington under Evergreen Hospice Care Center.

He was born in Suzhou, JiangSu, China in November 1958.

Ximing grew up in Suzhou with his parents and three older sisters. He attended HeFei University of Technology (HeFei, China) in 1978 and Electric Power Research Institute (Beijing, China) in 1982. After graduate school, he continued to work eight years in China and decided to come to the United States to pursue his studies at University of Wisconsin – Madison in 1992. Ximing then worked as an electric engineer for various companies in the United States and Canada for about 30 years. Ximing met many of his close friends in university, graduate school, and work.

Ximing was fun loving, hardworking, smart, optimistic, and enjoyed a wide range of hobbies. He loved to play Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) since childhood. He participated in many Xiangqi competitions and won Champion at Chinese Chess National Championship of Canada, Champion at North American Cup Xiangqi Individual Championship, and 10th place at World Xiangqi World Championship. Ximing was given the International Grand Master title by the World Xiangqi Federation. Ximing also enjoyed playing Go and Bridge and often played matches online with his friends.
In his free time, Ximing loved plants and flowers. He surrounded the family rooms with 20+ plants and flowers. He took extra care of the plants by spending lots of time watering and nourishing them.

Ximing was a proud and loving husband and father who enjoyed traveling with his family. He especially enjoyed spending quality time with family and friends at family and friends gatherings.

Ximing is survived by his devoted wife Li Lu, daughter Luxi Zheng, sisters RongHua Zheng, JiHua Zheng, MingHua Zheng and their families.

He fought a formidable battle with Lung Cancer in his last 17 months. Ximing will be greatly missed, fondly remembered and loved forever.

The family would like to thank Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (Fred Hutch) and Evergreen Hospice Care for all of the care and support during this time.

In lieu of sending flowers, please consider making a memorial donation to Fred Hutch Cancer Center.

Donate online at: https://www.seattlecca.org/about/donate-and-volunteer/make-a-donation

28 Responses to “Ximing Zheng”

  • Juming says:

    Ximing was so easygoing and always had a smile on his face. I will remember him as a Xiang Qi master, a great neighbor and colleague, a nature lover and a brave fighter who completed 21 cycles of treatments. I’m grateful that I had a chance to speak to him to know his journey in last 17 months and his decision to move into hospice. May his soul find rest now and he will always be missed.

  • 郑蓉华,郑吉华,郑明华 says:



  • Tommy Wong says:

    Hi Ximing,

    Thank you for all of your help to me and our coworkers at GE. I remember often seeing you in your small office, working late, yet you were always full of vitality and had your loud, booming voice. Thats how I will always remember you.

    I am so touched, moved, and proud!!! when I heard how in the end, you chose to bravely face the disease head-on instead of burdening your family. But I am 100% not surprised. You are truly a master in xiang qi and in real life. I respect you so much, and I hope you knew that from our interactions at work.

    Thank you for setting an example for the rest of us, when we must also face death eventually. Until we meet again,
    – Tommy

  • Zhang Gang says:

    Dear Li and Luxi,

    My sincerest condolences for the loss of your loved husband and father, Ximing. My heart goes with you at this difficult time.

    Ximing, there is no word I can express how you are missed. Your smiling face will be remembered forever.

    With sincerely sympathies,
    Zhang Gang

  • Ming Chen says:

    It’s so heartbreaking that we lost Mr. XiMing Zheng, a good friend of ours, a graceful colleague, and an international grand master of Xiangqi (Chinese chess). XiMing lives in our heart forever!

  • 郑阳 says:


  • George Cui says:

    My wife Joan and I are deeply saddened by the passing of Ximing, my long time colleague and friend. Our heartfelt condolences for your loss.

    The first time I met Ximing was in 1982, 40 years ago at the Graduate School of Electric Power Research Institute in Beijing, China. He was best known for his high intelligence and unbeatable skill of Chinese Chess. After the graduate school, we both joined the same division in the Institute and shared the same office. I had the privilege to work with him in the late 1980’s on some major projects to modernize the Chinese electric power grids. Ximing was smart, effective and hardworking . He was also a very nice and pleasant person to work with. In 1990, We both came to the US to study, in different universities. I have been working in the Seattle area since graduation and Ximing eventually moved to the same area and worked for the same company I used to work for. We had many many Christmas and New Year parties. The last time we partied at my home was in February 2020 to celebrate the Lunar New Year. Then came the COVID pandemic and we all stayed home since. Last summer Ximing called me to tell me about his diagnosis. He was very calm and stayed very positive during the treatments. Ximing was very optimistic toward the very challenging health situations and he never forgot to play chess and bridge online even in his final days. He had truly lived his life to the fullest.
    Rest in peace my friend and we will miss you dearly.

  • Elton Yuen says:



    还记得我们的是1993年通过ICCS下棋认识的,后来在San Diego 第一次与您与陆莉见面,转眼快30年了。后来你们移民到多伦多,加入了我们多伦多象棋会,又与我同一间公司共事,直至你又移居到西雅图。我们不仅是棋友,同事更是战友。每次我们期会有重要活动,25、 28 、30周年,全加赛,世界赛你都会回多伦多,我们也一起参加过无数国內外的比赛,拿下一个一个的荣誉、奖杯!


    感谢你12/4 和我最后通电话,我和多伦多及各地象棋界的所有朋友都会为你的家人祈福!我们会永远记得你!


  • Ying Xiao says:

    Dear Ximing,

    It’s such a blessing to have had you as a friend in our lives. You were genuine, generous and warm-hearted, always willing to lend a helping hand.

    When you called us about the diagnosis of cancer last July, we were so shocked and sad that we couldn’t utter a word. From the other side of the line, you said calmly: You enjoy traveling, right? Life is just like a journey. No matter how much you enjoy it, you still need to go home. Eventually, we will all be leaving here and going home. So, no need to worry and fear.

    What you said made us feel better, and also helped us find the answer to the question that long puzzles us: how should one view life and death.

    The bravery you demonstrated when fighting against cancer also inspired us and empowered us greatly. We are more ready than before to face difficulties and challenges on the road of the remainder of our lives.

    Like the poem:

    “When through that one man
    A little more love and goodness, a little more light and truth comes into the world,
    Then that man’s life
    Has had meaning.”

    Each of us will carry the love, the goodness, the light, and the truth you brought to the world, and will enlighten more people along our journeys.

    We miss you and will see you again someday. Thank you for sharing a part of your life with us. You will be always in our hearts and thoughts….

    — Ying and Xing

  • Clement Cheng says:

    Dear Grandmaster Ximing,

    My prayer and condolence is with your family. Your smile and kindness towards fellow XiangQi players and fans will be forever remembered.

    Clement Cheng,
    Chief Secretary, Canadian XiangQi Federation

  • Mingning Gu says:







    December 12,2022

  • Haili and Jinghai says:

    We are saddened by the loss of Ximing.
    We met Ximing at work many years ago. We also saw each other in family and church events. Ximing had always been gentle, kind, and thoughtful to others.
    We are impressed by Ximing’s humility with his prestige and honor status as the International Grand Master of Xiangqi.
    Ximing will be missed by many colleges and friends he had touched in his wonderful life journey.
    Our condolences, thoughts and prayers are with Ximing’s family.

  • JUN WU says:

    Dear Ximing,
    It is so lucky that we were neighbor and colleague.you were smart,talented Xiangqi master and hard working colleague. you won lots of worldwide champions and always smile and humble when talked to you. you were also kind and willing to help people. I was surprised by your call of retirement when was in Albama and more shocked by your call of diagnose of cancer. But when we talked, you were still smiling and calm and did not show any fear. The message received from you later were always positive and optimistic. You were truly master in life. your bravery and courage are lightning us how to face life and death.
    Thanks for sharing your valuable life with us. Rest in peace my Dear brother and we miss you and keep you in our hearts!!!
    – Jun,Xiaobing

  • Renchang Dai says:

    Dear Ximing,

    I am lucky to have you in my life so much. I am unlucky to meet you in my life so late. The more stories I hear about you, the more I put the pieces of my feelings to think about you. Words are silent to tell the feelings. Your stories will be shared by your family, your friends, and your colleagues from generation to generation. You are not only living with us, you are also leaving your kindness, generosity, genius, and soft strongness with us. Every single moment with you in my mind, in your family’s heart will support us to get through the hard times, making us stronger, braver, and kinder. I miss you.


  • 刘伟玲 says:

    郑熙明老同学,2018年11月在西雅图一别竟成为永别,我很难受。你善良、聪慧 。我特别佩服你的从容淡定。大学期间一起玩游戏的场面历历在目(合作双人象棋赛上的捣蛋、纸牌记忆游戏大比分输等),是我永远的记忆。我和严仲武为陆莉和你女儿祈福,我们会永远记住你。

  • JUN WU says:

    Dear Ximing,
    It is so Lucky that we were neighbors and colleagues. You were smart, talented Xiqing master and hard working colleague. You won lots of worldwide championship and were smiles and humble when talked to you. You were also kind and always willing to help people. I was surprised by your call of retirement when in Alabama and more shocked by your call of diagnosis of cancer. But when we talked,you were still smiling and calm and didn’t show any signs of fear. The message we received later was always positive and optimistic. You were truly master in life. Your bravery and courage are lightning us how to face life and death.
    Thanks for sharing your valuable life, rest in peace our dear brother and we miss you and always keep you in our hearts!!!
    – JUN & Xiaobing

  • JUN WU says:

    Dear Ximing,
    It was so lucky that we were neighbors and colleagues. You were smart, talented Xiqing master and hard working colleague. You won lots of worldwide championship and were smiles and humble when talked to you. You were also kind and always willing to help people. I was surprised by your call of retirement when in Alabama and more shocked by your call of diagnosis of cancer, but when were talked, you were still smiling and calm and didn’t show any sign of any fear. The message received later were still positive and optimistic. You were truly master in life. Your bravery and courage are lightning us how to face life and death.
    Thanks for sharing your valuable life, rest in peace our dear brother, we miss you and always keep you in our hearts!!!
    -JUN & Xiaobing

  • 陈朝晖 says:


  • 冯金玲 says:


  • 沈其瑜 says:


  • 朱群 says:


  • 汪建 says:


  • 梅素真 says:





  • 宗刚 says:



    1981同游黄山,2014西雅图一别,哪知道是太平洋永隔!郑熙明安息!陆莉保重! 大学同学 宗刚

  • Gang Zhang says:


  • Yiping Zhuang says:

    非常非常的悲痛,作为凡人,我是多么希望奇迹会在您身上出现,但是上帝有他自己的安排。 提摩太後書 4:7, “那美好的仗,我已經打過了;該跑的路程,我已經跑盡了;當守的信仰,我已經持守了。” 您已经给我们作了许多美好的见证,能走进天国的,都是遵循天父旨意的人,您一定是使徒保罗所说的这样的人,耶稣已经接您回天家,上帝已经带您进天堂,虽然我们无法理解和接受。相信您在天堂里没有病痛,相信在天上您还可以继续下象棋,继续做自己喜欢的事。希望将来我们在天国里继续做朋友,请记住我们的爱。我们会永远的怀念您,熙明,请一路走好,

  • Weiguo Wang says:

    Please accept my heartfelt sympathy for you and your family during this difficult time. It was with a heavy heart that I heard about the recent loss of colleague and friend and Chess Champion – Ximing and I wanted to reach out and express my condolences.

    I am so grateful to know Ximing with always a sunshine smile on his face that could make you a day. You will be greatly missed!

  • Xingwang Ma says:





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