David Richard Fox


In Celebration Of A Beautiful Life


David Richard Fox arrived here on December 28th 1952 and departed March 20th 2021.

image of David Richard FoxDavid will be remembered for his kindness and gentle manner. His laughter was infectious and he was always willing to lend a hand. He had many friends and was well thought of by many.

He was born and raised in Whittier California. He was an accomplished athlete. He excelled in basketball but also was interested in football and set records in track in Junior High school.

image of David Richard FoxHe graduated from California High School in Whittier California in 1971.

David had a love of music and played guitar. These are all attributes and facts, but there is so much more as to who David Fox was really. It would take many books indeed to begin to describe the lifetime of anyone, much less a few paragraphs  in an obituary.

Bottom line: David Fox was as is a good man that cared deeply.  As with all of us, we will never know just how much simply because we are not that person, but we can all observe the effects of that caring.  He was always willing to give what he had, even though at times it was very little.

He left behind two wonderful sons, Justin and Jesse. He has four sisters and two brothers all of whom reside in southern California. They are: Susie, Nancy, Janet Pamela, Randy, and Ricky.

In closing I deem it appropriate to quote a line from the book, “The Prophet” by Kahlil Gibran, “For when the earth has claimed our limbs, then shall we truly dance.”

I have no doubt David is dancing. He will always be loved and remember by many. We love you David. Thank you for staying as long as you did. God speed to you on your journey.


4 Responses to “David Richard Fox”

  • Mike Blatnik says:

    David Fox. Quite simply, my lifetime best friend. Time and space makes paying proper tribute to David impossible. Since age 10, my backyard neighbor and I became ‘bonded at the hip’ for the next dozen years. All the experiences and learning we gleaned came to both of us as we forged growing up in the 60’s in LA. From our passionate love of sports, baseball, football, whiffle ball, epic 1 on 1 basketball games to 100 at Calhi, to surfing Huntington Beach, jamming our ever louder electric guitars, moving out together to live with my brother, Randy, and Brad in uptown Whittier, to the ups and downs, highs and lows of drugs and alcohol, to odd jobs, like unloading semi trucks of watermelons at Alpha Beta warehouse, moving next door at Newport Beach, to serving as Best Man at yours and Jane beautiful Joshua Tree wedding, to the years of laughter and rich conversations of the meaning of life, we grew together. A bond so strong it couldn’t be broken. A beautiful tapestry of mutual love and respect, hard to explain, but only to be known in the heart. A like mindedness unlike any other. But, greater still, the one thing I am eternally grateful to my friend, David (and Jane), was the introduction to Jesus Christ and the revelation of Scripture as the Word of God. Eternal in the sense that we will forever be brothers in the presence of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, and share the unspeakable gift of everlasting life, a cost neither of us deserved or could afford to pay, but freely received from the blood of Jesus shed on the Cross. Without a shadow of a doubt, the hand of God destined a friendship to begin on Homage Ave in Whittier, CA, and continue to unfold all the way to Heaven’s Portal and Glory thru out the Ages! There are no words. My dear friend, David Fox, thank you for loving me unconditionally, without expectations or requirements, as I did you. To quote your often mentioning parting words to me whenever we departed company, “Tigues, keep the elbow straight” (bball shooting) and “We should have gone to Europe” (to find our heads)…I think it turned out just as it was meant to be. Until then, love you Sones, my brother and friend.

  • steve lamphere says:

    R.I.P. David-you were a true friend of my Brother Gary who passed in 1981-you both had a mutual love for sports, especially basketball…you each also had a love for our Savior Jesus Christ…I have a vision of you and Gary embracing each other surrounded by the love and the light of Jesus our Lord…Steve Lamphere

  • Jane Li fox says:

    Thank you dear Mike and Steve for your heartfelt words and for loving David as you did. In our last days in these vessels that is all that really matters. Love. Just a four letter word that we are still not really sure just how much that one word encompasses. It is a word we cannot comprehend with our minds. It is a frequency of the heart. It spans all time and space and knows no bounds. It is also freedom. For when we truly love we are free and fear has no more power over us. David Fox is free as he is in the arms of the angels and from his broader perspective he realizes how much he was loved. May all of us look into our hearts and choose to love greater than we ever have before. And love ourselves without conditions as well. All my love Jane Li Fox

  • Fred Van Allen says:

    I have life lasting memories to cherish and it all started on a Painter Ave. house in Whittier with Dave and Jane. It is still WOW for me.

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