Silvia Marie Roberts

Silvia Marie Roberts, daughter of William and Barbara Roberts, passed away peacefully on January 24, 2021, in Seattle, Washington, where she lived for much of her adult life.

Silvia was born on November 1, 1957, in Akron Ohio. She was the youngest of three children. She attended public school in the Cleveland area. She moved about after that, living in Hawaii for some time, which she particularly enjoyed. She obtained a degree in fashion design, which she practiced during all her working years.

Silvia was a free spirit and adventurer. Throughout her life, she threw her whole self into everything she did, whether it was pursuing her career, traveling around the world, gardening, hiking, or caring about her family.

Silvia will be sorely missed by those of us who knew and loved her.

25 Responses to “Silvia Marie Roberts”

  • Diane Jones says:

    Missing her! She is a very special person. I’m thankful I got to know her.

  • Andrea Strom says:

    On behalf of those of us who worked with Silvia these past 3 years at NPG, our deepest sympathies in the passing of this dear soul.

  • Francis Attanasio says:

    She was a cherished neighbor and a vital part of her neighborhood on Queen Anne. A joy to be around; funny, intelligent, engaging, and very caring. Her neighbors are in deep sadness and will greatly miss her.

  • Wendy Hodgson says:

    Sylvia was the sweetest friend anyone could hope for. Her heart was full of grace and light and compassion. I will deeply miss her. She was another mother to my dog Eloise who also loves her. Every time we go for a walk Eloise always goes and stands at Sylvia’s gate and looks for her. It will be so bittersweet now. My condolences to her family and everyone who loved her.

  • Patsy Rospenda says:

    I had the pleasure of reconnecting with Silvia in 2018, before the pandemic, and was looking forward to visiting Seattle and possibly talking some trips together when she retired. Silvia was very easy going, intelligent, kind, and full of energy. She would have been a great travel buddy.
    My family and I are saddened by this sudden loss. We can only hope that she was not alone and someone can shed some light and give us some insight about Silvia’s passing.
    I am Silvia’s cousin in Ohio and will leave my information with the funeral home.
    Silvia was loved and will be truly missed.

  • Pat Drummond says:

    One of the few good things that came about because of the pandemic was getting to know Silvia better. After she started working from home she joined me to walk my dog in the morning and often have coffee and treats. Silvia was a great walking companion, always interested in nature. And she was funny and ever so kind. Rosie and I will miss Silvia very much.

  • Mark Gordon says:

    I lived next door to Silvia on Queen Anne in Seattle. First when she and her husband bought a house accross the ally from me and then when she bought the house next to mine. I always enjoyed talking with Silvia (art and clothing design were special topics). Silvia was a wonderful neighbor, with a great sense of humor. She was kind, generous and giving. Silvia love her beautifu back yard and taking care of it. She was a people person and the initiator of many neighborhood gatherings. She will be missed by everyone in the neighborhood.

  • Loretta Jones says:

    Damn you Silvia I wished you would have let us know that you were sick. You were always a little secretive and this was the biggest secret. My heart aches with your passing. I know that you’re heart was broken after losing the love of your life, Charlie and I don’t think you were ever the same. I’m so glad that you reached out to us last summer to re-connect. So glad. The memories are flooding in especially the trips to Chaunigan, Canada with you and Charlie. I will miss you and think of you often. RIP my dear friend.

  • Kathleen Durkan says:

    The world feels differently without Silvia in it. Kindness, generosity, impeccable with her word. As her roommate of 3+ years, I got to know her very well, as did my late doggie, Joey. So strange they should both pass away just 2+ weeks apart. Here’s hoping he was there to greet her, tail wagging with joy. Adios, my friend. See you round, but not too soon. I will miss you so very much.

  • Karla Wood says:

    Oh, my dear Silvia, I sure wish you would have reached out to me. My last post from you said on your birthday was you were a little under the weather and couldn’t get together. Had no clue you were that sick. I loved every minute we spent together at our Cabin, boating, our Hawaii trip, camping at the Oasis, our Birthday dinners and walks around Greenlake. I will miss you always.

  • Paula Smith-Danell says:

    Silvia, my friend.
    Just days before your passing, in our last text exchange, I was complaining about my foot not being ready for our upcoming hiking season. You were your usual funny, sympathetic self, with nary a peep to us that you wouldn’t be here for our summer hikes…that you had bigger things to attend to. Darlin’, how can you leave us now? We had such plans! More of Wales, OR & WA coasts, and always Canada….I’ve been going through my phone looking at pictures. It is filled with our many adventures over the past 10 years when you miraculously walked back into my life after a 25 year hiatus. What a grand day that was! It’s like this bit of sunshine has gone dark. I’m now waking up into a nightmare of no Silvia. Why didn’t you say something? You will be in our hearts forever. Rest peacefully, Friend, now that you are back home with Charlie.

  • Maggie Clark says:

    Mario and I are crushed with the sad news. You were supposed to come for a barbeque and see our new bathroom. Did not know you were so sick. Loved being your sister in law and always enjoyed seeing you. Mario always appreciated your feed back on his art. Now you are with Charlie, Joe and the rest of the gang.
    We will miss your sense of humor and generosity. Oh sweet Silvia what happened. Love, love , love
    Maggie and Mario

  • Richard Goodloe says:

    The twinkle in your eyes and the warmth of your smile touched everyone on your path through this life …you live on in our hearts…

  • Wendy (Sockolov) Fleisher says:

    Text #1: “Hello my friend.” Text #2: “Silvia?” It was the second text that typically caught your attention when you were being a bit reclusive to make sure we scheduled a phone date. In between, we even managed a couple of super fun weekends in Marin. Best of all, when we did work together, I discovered how much fun work could be thanks to you! Our shopping trips to New York and Las Vegas were legendary! And later, when work took us separately to Las Vegas, we would still get together at the same restaurant twice a year and spent hours talking, laughing and drinking martinis. Cheers to my dear and treasured friend. I will so miss you! XOXO

  • Anna He says:

    Silvia was an extraordinary coworker. There are many in our company who will deeply mourn her passing. I remember when we shared gardening tips, planting days, veggie harvest, and corgi stories. I’d always looked forward to our Monday chats about what exciting things happened over the weekend. Her warm smile, witty jokes and fun personality always made our days better. Rest in Peace, Silvia. – Anna He

  • Jody Crow says:

    OH Silvia, how I will miss our monthly happy hours at Daniels Broiler. Slightly dirty gin martinis with as many olives as they’d give us and seared ahi. It pains me to know you were alone at the end, but respect your decision to do it your way. May your soul find peace, a beautiful view and maybe even the opportunity to dance again.

  • Kim Larsen says:

    I first worked with Silvia 23 years ago when I started in apparel design and then we reconnected a few years ago when she came back to the same company. Silvia had a good dry sense of humor and brought ease to hectic work situations. She was generous with her help and share her vast experience with so many. Slivia I will think of you as I pass a lovely garden or joyful dog. Farewell.

  • My Truong says:

    Silvia, I am so deeply saddened to have lost you…thank you from the bottom of my heart for being one of my closest mentors at NPG. There is so much that I’ve learned from you that I will continue to carry with me. Thank you for always being there whenever I needed help. And thank you for always making me laugh. I hope you’re sitting in a warm sunny garden with a tall glass of refreshing lemonade. You will be missed…

  • Aunt Joanne says:

    It is with a heavy heart that I realize Silvia is no longer with us here on earth. I am sad that I couldn’t help her but grateful that I knew her. She will be with us in our daily thoughts,prayers and memories. Always loved.

  • Diane Jones says:

    I made a facebook group to honor Silvia called Friends of Silvia Marie Roberts if anyone is interested in posting pictures or memories.

  • Jody Crow says:

    So many of us are grieving the loss of Silvia and would like to express our condolences to Family. Aunt Joanne and Patsy, or anyone else who may be family, please reach out to one of us who have left our contact information with Barton Family Funeral Services.

  • Meagan Feeder says:

    I can’t believe you are gone.
    It’s unbelievable and I am at a loss for words.
    Rest In Peace…..


  • Suzanne Young says:

    Oh Silvia, my heart broke when I heard the news. We haven’t seen each other in a couple of years and I’ve missed catching up with you over a cocktail. I thought of you often and now wish I’d tried harder to get in touch. I loved working with you and getting to know you. You will truly be missed. Reading thru these messages it is obvious that you were loved by many. I hope you felt that and that you are in peace.

  • Kenda Fowler says:

    I was at a loss for words when I heard of Silvia’s passing. Silvia came in and out of my life 3 times, starting at Travelsmith in CA. around 2006. She was in Design and I was in Buying/Merchandising. She met my husband Chuck and we would go on adventures together. A memorable time was when Chuck drove us to the Cow Palace to attend a Garden Show. Silvia introduced me to escargot begonias We each bought one and I had mine for years. When I see one I think of her! We enjoyed a fabulous meal at Scoma’s that afternoon. We would talk of that often. After our jobs at TS we would reconnect at Norm Thompson and Pendleton in Portland. There were many meals or drinks together. I can remember one particular rainy day in February she came to the house and we grilled hamburgers indoors. We all got so wrapped up in a conversation that the burgers burned and we had a smoke filled house. Another story to tell….She was fun to engage with. I learned about her family, her home in Seattle and her neighbors, her career, and her friends. We had mutual friends from the industry and we would make a point to catch up at Las Vegas trade shows.
    In the 15 years that I knew her, I was grateful for her friendship, her free spirit and spontaneity, her talent and love for design, her work ethic, and her ability to keep moving forward. I know she carried a lot of pain and as others have pointed out, she could be elusive. I treasure the fact that I knew her and we shared some fun thoughts and times! May you now be at peace. You might not have known that Chuck is there with you. I miss you both! Lovingly, Kenda

  • Mary Wallon says:

    Silvia was a kind and generous person, a good neighbor who encouraged neighborhood activities to help us through covid. She is missed.

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