Travis James Fry

Minister of Kindness

March 19, 1979 – December 23, 2020


image of Travis James Fry

Travis James Fry

Travis James Fry was fearfully and wonderfully made by the author of life, God himself, and was presented to the world on March 19,1979.  His design was special and unique because God pressed His own character of kindness into the heart of Travis.  It was this light of kindness that drew people to him and caused him to be a caring giver to others. His immediate family live in the northwest and he is the youngest of three brothers, Jason the oldest and wife Sasha, Bryan and partner Molly.  Mother-Karen and Gene Halsey with step-brothers Garret, Jordan and stepsister Erika.  Father-Eric and Jennifer Fry with stepsister Melissa and husband Jonathan. He was loved by his entire family and especially by his nieces; Jorja and Peyton who said, “Uncle Travi, you have always been our favorite uncle.”

image of Travis James FryTravis was an adventurous explorer. He was drawn to hiking and kayaking in the Pacific Northwest as well as Sedona Arizona and the Grand Canyon area.  His exploration also included music. He was often heard creating guitar rifts of music layered and looped on top of each other. He worked with leather and created custom wrist bands, rings and jewelry out of tiny gears, found objects, snaps and leather embossing. He was often seen running the Skykomish river, dodging rocks while keeping time with the current. You might have even shared a story or two as he served drinks across several resort bars. He studied as a masseuse, knew all the muscles in the body and would nonchalantly come up behind you at a family gathering and begin kneading your shoulders with his magic fingers and hands.

Image of Travis James FryTravis received his first guitar in junior high. He quickly became glued to it and from there his life-long body of music flowed. Most kids in school carried books, but Travis was hardly seen without his guitar. His music was rolling and dreamy, looped and mixed with peddles and layering. He performed the star-spangled banner for his entire high school which included playing a portion of the score from behind his head like Jimmy Hendrix had done at Woodstock.  Not only did he play music, he collected an assortment of percussion instruments. Travis saw the value and creative opportunity in all instruments. The high-water mark of his collection was a 1924 silent movie theatre pipe organ that was given to him while he was contract painting for a customer in Issaquah WA.

His entrepreneurial spirit moved him out of bartending and into residential contracting for his own company, “Level Up”.  His jobs included: tv mounts, sink repair, light switch and fixture replacement, tiling, floor installation, painting and more.  He bought and fully equipped a sprinter van with all the DeWalt tools ever produced. Most of his jobs came from an online lead source but the real testimony of his work and customer satisfaction came after the first job was done and the customer contracted directly with him for more work.

With immediate family gathered around him, Travis slipped away into the arms of Jesus on December 23.  He will be missed – but is not missing from us. Our memories, his influence and gift of kindness will never leave us.  Travis will be just a paddle stroke away; guitar chord away; a hiking step away from hugging and holding us tight.  Absent from us now, but we stand in the firm persuasion that we will see him and rejoice with him again in heaven as God’s Minister of Kindness.

Lastly – I remember the joy on his face of new adventures and being free to step into the unknown. And, with each step I believe these are the words and chorus God showered on him which he felt and heard.  “You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace, the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you, there’ll be shouts of joy and all the trees of the fields will clap, will clap their hands. And all the trees of the fields will clap their hands, trees of the fields will clap their hands, trees of the fields will clap their hands, as you go out with joy!”        Isaiah 55:12 (song edit)

So – whenever you go out and see the mountains and hills singing, trees clapping and feel a rush of joy, know that our Travis James, God’s Minister of Kindness, is very, very near by.  – With great love, Mom, Dad and family

19 Responses to “Travis James Fry”

  • Cousin Michele says:

    Your infectious smile is engraved in my mind. Your laugh. Your kind heart. You will be so missed and never forgotten. I’ll see you in heaven cousin. I love you with my whole heart.

  • Uncle Rod says:

    You will never be forgotten and I look forward to my reunion with you when I am allowed to see you in heaven. I will think of you when I see our glorious sunrises and sunsets in the Montana skies. What a very special person you have been to everyone who has met you.

  • Jim & Ellen Walker says:

    What a beautiful story of Travis, a servant of God. Ellen and I are truly sorry for your loss and are praying for you and your family during this time of grief.

    Jim (and Ellen)

    Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him. According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage one another with these words.

    (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, NIV)

  • Uncle Dave says:

    Though are hearts are broken and sad about losing you here on earth we sing with gladness and joy that you are at peace with the Lord In heaven. Your family and friends love you and will always have you in our thoughts, prayers and in our hearts.

  • Aunt Linda says:

    Oh Travis, my heart longs to hug you one more time and see that beautiful smile of yours. I’ll always cherish the times I got to see you when I came to visit. You will live forever in my heart, rest well now my beautiful nephew because when I get to heaven and see you I want you to welcome me with your beautiful music, infectious smile and loving hug. I love you Trav.

    Your loving Aunt Linda

  • Linda Lee Lutes says:

    God created you in splendor. You were gifted with His talents and possessed Christ humbleness, kindness and love. When I think of you, I smile and know you holding your creator’s hand walking together in Heaven. As God said in Romans 14: 8-9, “If we live, we living for the Lord. And if we die, we are dying for the Lord. So living or dying, we belong to the Lord. That is why Christ died and rose from death to live again – so that he could be Lord over those who have died and those who live.”
    Love Auntie Linda Lee Lutes

  • Cousin Lisa says:

    I wish I had the right words to say but your passing has left me at a loss for words and utterly heartbroken. You were truly an angel on earth, such a beautiful authentic soul. I will cherish every single second that I got to spend with you over the years. We had such fun times and great memories. You mean so much to me cousin. You are missed and loved beyond measure.

  • Melanie Finch says:

    Dear Eric, Jen and family –

    Our hearts are breaking with yours. We are praying for God’s comfort to hold and carry you as only He can. While we never had the privilege of meeting Travis, I can tell from your description that he was a very kind and special man – and that he touched many lives. May the hope and peace of Christ be with you all.

    Sending our love – Mel, Adam and the Henninger Family

  • Larne Gabriel says:

    I read this with tears in my eyes, I never met Travis but know Eric and Jen well and can only imagine the joy he brought into their lives and the heartbreak his passing brings. But we can be assured that someday they will rejoice in Heaven with the one they loved at the feet of their Savior.

  • Rick and Renee Bowzer says:

    What an amazing tribute to a man so clearly loved and deeply missed. Your family will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers in the weeks and months ahead.

  • Trish and John says:

    Jen and Eric,

    What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful man. Travis’ legacy lives on eternally through the many people he touched during his lifetime. We are honored and thankful to be part of that circle.

    Sending our love, support, and prayers.

  • Scott and Sheri Philips says:

    Our dear Eric and Jen,

    Walking with you during this difficult time has been a pleasure, though not ever easy. We love you both, and even though we hadn’t met Travis, we know him well through our many conversations with you both.

    Our tears join with yours – sad tears for the loss, happy tears for the hope. Travis definitely had your DNA Eric. Dreaming, creating, exploring, reflecting. Just some of the traits I know he picked up from you.

    We continue to pray for you both, for Travis’ brothers, your family and for Travis. We believe with you that you will see him again, and we look forward to the day when we can meet him as well.

    Blessings to your entire family and especially to you previous friends.

    Much love,

    Scott and Sheri

  • Aunt Cindy says:

    The knowledge that Travis is with his Heavenly Father gives us all a quiet peace. His presence will not be forgotten. I was fortunate for one last smile in December after many, many years. I know I will have a chance to see many more!!

  • Lindsay Curry Dowling says:

    Brother and friend, you are missed. Glad we had the chance to reconnect in AZ – just wished it wasn’t the last time we’d have the time. L

  • Sami Estephan says:

    Just heard about Travis’s passing from a mutual friend yesterday…
    As well connected as people are supposed to be with social media & technology…the less connected it seems we really are.
    This breaks my heart, Travis was my friend & a very special & kind person indeed.Travis had such a big influence on us all growing up & in school. I’ll never forget him playing music in front of the whole school at Leota & Woodinville.
    Rip Brother

  • kyle sundet says:

    Travis, you were an amazing spirit and independent force of nature. Few people effected the path of my life more than you my friend. You taught me to play guitar in 7th grade, something I will do always, you expressed yourself as your authentic self before most kids even had a conception of what that meant, something I also try to do myself because of you. I love you old friend, I will always hold you in the highest regard and remember you as a man of great passion for everything you endeavored into

  • Rachel says:

    I will always love Travis and carry a piece of him and some spectacular memories with me. He cared so much for his family and friends and would do anything for them. He was a special guy and even though I haven’t seen him in a while- I feel this loss deeply. So much love to you guys.

  • Eric says:

    Oh my wonderful son Travis – I miss you so much. My eyes still have rainy days after nine months. We all have missing pieces of our hearts that can’t be filled, will never be filled. The authors say this kind of loss does not get better but it does get easier. I’m not so sure about that – your absence has change my world. I miss you every day – our lunches and work projects, your wonderful smile and heart of kindness. In my desperation I’ve written about your entry into heaven, meeting Peter, walking on water and falling into the arms of Jesus. I see you there, I know you are there and in time I’ll be there. I’m desperate to be there to see you again, hold your again, kiss your face again. I’ll be there. I’ll be there. Jason, Bryan and planted a memorial maker for you out on the shore of Big Eddy. I remember the four of us putting in there and kayaking down the Skykomish together. I remember…. We all flipped … what a day! You are in my heart, in my mind and in my thoughts every day. Please wait for me at the gate – I love you. I miss you my son – my wonderful kind loving son.

  • Chad Lbs says:

    I had the opportunity to make music with Travis and considered him a creative partner. I just heard of his passing today, and somehow felt his absence even before I heard of it. I loved him like a brother and always will and hope we’ll meet again someday. all my condolences to his immediate family who loves him so much.

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