Rebecca Guinn Marshall Tecorral

image of Rebecca Tecorral

Rebecca Tecorral

Rebecca Guinn Marshall Tecorral, age 52, passed away on January 11, 2021 in Kirkland, Washington after a sudden and hard-fought fight with cancer.

Rebecca and Antonio

She is survived by her adoring husband Antonio Tecorral; her loving sons  Nick Shrader (Kucera Bishop) and Tom Shrader,  her parents John and Linda Marshall and Mother-in-law, Paula Valeriano; devoted sister Nettie Knabb (Shawn), nephew Aidan Knabb and nieces Sophia and Ruby Knabb, who loved her dearly and were loved immensely; by her many aunts, uncles and cousins whom she loved and felt tremendously supported by, particularly in these past couple of months; and a large blended family who has loved her so well- Pearla Kelly (Patrick), Jorge Tecorral, Alexis Tecorral (Ana) and Kayla Tecorral (Juan) and (such adorable!) grandchildren (Angel, Ariana, Kingston, Faith, Jowel, Castiel, Anthony, and Birzayit) whom she loved more than there are words for.

Together, Rebecca and Antonio worked hard to create a very fulfilling and adventure-filled life. They made space in that life for everyone who needed love and family, and found happiness there. They reconnected with family members, repaired relationships, and shared many wonderful adventures.

Traveling to Mexico each year to visit with family had become one of her favorite times of the year. Everyone who knows them knows that they truly are better together. As you pray for Rebecca, please also remember Antonio as he continues along the path they have created.

Rebecca had so many friends and family who have loved and supported her throughout her last weeks, and many of you have asked how you can donate in her memory. We are not able to have a public memorial ceremony right now due to covid-related restrictions, but Antonio is planning a private memorial in her honor.

We created a GoFundMe account in her name. Anything you wish to donate will be used to help cover her extensive hospital expenses, hospice care fees and her last wishes. Any excess funds will be donated in her name to charities that were important to her. Her sister, Nettie Knabb will administer the account.

We thank you all for being such important parts of Rebecca’s life story- we laughed and loved with her until the end.

29 Responses to “Rebecca Guinn Marshall Tecorral”

  • kay hayes says:

    our thought and prayers are with your family

  • Jay and Terry Schmitt says:

    John and Linda,

    Hearing the news of your loss is heartbreaking! We pray that Becky is at peace now. We will certainly continue praying for strength and courage for her husband and sons as well as the both of you. We extend our deepest sympathy.

  • Kimberly Wingert Shrader says:

    I’m shocked and deeply saddened to hear of the loss of my dear friend Becky. A wonderful Mother and friend. I will miss talking with you and laughing about only things we as “ex sis in laws” know as truth. My hope and prayers are for you to be at peace with our Lord. I know you’ll always be there watching over those you’ve loved and will continue to love. Go with God in peace and rest easy that those who remain behind on Earth will be cared for always. Kim

  • Lynn Gallas Oko says:

    Saddened to hear of Becky’s passing. I have many fond memories of playing with her when we were young in Cincinnati, then of her visits to me in Louisville. It was very special to me to have reconnected with her as a childhood friend, particularly since I had moved so much. May her memory be a blessing to you all and wishing happy memories for you all.

  • Kayla tecorral says:

    Rebecca was everything I wanted for my dad, she was truly his soul mate. I loved their bond and how happy they were together.I always knew her love for my siblings, my nieces and nephew’s, and my son was genuine. Her compassion for us was everything to me. She was always planning for us to get together do things together, always was thinking of us. Now that I was getting older,I was starting to get a lot closer to her. I’m so grateful that the universe put her out here for us. We all learned a lot from her, and we all needed that love she gave us. We had so much more things to do, we were suppose to start a sewing project together, go to vacations together, many more holiday get together. I never thought the universe would decide to take you so soon from us.

  • Lisa (Garrison) Hoelle says:

    Break my heart to hear Becky has passed. She has been a wonderful friend to me for many years. Blessed to have many fun memories with her from back on the days.
    My thoughts & prayers are with you all. I’m sure she will be missed greatly. Hugs!

  • Linda Jackson says:

    I am so deeply sorry to hear of Rebecca’s passing,I pray for peace, comfort and strength as you and your family embark on this very sad and painful journey, My heartfelt prayers are with you all. Rebecca will be truly missed by everyone that had the great blessing of knowing and loving and being loved by her.
    GOD bless you and your family,
    Linda( Patrick’s mom)

  • Sandra Frederick says:

    I am so sad to hear of Rebecca’s passing. She was a dear friend to me and we had so much fun talking about sewing. I loved seeing the beautiful quilts she made. Take care of yourself and your family. I know you miss her terribly and so do I. My prayers are with you and your family.

  • Gay Shrader says:

    A lifetime ago, Rebecca and I were sisters-in-law or “out-laws” as we jokingly referred to ourselves. We had many common interests especially having our babies. She was always so kind and loving to all three of my daughters and was Kelsey’s godmother. I was so pleased to learn she had found love again and such happiness in a new family. Our sympathies for a life taken too soon…I will forever miss her crazy laugh.

  • Susa Rye says:

    I am so sadden to hear of Rebecca’s passing. I will remember her bright smile, infectious laughter, and kind spirit. Rest in peace Rebecca

  • Paul Stewart says:

    It is with very deep and heartfelt sadness that I learn of Rebecca’s passing. She will always be one of the highlights and memories of working at SanMar. She always had a smile and easy laugh for me when I stopped by her office.
    My deepest sympathies, thoughts and prayers for her entire family.
    God Bless Rebecca, I’ll miss you
    Paul Stewart

  • Leanne Matteson says:

    How I will miss you, my friend. You are now a beautiful butterfly flying free and watching over your loved ones.

  • Rob Crowley says:

    Antonio and Family,

    I am so, so sorry to hear this news. Rebecca was the first person I met at SanMar 10 years ago when she worked reception at Preston. She greeted me with a warm smile and ushered me off to my first interview. She remembered me when I came back for my second interview and we chatted a little about the company and her time there. Years later after we’d moved to Eastpointe we worked together on the 4th floor and would chat randomly when we passed each other or saw each other in the kitchen. She always had a smile to share, just as you do Antonio, and I will miss her laugh.

  • Denise Dykes says:

    How I will miss you my friend. I enjoyed our time sewing, quilting and laughing about silly things. I was blessed to have you as a friend for 18+ years. Whenever I see a honey bee I will think of you. One day I will see you again.
    Many prayers for her entire family.
    God Bless!

  • Dawn Landry says:

    My heart goes out to you and your family(all of them). My favorite memory of you both is always having lunch together, it always warmed my heart.

    I remember Rebecca when I first started at SanMar as the front receptionist, and then I was blessed to work with her and team in planning.. she was always smiling.

    God bless you!!

  • Tessie Lobo says:


    I am so sorry to hear the passing of Rebecca. I remember her when I first started at SanMar she was the receptionist and was always smiling and very helpful.

    It was always nice to you two having your breaks and lunches together. I remember you teaching her Spanish during your breaks and lunches, which was so sweet.

    May you rest in peace Rebecca as you’re in a better place.

    You will be missed.

  • Lois Kanaby says:

    I remember her always laughing and smiling… She was always a joy…

  • Sharon Rembulat says:

    Dear Antonio,

    I am truly sorry to hear the loss of your beloved wife. Please accept my condolences and may our prayers comfort you and your loved ones.

  • Kiley Hill says:


    I am so sad to hear of Rebecca’s passing. You are both such a presence at SanMar! I will miss hearing her voice and her laugh every day. I used to steal her chair when suppliers would visit. She was such a sweet person. I am praying for your families.

  • Haydee Bale says:

    Hola Antonio,
    No se si me recuerdes pero trabajo en SanMar y a veces nos saludamos en la cafeteria.
    Me a pena mucho escuchar el fallecimiento de tu esposa. Espero pronto tu y toda su familia encuentren consuelo y paz.

  • Sally Reese says:

    I am so sorry to hear about Rebecca. I worked at SanMar with her for many years, as well as Antonio. They used to sit at the table next to mine in the cafe. Such a sweet couple! I am glad they had a great relationship. The last time I saw them was at a Seahawks pre-season game. Rest in peace, free of pain. You will be remembered for a long time by many.

  • Kerri Davis says:

    I am so sorry to hear about this. I worked with Rebecca too for many years. Parking in the garage in Issaquah side by side, I always enjoyed seeing the two of you come into work each day. I looked forward to saying good morning. May you rest in Peace Rebecca. You are dearly loved.

  • Chris Bakholdin says:

    Oh Antonio, I’m so very sorry to hear about Rebecca. It’s so sad to hear about her passing. Rarely was she seen unhappy and your relationship with her was admirable (spending time eating breakfast and lunch each day in the cafe.)
    I have fond memories spending a lot of time sharing our mutual craft interests many, many years ago. May peace find you with special memories over time. Always remember the good times.

  • Vicki Ostrom says:

    My heart is going out to Antonio – I am so sorry for your loss of the beautiful and kind Rebecca. Seeing you both eating breakfast or lunch together in the cafe always filled me with happiness! Rebecca was so creative and I enjoyed talking to her about the projects she was working on from time to time. She was always generous in sharing a pattern or a tip about how to work with a fabric. Mostly, I absolutely loved seeing her lovely smile – she always had a smile for anyone who she passed in the hall or in the cafe. I will miss her and I’m so glad to have gotten to know her even for a little while. Antonio – you are in a whole company of people who love you share your grief. I send you a hug.

  • Nyinge Drolma says:

    I will miss you my Dharma Sister and pray for your swift and fortunate rebirth. OM MANI PADME HUNG. OM MANI PADME HUNG. OM MANI PADME HUNG.

  • Chris Barton says:

    Antonio and Family, i am so sorry to hear the news of Rebecca’s passing, the pain and loss you and your family are feeling. I will always remember fondly the happiness and joy the two of you had for each other, something that always brightened my day when i would see you in the cafe. You are in my thoughts and prayers, and your not alone, stay strong.

  • Robin George says:

    My heart breaks for Antonio and the family. Rebecca brought such instant joy and a “bright smile” to everyone she encountered. I’m so sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you and your family. Rebecca will be missed.

  • Susan Hass says:

    Prayers of peace and comfort for all of Rebecca’s loved ones. I talked with Rebecca a couple of times, when she, Antonio, and Jim were kindly helping my parents Carol and Mike. Rebecca was smiling, accepting, friendly, down-to-earth (grounded), and easygoing. She was obviously so fond of her spouse Antonio. It was nice to meet and talk with Rebecca. It is wonderful to read all of these messages that people wrote, and through them, to learn more about her: her sense of humor, interest in quilting (and other sewing projects perhaps), cheeriness and ongoing relationships at work, ritual of cafe meals with her spouse Antonio, and dedication to her parents and children. I’m sad that Rebecca suffered from illness, and also, I’m glad that there is this celebration of her life…which helps with carrying on in her bright and lighted-up ways.

  • Carol Hass says:

    Rebecca made the world a better place just by being her kind, caring, gentle self. She seemed to tread lightly on this earth.
    Our family witnessed Antonio’s and Rebecca’s deep love for one another. They seemed so gentle and patient with each other and extended that grace beyond themselves into the lives of others. My prayer is that fond memories of Rebecca will be like a balm poured forth, somehow soothing the pain of her loss and inspiring grace-filled lives.

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