Brad D. Thompson

Brad D. Thompson, 64, of Woodinville, WA died unexpectedly on September 3rd, 2020 in Kirkland, WA.

Brad is survived by his wife Theresa B Thompson (Freeman) and two children Tashi & Travis.  His brothers – Mike, Jerry and Phillip Thompson, Aunts Patty Nodsle and Cheryle Rose and numerous Cousins.

He grew up in Minnesota and Nebraska.  He moved to Oregon as a young man.

He worked his own paper route in Oregon for a few years before going back to school and training as a programmer.  His first programing job with Covax in Oregon, his next was for Microsoft in Redmond, WA as a tester.  During his time at Microsoft he had various jobs winding up as a Software Design Engineer II.  He celebrated his 25 year at Microsoft before moving on the HCL.  3 years ago Brad started work at Edmonds College in their IT department as a Database Programmer.

He met his wife Theresa in 1990 in a medieval dance class (SCA), married her in 1994.  They just celebrated 26 years of marriage this year.  He got to see both his daughter Tashi start college and son Travis graduate High School.

Brad enjoyed biking (he did the Lance Armstrong and the Seattle to Portland Bike races a few times), enjoyed the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism).  He enjoyed playing games, both board games, computer games and D&D with friends and family.  The family’s favorite vacations were at the beach in Oregon and to visit family.  More recently, Brad has spent time learning about real estate with a good group of people in the area.  He and his wife had their own business with a few rental properties.

There will be a memorial/celebration of his life June of 2021.

He will be missed.

Update – Memorial will be June 2022 – due to Covid 19.

13 Responses to “Brad D. Thompson”

  • Kip & Lora Brown says:

    To the Thompson Family, Theresa, Tashi & Travis,

    Our most heart felt thoughts and prayers are with you all! Brad was a truly special man that always was willing to share and encourage those he spent time with. I know he loved his family with all his heart, and that we all will miss him in our lives. Know we are here to lift you when you need it, bring hugs and laughter to lighten the sadness, and remembrance to always help keep Brad’s light shining for others.

    The Brown Family

  • Matt says:

    I worked with Brad for almost 2 years. He made daunting tasks enjoyable. When there was a suggestion or a critique he always tempered it with humor and his infectious laugh. Im sure I can speak for others on the different teams he was apart of when I say he will be truly missed. My thoughts and prayers are toward the family.

  • Doug Metzler says:

    Brad and I (and Kevin and Eric) were housemates in Eugene about 1986, which was the height of Brad’s paper route days. I definitely remember helping him swap the engine in his little Honda so he could keep delivering those papers.

    Now that I think of it Brad actually was instrumental in getting me a job at Microsoft – he got the testing position and I sent my resume up to him to give to someone. Then I spent 15 years at Microsoft.

    After that he and I almost went in together on a project for a glass manufacturing company doing some sort of software. I can’t even remember the details.

    Brad was a Nerds’ nerd. He was running BBS’s out of that house “Hacker Central” back before there was anything even vaguely close to an internet. I can’t remember how many phone lines we had into the house – 8?

    Rest in Peace my friend.

  • Eric Gustafson says:

    I met Brad via a computer hobbyist group when I was still in high school, and he quickly became a mentor and role model. He convinced his employers at Covox that they should hire an inexperienced teenager to do odd jobs around the office, and my entire career can be traced back to that gesture.

    We went in different directions when we left Eugene – he went north to Seattle and I moved to Southern California – so opportunities to see each other in person quickly dried up, but he kept in touch now and again via email and always seemed to be doing meaningful things in a place and with people he loved.

    I wouldn’t be half the person I am today without Brad, and I’m crushed to hear of his passing.

  • Patrick Magee says:

    Brad interviewed me for my first job at Microsoft in 1992 and after working together on Access 2.0 and Access 95, we have been friends ever since. We enjoyed many boating trips together with his family and amazing card game nights through the years. Brad was an important part of my life and my family’s, and he will be missed greatly. Brad had a strong personality and an amazing laugh which we were fortunate enough to hear often.

  • Jeff Grove says:

    I worked with Brad in our early days at Microsoft on Jet/Access 1.0 and our paths crossed again in MSN. He was a great teammate with a huge, kind heart and a generous spirit. We will miss him but the world is a better place for his having been here with us.

  • Mike & Tammi Simpson says:

    Words cannot express how truly sorry we are for the loss of Brad. We met Brad & Theresa several years ago while helping them with their real estate adventures, and shortly thereafter the Thompson family became much more than clients; they became dear friends to us. We will always cherish the good times and great meals we shared together. Brad was such a special person and had an amazing laugh that we will never forget. Brad will always hold a special place in our hearts and he will truly be missed.

  • Scott O'Shaughnessy says:

    You were a good man, always with a snails even when you were hurting. Dad jokes abound, your joy and insight will be missed. Fair winds my friend, fair winds.

  • Ken Morneau says:

    Although I didn’t know Brad for very long, I found him to be kind and caring person. Being new to the real estate group myself at the time he took the time to say hello and made me feel welcome to be part of the group.
    He will be missed, but his spirit will live on in each and everyone of us that knew him.
    -Ken & Lesley-

  • Eric "Cygnus" Swanson says:

    Brad (in my mind always “Darth Trader”) and I were among the denizens of a house we called “Hacker Central” in Eugene, back in the second half of the eighties. We were a brilliant, squalid, ambitious, iconoclastic bunch. As the “old man” of the group, Darth was often the voice of reason — or at least the voice of experience, thoughtfully advising us on how to avoid consequences for our adventures, and to adapt to survive our habits of burning the candle at three or more ends.

    While I haven’t been in frequent touch with Darth in recent years, he is always with me. Those years were formative and he was a big part of that. I learned a lot from him, and many of those lessons are linked to fond memories. He was a top-flight mentor and friend, and I’ll miss him dearly.

    Alongside condolences, I offer congratulations to his family for so many years of close contact with Brad’s empathy and wit and creativity. I wish you all strength in this time.

  • Diane Dalton says:

    I worked with directly with Brad at Edmonds College. It was a pleasure working with him, his background and skills were a much appreciated part of the team. He was always eager to help out wherever he could–whether it was a work project or decorating the office for holidays. Many lunchtimes we spent in our “JAD” room talking and laughing. He always had stories to share. His love and pride in his family was always paramount. I will miss him professionally and personally.

  • Theresa Thompson says:

    Update – Memorial will be June 2022 – due to Covid 19.

  • Theresa B Thompson says:

    Memorial will be on Saturday, June 18th 2022.
    Email for more information.

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