Robert “Bob” Moore

image of Robert Moore

Robert Moore

Bob was born to Roy and Pat Moore on February 23, 1954 in Burlington, Iowa and lost his battle to COVID-19 on May 1, 2020 in Puyallup, Washington.  Bob grew up in Iowa and at the age of 18 joined the 82nd Airborne division of the Army.  After serving his term, Bob was honorably discharged as a sergeant.  During his time in the Army, Bob gained a passion around martial arts where he learned Jeet Kune Do from some of Bruce Lee’s original students.

After the Army Bob returned to Iowa where he met his future wife Jill, and they moved to Seattle on a whim.

While in Seattle, Bob earned a bachelor’s degree and an MBA while beginning to start a family where their only son Robert “Robby” Moore was born. Bob continued to share his passion of martial arts by establishing his own school which started in his garage and eventually moved into a dedicated space.  Bob was considered one of the top Jeet Kune Do instructors in the Pacific Northwest where people would travel across the area to train with him and even international students, police forces and football players would seek out his instruction.

Bob taught not only martial arts but also numerous team sports for his son Robby and instilled a tough mentality to never give up, and to keep a positive outlook on life. Outside of martial arts, Bob enjoyed skiing, hiking and spending time with his family.

He is survived by his son Robby (Carmen), grandson Max, brothers Tom (Deb) and Mike. Bob believed in celebrating life, not mourning it, so raise a glass in his memory.

9 Responses to “Robert “Bob” Moore”

  • Jonathan Moore says:

    I know my dad and he were real close all the way to the end. Helluva guy. Rest in power.

  • Thomas Moore says:

    I’m sorry how life ended for you. I choose to remember our time of childhood and young adult life. The times of camping, hiking and togetherness. Your nights of listening to 70’s groups while trying to go to sleep. The fact of when I was a freshman in high school no one would mess with me because you had my back.
    My memories of the past will always remain with me.

  • Mark Rambow says:

    They say cousins are your first friends. You and your brothers share some of my earliest childhood memories.I will never forget your smile or your laughter. God speed Bobby, until we meet on the other side!

  • Ron Rambow says:

    I have very fond memories of Bobby from when I was growing up. Bobby was the first babysitter my brother and I had. He would let us stay up late and watch tv. I wish we had not lived so far away from each other. You were the cousin I never got to know in my adult life. I have always wondered how you were and hoped that you were happy. I miss you even more now that I know you are with God. You will be greatly missed and I pray for your family and that they are comforted in knowing you are with the lord in heaven. I will see you again.

  • Ron Rambow says:

    I baby sat all three and fondly remember all the ruff housing we did. Maybe a few broken items as well. I was very proud of Bob and Mike when they joined the Army and became Paratroopers. When Bob left for Seattle I knew that city or any city better be ready for a tornado. I wish we would have stayed in touch. If the family would like to contact me I can be reached at Paratroopers never die they just go to heaven to regroup.

    Airborne all the way

    Uncle Ron

  • Devin Spera says:

    Bob was my instructor for many years. I remember seeing his car license plate that said “JKD/Kali” and I had to stop him. We pulled over on the freeway and I asked if he knew Jeet Kune Do. Little did I know…
    What followed was years of meetings in his garage, then at BCC then at his own gym. Through my time with him my journey through the martial arts helped make me who I am. From traveling to Thailand to train May Thai to becoming a physician Bob was witness to it all.
    I lost touch with Bob as I went off to school, I regret not letting him know just how much I appreciated him. To his son, Robby, I am sorry for your loss. Your father was always, always so very proud of you. He would always speak of you and it would put the biggest smile on his face.
    Bob, thank you for your lessons, your mentorship, and your guidance. You’re impact on me was significant and positive. Rest In Peace.

  • Michael Breton says:

    I spent years of lunchtimes in Bob’s garage. Usually on my back with him on top of me trying to get away from something painful.
    He never held back in sharing what he knew with me. Because of Bob I had a dream come true and learned JKD and Kali.(Martial Arts) And ate lots of smoking hot Panjang Curry together.
    I’m sorry we lost touch and I’m so sad to hear this.
    Robby, your dad was an amazing guy that touched lots of lives. He made mine better and I’m glad to have known your family.

  • Troy Lee Smith says:

    Last night I came upon this funeral notice while looking up Bob’s name on the internet. It was quite a shock, and I’m saddened. Bob was my JKD Instructor’s Instructor. And James Markopoulos and I would drive to Bob’s New Castle (E. Seattle) area home all the way from Tacoma, every week for several years. We practiced JKD in his garage. We always started with sweeping the garage floor, warming up, and then drills and some sparing. I have such fond memories and I feel very, very fortunate to have known Bob and to have received instruction from him. Troy L Smith (previously Webb), Tacoma, WA.

  • James Markopoulos says:

    I was very sorry to hear that Bob Moore had passed away. I met Bob in 1979 and spent the better part of ten years working out with him. Bob was was always a kind and generous teacher with high spirits and an open mind. Rest in peace Bob!
    Jimmy Markopoulos

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