Sameareh Freij


image of Sameareh Freij

Sameareh Freij

Our beloved, Sameareh Freij, was born in Nablus, Palestine in 1933. She rested peacefully on January 2nd 2019 at the Swedish Hospital in Edmonds, Washington (WA) as her loved ones gathered around her to say their last goodbyes.

Her funeral service will take place on January 14th 2019 at St. Katherine Orthodox Church in Kirkland, WA preceding her burial service at the Woodinville Cemetery in Woodinville, WA where she will rest amongst the fruits of the earth and will lay peacefully.

Sameareh’s spirit and essence is still alive among us and runs through her four living children; her two sons, Issa and Adel Freij and her two daughters, Suzanne Farraj and Hiam Malik. The love for her is ever-growing and vast as God blessed her with 11 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren, all of whom filled her heart with joy as she joined in the celebrations of their birth and growth. She was also blessed with four siblings: her three brothers, the late Salim Shami, the late Sami Shami and George Shami, and her sister, Nadia Sem’an. image of ameareh and Pascal-Freij

In 1948, and after the occupation of Palestine, Sameareh and her family moved to Beirut, Lebanon. In Beirut, Sameareh met Pascal Freij whom she married in 1952. They lived most of their lives in Beirut and worked hard to raise their children and build a family based on dedication, hard work, education and the Christian faith. They were mentors, teachers and parents and their dedication to their children is reflected in the achievements that all four of them have acquired throughout their years. In 1985, Pascal departed this world where he remains peacefully resting at St Mary’s Orthodox Church of Dormition in Beirut, Lebanon.

After the beloved father, Pascal, departed, Sameareh moved for the second time around with her sons Issa and Adel to Amman, Jordan. Her daughter, Suzanne Farraj, married and immigrated to the U.S.A and her daughter, Hiam Malik, married and moved to the U.K. Her life there amongst family and friends in Jordan was one of the most memorable periods of her life where she enjoyed her surroundings very much. Finally, in 1989 she moved to the United States and was reunited with her daughter Suzanne. Her love of life and openness to culture made it very easy for her to adapt where she quickly adjusted to life and was able to go about her daily activities independently, a characteristic in her that will always be admired. She loved to explore and was never afraid to venture on her own no matter how alien and unfamiliar the territory was. Her family and friends were always proud of her ability to allow herself to be happy despite many of her relatives being so far away. She was an intelligent, outgoing and independent woman who loved life and people. Sameareh was very capable of tackling obstacles and managing all the downfalls in life.

She raised all her four children with a strong, independent upbringing, pushing them towards their education, and sacrificing a chunk of her time for them. She always put her children and her family first and her faith was also of upmost importance to her. After three immigrations, she lived very peacefully in her own apartment in Kirkland, WA for the last 19 years of her life. Family and friends called her all the time and despite her limited mobility and age, she was still busy with her daily routines which included watching TV as well as outdoor trips such as going to the mall. Her mobility and ability to perform such activities decreased at the start of 2017 when her dementia kicked in and in early 2018, she was diagnosed with congestive heart failure as well as kidney failure. However, she was still an optimistic woman, determined to continue with life, performing her daily activities as best as she could. She never gave up hope and viewed life enthusiastically, living each day to the fullest. She was an inspiration to us all, full of faith, courage, and hope.

She will be dearly missed by all of us – her children: Suzanne, Hiam, Issa and Adel, her grandchildren: Karim, Nadim, Hania, Dania, Omar, Christina, Dana, Mary Ann, Pascal, Reda and Hani and her great grandchildren (who called her teita): Elias, Rafael, Noah, Isaac S., Isaac F., Adam, Josef and Johnathan. She will be missed by all her other relatives; sister, brother and in-laws. She will be always remembered as a woman of courage, faith, love, and inspiration. She was a mother to all, not only to her children and she will always be present among us, on this day and for many days and years to come.

She has now returned to paradise, where she looks upon us, smiling, alongside her beloved husband, Pascal Freij.

42 Responses to “Sameareh Freij”

  • Suzanne Farraj says:

    Mother — you were an inspiration for me throughout my life. My loss and sorrow cannot be measured. You are surely missed. Rest in peace. I know you are in a better place next to my beloved father, beloved grandmothers, beloved grandfathers, and beloved uncles. May God rest your soul.

  • Jiryes Shami says:

    May she rest in peace & her memories be eternal. We going to miss her greatly. Jiryes Shami & family

  • Widad Salim Shami-Karaket says:

    May her soul rest in peace with our heavenly father and her memory be eternal. she was a very special woman with a big heart, very genuine and generous person. She will be missed, sending her love and prayers.

  • Widad Salim Shami-Karaket says:

    May her soul rest in peace with our heavenly father and her memory be eternal. She was a very special lady, generous
    genuine and self-discipline.”we will miss you, sending you love and prayers. “

  • Aida Bechara says:

    Amto never lost the capacity to smile nor to inspire others with her warmth and kindness. I admired and respected her grately as she was a gifted and talented woman. She will always be missed and remembered. May God bless her soul. Amen.

  • Rima Garkow (Shami) says:

    May she Rest In Peace.
    I love you so much Aunt Sameareh. You were always so loving and fun and just had such a joy for life. You were adventurous and so positive. You always had great stories and a smile on your face. You will be greatly missed on this earth but I know you are now in a much better place rejoicing with Jesus and reunited with your brothers. Until we meet again. ❤️

  • Afaf Shami says:

    It was such sad news to hear of her passing. She was very dear to me. May she Rest In Peace and her memories be eternal.

  • Kari Lowell says:

    Sameareh – I met you in Feb. 2018 and I had the honor of getting to know you, as your caregiver, for what would become your last year on this earth. What a blessing it was to not only work with you, but to also call you a friend. I will never forget our time spent together going on walks, our trips to Costco, QFC and McDonald’s and our visits with the other residents who lived in your building. We would sit and watch tv or you would tell me all about your years growing up, your struggles and the loss of your husband, whom you missed dearly. You became like family to me, someone I looked forward to spending my days with and someone I admired. It hurts my heart to know that you are no longer with us, but I’m so thankful that you are no longer in pain. Rest In Peace.

  • Samia (Shami) Andraos says:

    My sweet amtee Samira!! I write this with tears in my eyes, It’s hard to believe you’re not here, I will miss you always, and enjoyed every second we spend together. You’re such a special, loving aunt so full of life, joy and laughter, I loved you’re laugh you always brought a smile to my face. We have so many happy memories growing up visiting you, you were always caring, attentive, unselfish and genuine.. I feel so grateful I got to see you a few times in Seattle, not often enough! You have a bigger than life personality, I loved listening to you and all you’re beautiful stories, I love you’re deep love and devotion to you’re whole family, and I’ll always remember how you have so many pictures of all the family displayed on you’re table so they can feel close to you’re heart. You will be sorely missed!!!! May God Rest you’re soul!!!!
    Love you always!! I will always have the amazing memories in my heart. .

  • Nayla Shami says:

    May your Soul Rest In Peace amtee.
    I going to miss you very much, you always put a-smile on my face each time we spoke over the phone. You are an amazing woman, who gave such great energy, positivity and your heart that is filled with so much love and warmth.
    Your kindness and that catchy smile
    Impacted all of us. I will always have nice memories of you and remembering your sweet soul amtee.

  • Mary Shami says:

    May God bless her soul . The thought of my aunt bring wonderful memories of how she would light up the place around her with her laughter and love. Her memories will always be fresh in our hearts. May God be with her always. Amen.

  • Mary Shami says:

    May she Rest In Peace

    The thought of my aunt Samearah bring wonderful memories of how she would light up the place around her with her laughter and love. Her memories will always be fresh in our hearts. May God be with her always. Amen.

  • Najwa watson says:

    I have such treasured memories visiting Aunt Sameareh as a child. She was a loving, generous and genuine person, and always had a way of making us feel welcomed with her beautiful smile! I admired how gifted she was at knitting and the beautiful sweaters she made. As an adult, I appreciated her even more. She was an amazing example of sacrifice, strength, and courage, and taught me a lot by her example of how she lived her life. I am so blessed and privileged to have had her in my life, and will miss her so much. What a blessing she was to all of us!

  • Hazem Haddad says:

    Brother Issa,
    Dearest Heyam, Suzanne and Adel

    May her soul rest in peace and her memory be eternal. She will leave a big space and a wide place but she will have a much better one for she was so special with a loving and precious heart.

    We feel sorry for her loss and She will always be missed..

  • Pascal Freij says:

    I have many memories of us as a child. I remember how tightly you used to hold my hand when we went out just so that you won’t lose me. I also remember how sad I was when you told me you were moving to the US at the time. I loved you and you loved all of us unconditionally. You would sacrifice your enjoyment, your needs, and your wants to provide us with anything to make us happy. We are strong because of you, because of your support. I love you grandma, you will not be forgotten and may you rest in peace.

  • Gloria and Michel Chahine says:

    May her soul rest in peace
    We express our deep condolences for you lost valuable mother (late Sameareh).
    Wishing all of you a sustainable health
    Christ is risen

  • Gloria and Michel Chahine says:

    May her soul rest in peace
    We express our deep condolences for the loss of your valuable mother (Late Sameareh).
    Wishing all of you sustainable heath.
    Christ is risen

  • Nasri and Suzane Elia says:

    May her soul rest in peace and her memory be eternal. We express our deep condolences to you and your family. God bless and stay strong!

  • Ghassan & Rana Haddad says:

    Brother Issa
    Dearest Adel, Suzanne and Heyam
    we are so sorry about your valuable mother’s death. She was a lovely woman who touched so many lives with her joy and generosity. We want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Please accept our condolences and our hopes for your healing and renewal. We are so sorry we could not convey our condolences in person.
    God bless you all.

  • Ghassan & Rana Haddad says:

    We are so sorry about your valuable mother’s death. She was a lovely woman who touched so many lives with her joy and generosity. We want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Please accept our condolences and our hopes for your healing and renewal. We are so sorry we could not convey our condolences in person.
    God bless you all.

  • Haniya Malik says:

    My Dearest Teita,

    May God embrace you and keep you in heaven with all the angels. I miss you soo much and with a heavy heart I write this. You were the most amazing grandmother and mother. Your love was so deep and even though we were far away your daily calls where you would tell us you love us and you miss us would make our day growing up. There was not a birthday you missed to send a card till last year when you became unable to. Your wisdom and life stories helped mould every one you touched. I remember all the times we spent together these I will treasure as you always made me laugh with your anecdotes. I will always tell my boys about my strong independent graceful grandmother. May your soul rest in peace with all our dearly departed family. I know you are always with us. Love you Teita

  • Rimi Afroze says:

    May her soul rest in peace. May the almighty give stregth to the loved ones to bear this loss and carry her legacy forward.

  • Saleem Haddad says:

    My deepest condolences, May her soul rest in peace. God bless you all.

  • Saleem Haddad says:

    My deepest condolences, May her soul rest in peace. God bless you all.

  • Milad Haddad & Family says:

    May her soul rest in peace and her memory be eternal. We are very sorry for your loss and wish you all a sustainable life. God bless you all.

  • Milad Haddad & Family says:

    May her soul rest in peace and her memory be eternal. We are terribly sorry for your loss and wish you all a sustainable life. God bless.

  • said haddad says:

    Dear Issa , friends and beloved family :
    i send you my deepest and truest condolences.
    may she rest in peace and may she always be remembered in your presence and our prayers.

  • Milad&wejdan says:

    May her soul rest in peace and her memory be eternal. We are terribly sorry for your loss and wish you all a sustainable life. God bless.

  • Reda Freij says:

    My Dearest Teita,
    I can’t find the right words to express my hurt. I didn’t have the chance to spend much time with you as an adult but I was so lucky to have you by my side as an infant and as a child. You pampered me, cuddled me, and fed me. You nourished my soul with love and forgiveness. You taught me the importance of sharing with my brothers. I only have great memories of you and may your soul Rest In Peace. You will remain in my heart forever.

  • Hani Freij says:

    My beloved Teita,
    It is very painful to see you go, I opened my eyes and you were by my side. You nourished me and made sure I’m safe. You watched me grow and looked after me while my mom was at work. I will always remember you as the ideal grandma ! May your soul Rest In Peace.
    Keeping you in my prayers,
    Your grandson
    Hani Freij

  • Samar almasri says:

    Dearest Issa,Firial ,Christina ,Dana,Mary Ann and all Freij family my deepest condolences on the demise of your dear mother sameera May she Rest in eternal peace and her memory be forever

  • Lena Jammal says:

    My beloved Sousou,
    Your departure broke our hearts as it did at in previous times but now it’s for real. As always, your memory will never fade away. It will glow reminding us of how kind and loving you are.
    You and I enjoyed a mother -daughter relationship that I will always cherish and use as a role model for others to learn from. You treated me as one of your own and that only reflects the purity of your soul, your wisdom, and peaceful nature. You were known as the ‘giver’ extending your support, love and care to facilitate the family’s growth. I will always respect you as a lady, a mother, a grandmother, and a fabulous mother-in-law. May your soul Rest In Peace.
    With great sorrow,
    Lena Jammal

  • Ola Oweis says:

    May her soul rest in peace.

    My deepest condolences to Issa, Suzanne, Heyam and Adel.
    May God blessings bring you comfort and may our prayers ease the pain of your loss..

  • Ghada shami says:

    Habibte 3amte alla yer7amik. I will never forget your smile and your face.

  • Daniya Malik says:

    My Dearest Teita,

    My heart breaks having to write this and I have a feeling of heaviness in my heart, but I know you have gone to a better place. May the doors of heaven open up for you and your soul rest in peace forever until we meet again.

    Although we did not see each other everyday, you would always call mama and ask about us. Not only were you a loving and caring grandmother but also an amazing mother to my mum. You would always tell me “I love you” and you never missed writing me a birthday card. I kept all of them in my bedroom and you were the only grandparent we had and always gave us unconditional love. Your cooking was the best, my favourite being your koubba and warra which mama never made as good as you. (Sorry mum) I always looked forward to your visits to see us and when we were together it was as if we had never been apart.

    My recent visits in my adult life were you met my son are memories I will keep in my heart forever. You were nothing but loving, warm, kind and welcoming to my family. I love you teita and you taught my mum how to be an amazing mum, strong, independent, sacrifice for your family and loving and I can only hope I will be as good as a mother and grandmother as you were. Gone but your soul will live forever and will always be a part of me.

    Love you always


  • Christina Fraij says:


    This day was bound to come but no matter how prepared a person can be, the loss of a beloved grandmother will always be heavy on our hearts. It is difficult to come to terms with such sadness, especially since I came to the states excited to finally spend time with you, which I did – for a brief couple of months. You were always a special person in our lives and I could spend ages typing up all the wonderful things you have done for all your grandchildren but instead I want to thank you for being an inspiration – a person who knew the very definition of what life and happiness was all about. A person who through hard times was able to find that ray of sunshine in a place so dark, who treated others with respect and kindness and who knew the pure value of what life is all about – family, friends and the importance of the present. You lived a wonderful life teita, it was always so inspiring how you managed all these years on your own. Despite the hardships these past couple of months, you still managed to sing for me every now and then, which I totally loved! Oh, how much you loved company! People laughing, smiling, dancing, singing and eating around you. You will always be missed over here on earth but I’m sure you’re somewhere out there smiling at all of us, having a wonderful time, peacefully at rest, waiting for the day that you could sing for us again.

    Your grandchild – who loves you very much,


  • Anwar Haddad family says:

    Dears Issa, Adel, Suzanne, and Hiam
    It was very sad news to know of her passing away for my parents and family. Please accept our deepest condolences for the mother we know how much you loved her and the very special bond you have with her. She is in better place now…and you will never know when God is ready to call someone home. May the Lord bless her soul. We admired and respected her greatly and will always remember her. May God give you and your families the strength and patient and be with you in this difficult time and keep you in full faith.
    God gives, God takes away. May the name of the Lord be glorified.

  • Diala Haddad says:

    To uncle Issa, Christina, Dana, Mary and all family.
    May her soul rest in peace and may our prayers ease your pain and give you strength.

    Our deepest condolences to all of you.

    Diala and Rami

  • Dana Freij says:

    May your soul rest in peace teita. I will miss you so much but I know you are in a better place now. Thank you for everything you’ve done. I’ve heard many stories about you that makes you an inspiration to me. You’ve always been strong and independent and that is something I’ll always remember and admire about you. Thank you for being an amazing mother to my dad and thank you for being such a caring and loving grandmother to me. I will always cherish the last few years where I’ve gotten to know you better and gotten to be around you more. I’m very thankful for that. I love you so much teita.

  • Omar Malik says:

    My Dearest Teita,

    I am writing this with a sad heart. InshAllah you are in a better place now.
    I will always cherish your visits to London to come and visit us. You would bring me sweets and toys and I will never forget this. I remember when you used to call the phone ans you would always speak to me and ask how I was.
    I will never let your memory fade and I will remind my children of you and how to be a role model like you.

    Love you always Teita x

  • Omar Malik says:

    My Dearest Teita,

    I write this with a heavy heart. Insh’Allah you are in a much better and happier place. I will always cherish you and hold you close in my heart. I remember your visits to London when you would buy me sweets and toys, also when you would the house phone and I would answer you would always take time to ask me how I was and how my day had gone.

    I will always remember you and not let your legacy be forgotten.

    Love you always

    Omar x

  • Issam and Ruba Dababneh says:

    Dearest Issa,Firyal,Christina,Dana and Mary-Ann
    Our dearest condolences for your loss…
    May her soul rest in peace with our Heavenly Father and her memory be eternal ..God bless you all.

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