Lidia Maria Ly
An Everlasting Love
Born in August 3, 1946 in Leon, a city in Nicaragua famous for its continuous revolution, first daughter of Raul Saenz and Concepcion Mendoza, peacefully passed away at 3:13AM, February 6, 2018 at the Evergreen Hospice Center of Kirkland, Washington.
Lidia, mother of Geraldine, Doris, Isayana, and Jose, and a grand-mother of Kimberly, Heather, Alexa, and Amelia; the gifted wife of Vietnamese born Peter, and a beloved daughter of the Almighty God of the Universe.
Lidia had displayed the illustration of a kind of semblance of the Sacred Heart of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. As we’ve all known anywhere we live is just a trial of destiny, and the merciful Lord always give us the change to conduct ourselves with a choice to his wisdom. Lidia had committed to his will and passed the trial. Alongside with Peter in abundance, happiness, joy, wondering, struggling and anything, she’d always kept the courage, the strength, the patience, the love and the wisdom of God; such an example to all of us, a good faith. The love she possessed is unique with the replica of her husband surpassed the virtue of every good mind.
Father Chad Green of the Holy Family Catholic Church anointed Lidia twice. Since she had been cleansed, free of sin, the kingdom of God was waiting for her to the last minute; she looked up and said in her mother tongue “La Virgencita me está esperando” and peacefully released her right hand from Peter, The nurses asked Peter what is that means, “The Virgin Mary is waiting” he briefly replied. The occurrence was akin to God confirming that Lidia is in his hand. Nurses had witnessed, as then, other miraculously-alike events happened to Peter, Alexa Lidia’s gran daughter. The endearment of a purity in the hearth, our mind and the veracity through courage Godly in actions, will be everlasting.
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