Jerry Weltner

image of Jerry Weltner

Jerry Weltner

Jerry Weltner passed away on October 6, 2017 after a long fight with kidney cancer. He loved family, friends, and motorcycles. Jerry had a lifelong passion for connecting with people, serving as a one-man fantastic welcoming committee and leader for many communities and organizations.

He was born in Kodiak, Alaska (before it was a state) in 1955 to Gerald (Jerry, Sr.) and Lenora (Lynn) Weltner. His father was in the Navy, so Jerry and his family lived many places including Virginia, Florida, Japan, Guam, and Mississippi. He often bragged that he had attended 13 schools before college.

Jerry attended Oregon State University and was in the ROTC program. It was there that he met his wife, Anne. They were married in 1977, 6 days after college graduation and Jerry’s commission into the Navy. After a year in the Navy, Jerry received a medical discharge for his insulin-dependent diabetes.

image Jerry Weltner's family

Family at Katie’s wedding

Jerry and Anne continued to live in Alameda, California, where Jerry became a marketing specialist in the young field of computer software. He worked at several software companies, and eventually moved to Redmond to work for Microsoft in 1987.

Redmond became his home for the next 30 years, forming deep relationships in a wide range of communities and organizations. Always passionate about building relationships and welcoming people, Jerry was a mainstay to many organizations including Toastmasters, Redmond United Methodist Church, Congregations for the Homeless, Open Kitchen, Gold Wing Touring Association, and Wing Washington. His energy, enthusiasm, and organizational abilities were a huge asset to these groups and others where Jerry created lifelong friends.

Jerry is survived by his wife, Anne; his mother, Lynn; and his children and their spouses, Matt (Kate) and Katie (Richard). He was loved by many and will be missed.

A service celebrating Jerry’s life will be held on Saturday, October 21st at 11AM at Redmond United Methodist Church (16540 NE 80th St Redmond, WA). A potluck lunch will follow the service. In lieu of flowers, the family asks for donations to Overlake Cancer Center and Open Kitchen Redmond.

Overlake Cancer Center:

Open Kitchen Redmond:

13 Responses to “Jerry Weltner”

  • Cheryl E. Landis says:

    I liked reading about Jerrys life I have also lived in Kodiak Alaska, I was just up there this summer visiting my sister who has lived there for 40 years, We lived up there when I was a kid, Jerry was very much loved by all those that knew him He will be greatly missed.

  • Deb and Tom Richeards says:

    Oh boy, where do we start? Jerry was FANTASTIC!! Full of life, full of love and respect, and a great comrade on our motorcycle trips. Jerry served us well as part of the Party Penguin GWTA Team. We will always remember many great rides including our trip to Yuba City. Always a good time riding! We will miss you Jerry but we will see you again! Hugs to Ann and family. Thank you for sharing him with us!

  • Deb and Tom Richards says:

    Oh boy, where do we start? Jerry was FANTASTIC!! Full of life, full of love and respect, and a great comrade on our motorcycle trips. Jerry served us well as part of the Party Penguin GWTA Team. We will always remember many great rides including our trip to Yuba City. Always a good time riding! We will miss you Jerry but we will see you again! Hugs to Ann and family. Thank you for sharing him with us!

  • Joseph Murashie says:

    Jerry has had more energy than most people I’ve known.. He came to help Keep the Golden Bell Toastmasters alive AND Well for many years Now & WE Will Never forget HIM.. Jerry and I have had many good times together remembering some of our Days in the Military about the same time frames and JOKED about being in the same places at the same time & missed each other then…. I know the Lord has welcomed him and he is now in good hands… Peace be with him now and for ever….. Joseph Murashie

  • Jim Snyder says:

    Tues. morning coffees at everett powersports are not the same. I will miss Jerry. On occasion we played a form of Wash. state gottcha, I been there,you been there? The old concrete power station tucked up the ravine outside Metaline falls was one, along with places like Chesaw and Molson. I wish him well.

  • Nic & Phyllis Nicholas says:

    Remembering Jerry is not difficult. We just think of these four words: Friendship, family, faith and fun. Be with God, friend.

  • jerry smith says:

    Jerry was the energy and compassionate gentle engine at Redmond United Methodist Church. His welcoming heart every Sunday at our services will always be remembered. Godspeed to him and his family. His open heart will never be forgotten.

  • Sandy Malone says:

    You either loved or hated Jerry, and I loved Jerry. I met him in Toastmasters, where he used his energy and experience to mentor me and so many others. He was a military brat like me, outgoing, and able to make me laugh. His enthusiasm was contagious, and he was always willing to share his ideas and participate wherever needed. He was a one-man marketing machine and he knew how to rally the troops. I’ll miss Jerry’s “fantastic” personality, booming laugh, and mentorship. Heaven will never be the same. Prayers of comfort to Anne, his wife of 40 years, and his wonderful family.

  • Brendan Godfrey says:

    A lifetime of making friends through the helping of others. There is a sying, “You know you’ve left your mark in this world if your memory brings a smile.”
    Today there are more smiles in our world, thanks to Jerry. He will be missed.

  • Angela & Taylor Guy (Tom Guy's daughter and Granddaughter) says:

    A loss of such a great friend and interesting man. Our condolences to his friends and family.

  • Paul Yarbrough says:

    Jerry was Mr. Fantastic of District 2 Toastmasters. One thing he said that stuck with me: “if you’re not having fun your doing something wrong.”

  • Larry Snyder, Author says:

    Throughout my life, I’ve met just a few people like Jerry. I was sad to see this today but happy that I got to know this “fantastic” man. RIP Jerry.

  • David lovelace says:

    I knew Jerry from Japan and Guam, you are missed my friend. -David

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