Christopher Stephen Whittemore

Photo of Christopher Stephen Whittemore

Christopher Stephen Whittemore

Christopher Stephen Whittemore was born October 3, 1984 at the University Hospital in Seattle to Frank and Mary Whittemore. He died July 4th, 2017 at 1:09 A.M. at the University hospital. He now is in Heaven with Jesus.

Acts 3:7-8   Then Jesus took hold of the man’s right hand with a firm grip and raised him up. And at once his feet and ankle bones became strong and steady. And leaping forth he stood and began to walk, and he went into the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God. (AmpVersion)

When Christopher was five years old, he found out his mom was going to have a baby. He was very excited that he was going to be a big brother. He often showed his joy by taking a music box to his mommy’s tummy to share a tune.  With much happiness he welcomed his little sister, Laura, on July 1, 1990. Christopher loved being a big brother and he loved to tease her.  Laura was devoted to him as well.

When Laura was 5 month’s old, Christopher was diagnosed with Duchene Muscular Dystrophy. It was a diagnosis that would change his life. Despite that, he was a happy kid. Make a wish foundation granted his wish to go to Disney World while he could still walk. He got to achieve that dream when he was 6. By the time he was 8, he could no longer walk. Even though the disease continued to progress, he lived to the age of 32.

Over the years, even though he lost muscular function, his mind stayed sharp and he was very intelligent. He loved Scifi and comics, and even started a comic of his own version. Spiderman was his favorite comic character, and he had the opportunity to meet Stan Lee, the creator.  It was one of the highlights of his life. He had the opportunity to attend several comic-cons and a couple of Star Trek conventions. The first one he attended was when he was 8. He attended a Star Trek convention with his mom and Aunt Elisabeth. He got to see William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. He could still walk a little but had to be pushed in a stroller sometimes. His favorite conventions, however, were the comic book ones. He attended one in San Diego, Rose City, and several Emerald City ones. He got a chance to meet several people from both movies and comics.

Christopher also loved watching Discovery, Science and History Channels. He could remember details about things, movies, history, science, etc., that others may have forgotten, and he would argue a point until we looked up the info to see who was right. Amazing how many times he was proven right. 🙂 He will be missed.

Christopher is survived by his parents, Mary and Frank, his sister Laura, his grandmother Boyle and grandmother Whittemore. Christopher, you will always be loved and missed.

5 Responses to “Christopher Stephen Whittemore”

  • Elisabeth Boyle says:

    I helped with Christopher for many years. I loved him very much. He and I argued and debated about many things. For instance, I love disaster movies. He hated them. He said they were unrealistic and couldn’t happen. I would argue they where what if scenarios. He didn’t buy it. He loved to read comics. Even though it got more difficult at the end, he read what he could. If a mini series started and he missed 1 or 2, I spent hours going to comic stores to find them. He couldn’t read the rest without them. He was very protective of his comics and statues. He used to make me touch his arm before turning pages to make sure my hands were dry. He had me play simple computer games for him. I’m not a gamer, but he pushed me to do candy crush, minnions, and a couple of others. I did the best I could. If my chest started hurting or I was having trouble breathing, he was really good about doing something else. He was loving that way. However, if it was just because I couldn’t get it or it was frustrating, he pushed me to do more, until I just couldn’t. Christopher was frustrated by the disease that affected him, but his heart was gold. I loved him and will always miss him, and I will see him again.

  • John Hoyer says:

    Christopher was the toughest, inspirational little guy I’ve ever met. His resiliency was amazing in that he overcame many ’emergency periods’ and fought to stay alive. I’m blessed to have known him and his family. I will remember him with fondness..

  • Mary whittemore says:

    I miss you Christopher…my heart will always be missing a part were you had a place in it…love you always sweetheart. I miss your laugh, I will see you soon in heaven. Give Jesus a hug from me…i love you so very much… mom

  • Sarah Taylor says:

    Christopher is my nephew and will be missed so very much. My happy thought is Christopher is now in heaven running and having fun with his other family members that went before him, and we will see him again. I wish I had been able to spend more time with him.

  • Frank E Whittemore says:

    Simply, my son is my hero! Love you and miss you very much. My little soccer player. You touched so many lives. I couldn’t be prouder.

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