William Joseph Schulz

thumb_IMG_0568_1024On April 22, 2016, William (Bill) Joseph Schulz passed away in Kirkland, WA from a brain aneurysm. He was just 55 years old.

Bill was born on the island of Oahu on April 6, 1961. He would cry when his father put on his uniform to go out to sea (NAVY). In 1962, the family, moved back to his father’s home town of Seattle, WA. In the next 4 years (3) siblings arrived. Being the oldest held a lot of responsibility for Bill. He always made sure his family was taken care of.

Smart beyond his years, Bill entered high school at the young age of 14. He attended Juanita High school and enjoyed his time in Germany as an exchange student in 1976.
In the years that followed, Bill graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1983 (27th Company). From there, he went to the prestigious NAVY nuclear power school and studied nuclear physics in Idaho & Florida. As an officer, he served on the nuclear submarine USS Sam Houston, stationed at Pearl Harbor. He was very proud of his accomplishments and the time he served in the United States NAVY. Following his military service, Bill attended the University of Washington where he earned his masters degree in Physics.

As a child, Bill spent a lot of time hiking and camping with his family. He loved visiting his grandparents on Whidbey Island. As a young man, Bill enjoyed competitive swimming and backpacking in the mountains of the Pacific NW. He had a fascination with trains, loved to tinker with cars and was a wiz with computers. He loved to laugh with his friends and enjoyed dry and witty humor.

Bill had such a beautiful mind and a gentle soul. Our family is grateful to have loved Bill on earth and now grateful that he is at peace in heaven.

Bill is survived by his loving mother Gloria Schulz, siblings Ron and Diane and father Roy Schulz.

26 Responses to “William Joseph Schulz”

  • Diane says:

    I will always love you Bill…

  • Chris Pietras says:

    On behalf of Bill’s classmates from the Naval Academy Class of 1983, I send our sincere condolences to Bill’s parents, brother and sister. My memories of happier times bring you comfort in the days ahead.


    Christopher R Pietras
    CAPT, USN (retired)
    Class Secretary – USNA 1983

  • Michael Langley says:

    I went to school and swam with Bill. I am shocked and saddened by his passing. Rest in peace Bill.

  • Steve Young says:

    Bill and I were in the same company (27) at the Naval Academy and we roomed together our Youngster (sophomore) year as well going through the Navy nuclear pipeline together. We were also stationed in Pearl Harbor at the same time. We shared many good times and memories. Bill was one of the smartest guys I have ever known. We called him “Bear” due to his size and mannerism and it fit. I have the honor and privilege to be able to call him my friend. I will always cherish the memories and great times.

    I send my heartfelt condolences to his family.

    Steve “Meatball” Young, USNA ’83

  • Tim Hjermstad says:

    My condolences to the entire Schultz family. I have so many great memories with Bill, and I will continue to cherish those as I always have.

  • Darla Rundle says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with the Schulz family. Many fond memories of the Kingsgate swim team and school with Bill.

  • Don Winant {"Wino"} says:

    Fair Winds and Following Seas, Navy Lieutenant Joe Schulz…

  • Don Winant {"Wino"} says:

    Navy Lt. Joe Schulz, Fair Winds and Following Seas..

  • Gordon and Gail Sumner says:

    God speed Bill, as you join your precious sister
    in perfect peace. Our blessings and God’s grace.

  • Gail and Gordy says:

    God speed Bill, as you join your sister in
    perfect peace.
    Our Blessings

  • Ken Fletcher says:

    It hurts to know Bill has passed, He was my friend!
    Since high school we went different paths. I would call and stop by occasionally and share major life events, with an old friend.
    He would share his naval stories, times in college and other achievements.
    In high school Bill and I spent time talking about thing, only he understood!
    He would try and express his ideas as simply as possible, I Tryed to follow the basic ideas and premises.
    Bill helped with my school work. He gave me the confidence and understanding that was needed in school and life.
    He sparked my confidence and awareness in many areas of life.
    I was Bill’s friend, we would talk about girls, me mostly, him a matter- of -fact. He was all about facts.
    He would show me his latest train setup and cars,and how he made them special to him. Down in his basement, that was his world of dreams.
    He like to make short,stop action films, with hotwheels,trains and special effects,like claymation films.
    Bill talked about cars and help me with my alpine for countless hours. He helped me bend my door backward once.
    Bill was on the Juanita high school swim team. We had many fun and exciting times in competition.
    Many fond Memories!
    Mr and Mrs Schulz, I’m sorry for your loss,Your son Bill influenced many people in this world and will not be forgotten!
    I send my heartfelt condolences to your family.

  • Peter Stitt says:

    I am one of Bill’s classmates from the Naval Academy Class of 1983. I was shocked to hear of his passing and only wish we could have gotten together as I live fairly close. Please send my sincere condolences to Bill’s parents, brother and sister. May God give you comfort at the loss of Bill.

  • Tim Bohdan says:

    This is a really sad day for me. I knew Bill extremely well since we served together aboard the USS Sam Houston (SSN-609). Tight quarters at sea make for no secrets and close bonds. I will pray for Bill’s soul. It was nice that his ashes will be interred at the USNA. In my lifetime, I have never met anyone who was more proud of his Naval Academy service than was William J. Schulz. Bill was enigmatic, but for those who knew him, he certainly made a lasting impression. He was two years senior to me, so I was one of many junior officers he took under his wing and trained on how to run the reactor plant and drive the ship. What a good mentor he was to me. Always fair and always honest. What a great guy! I’ll miss him.

  • Jay Roberts says:

    Like Tim Bohdan, I was also one of the fledgling junior officers that Bill mentored on our submarine. The finest accolade any Naval Officer can receive is that he has the respect and confidence of his subordinates, peers, and superiors.

    Bill had all of that, was famously a highly effective officer and a very good friend of mine off duty during our years in Hawaii. We were both gearheads and forever wrenching on each other’s cars, motorcycles, trucks, etc.

    The USS Sam Houston was awarded two Meritorious Unit Commendations for its Cold War operations during Bill’s time aboard. There is often a delay for this type of award, a significant one for a submarine during that era, and Bill, like many who exited the Navy after one tour, probably was unaware that he was authorized for these medals.

    Bill, wherever you are, I hope you are resting in peace. I’ll never forget my days with you, whether on the hunt for Soviet subs in the Bering Sea or wrenching on your Trans Am in your garage back on Oahu.

    Fair winds and following seas.

  • Mike Coggins says:

    Rest in Peace shipmate. A very nice officer and shipmate.

  • David Blake says:

    An instantly recognizable name, our Engineer who was perhaps the most soft spoken but interesting fellas we had on board Sam Houston. He’d stop by our office and chat up some stories with us. God Bless this gentlemen and his loved ones.

  • James Cox says:

    Rest In Prace Brother! Jim Cox, SSBN 609 first Gold crew patrol.

  • Steven Phipps says:

    My condolences to family, friends and shipmates left behind. Bill earned the respect of officer and enlisted alike. He was a genuinely good person and it was my good fortune to have served with him.

    Fair winds and following seas

  • Wayne Snodgrass says:

    I am also saddened to hear of Bill’s passing. He and I served together onboard Sam Houston for over three years. I was the Supply Officer and would stand Junior Officer of the Deck with Bill as Officer of the Deck (Supply Officers were not allowed to qualify as OOD). We qualified in submarines together and I remember studying with Bill many late nights. He was an outstanding officer and friend. He could be counted on to give his best and his sense of humor was a joy. I was an older prior enlisted guy, but Bill was very level headed and we got along well. I wish I had known he was over in Kirkland, I would have enjoyed getting together. Rest in peace shipmate.

  • J.T. Peacock says:

    I consider it a privilege to have served with such an intelligent and yet relatable officer of the U S Navy. He was one of the smartest people I have ever known. I remember the mid watch discussion’s we would have and they were always very cerebral. A Great mind has left us and will be missed. My prayers for his family, Godspeed Wild Bill!

  • Philip Morrill says:

    I served with Bill on the Sam Houston (SSN-609). I am deeply saddened by the news of his passing. My Bill Schulz stories are some of my fondest memories of my time on Sam Houston. He was our big brother that kept us out of trouble, helped us achieve our goals, and was a role model. He had us laughing even during the most stressful times and at the same time he was one of the most gutsy officers I ever served with. He was truly “wise beyond his years” and I learned many things from him that I applied throughout my life. My wife and I will hold his family and his friends in our thoughts and prayers. Fair winds and following seas.

  • Mike McCool says:

    I served under Bill as a sonar supervisor when he was the OOD, he was well respected and like by all. We all had allot of good times as part of the Sam Houston family. I would just like to pass my condolences and prayers on to the family. Fair winds and following seas.

  • Mike McCool says:

    I served under Bill as a sonar supervisor when he was the OOD, he was well respected and liked by all. We all had allot of good times as part of the Sam Houston family. I would just like to pass my condolences and prayers on to the family. Fair winds and following seas.

  • Bob Travers says:

    I was so saddened by the news of Bill’s untimely passing. When I was assigned to the USS Sam Houston the first communication I received from the boat was from Bill as he had been assigned as my sponsor. As it turned out, Bill ended up being much more than a sponsor – he was like a brother to me. I will always cherish the close comradery and fascinating conversations we had while sharing a stateroom. As many have said, Bill had an incredible intellect and he this was along with a warm caring heart. I will always remember the fun side of Bill which was guaranteed to break the boredom during long stretches at sea. One story in particular I recall was that Bill was so very proud of an old beat up Ford Bronco he had back in Washington which he launched off a ramp and broke both axels! The look of excitement on Bill’s face as he shared the pictures of the Bronco in mid-air is something I will never forget!
    Rest in peace my brother!

  • Dave Reische says:

    Bill was one of the best officers I served with! I remember some very challenging events at sea as I was standing watch with Bill, and his calm yet assuring leadership made his watch team know we would get through it. Thanks for making a lot of leaders out of us Bill!!

  • Rick Paisley says:

    I just learned of Bill’s passing from Shipmate magazine. I am in shock and am very saddened by this loss. I had the good fortune to room with Bill at the Naval Academy and am grateful for the many great memories. Amidst the seriousness of academics and military training, Bill provided an emotional lift with his sense of humor – dry, witty, and never taking himself too seriously to be silly. It brings a smile to my face to think of the many re-enactments of skits from Monty Python’s Flying Circus. Bill loved his family and was very proud of his home town and home state, “Go Dogs!” I offer my deepest sympathy to Bill’s family and know that he will be missed terribly.

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