George Warren Nulton, Jr.

Nulton1Born, July 7, 1933 in Seattle, WA to George W. Nulton & Pearl Jane Schultz, passed peacefully December 30, 2015 at the age of 82. He attended Ballard High School & at age 17 honorably served in the US Marine Corps during the Korean War. George followed his father as a professionalPainting Contractor, he was lifelong member of the PDCA. He is preceded in death by parents & beloved sister, Bonnie. George is survived by daughters, Lynn, Lori & Leanne, 5 grandchildren & several nieces & nephews. At his request there will be no services.Nulton2

To all George’s friends who walked, served, painted, hunted, golfed, galloped, danced & laughed with him through life especially in his Nulton3final years at Westminster Manor, God Bless you and a million thanks!


“Let not your heart be troubled;

you believe in God, believe also in Me.

In My Father’s house are many mansions;

if it were not so, I would have told you.

I go to prepare a place for you.

And if I go and prepare a place for you,

I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.

And where I go you know, and the way you know.”

Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where

You are going, and how can we know the way?”

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.

No one come to the Father except through Me.”

John 14



2 Responses to “George Warren Nulton, Jr.”

  • Niece-Laurean McGowan Myers says:

    Affectionately referred to as the “Hollywood Marine”,
    Uncle George came back into our lives a couple of years ago…needing help at times during the first years of his decline. Always verbal, sometimes obnoxious, he always said how much I looked like my mother, his sister, Bonnie, followed with ‘I sure do miss her, you sure are ugly’. As we got to know & accept uncle just as he was…we realized under his intelligence, attention to detail, photographic interest, quick wit, sports knowledge, frugality & storytelling was a person yearning for unconditional love and acceptance. He shared that he had been going to Mars Hill Church and decided to accept forgiveness of Jesus Christ symbolized by his public baptism one Easter. This good news was received with both shock & awe by his nieces & nephews…was it possible for this crusty curmudgeon to find forgiveness, mercy, unconditional love & peace in his 80’s. He began to read a daily devotional named, “Jesus Calling”, he said it was the first time he ever realized God’s love & acceptance for him. You could see his radiant grin!
    As time would mark his journey, indeed, George’s words, actions, heart were transformed & most obvious to his beloved Dr. Woo as well as all who encountered & lived around him. He even started to say he appreciated us & thanked us for helping him!
    Always asking had we watched his movie yet?…the one where he was picked at Camp Pendleton to salute in the first scene called Retreat, Hell! starring Frank Lovejoy. Yes…that was our Hollywood Marine!
    He was to become the poster child for Westminster Manor’s-best liked bachelor-where the ladies would bring him home cooked meals, groceries, etc. His best buddy, Carol would take him to Dr. appointments, chemotherapy, radiation after his Lung Cancer was discovered.
    As the year passed, we began to see his needs change to higher dependence & help with activities of daily living…Life review & the need to tie together loose ends became apparent-daily phone calls, closer watchfulness became necessary…Our last holiday,2015 Thanksgiving meal at my home was very wonderful with him…he had mellowed so much revealing family history in great stories.
    Alert & oriented all along, he insisted on carefully orchestrating his affairs in his way, in his time & choice,which we have endeavored to follow as closely as possible.
    In the week before this Christmas, my daily phone call was met with uncle being out of breath and very anxious, I hurried up to his apartment-knowing the tell tale signs of final decline…He was able to spend his last days in Ballard Hospital & The Hearthstone. He knew his time had come and took comfort in knowing he would soon be able to see His Lord & family in heaven, peacefully Jesus called him home December 30, 2015. Rest in peace, Uncle George.



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