Adolfo J. Tinoco
Adolfo J. Tinoco, 53 was a loving husband, stepdad, uncle to all his nieces and nephews, dear brother to Lucy and Sylvia, beloved son to Gabino and the late Irene, dear friend to many
including his extended family.
Adolfo passed away peacefully surrounded by his family in Seattle Washington on December, 11, 2015.
Born in Chicago, IL on February 22, 1962. He went to high school at Quigley Preparatory Seminary South in Chicago and graduated in 1980. He went on and earned his degrees at Saint Xavier University and University of Phoenix. He worked as a Senior Electronics Engineer/System Administrator for 27 years. He started his career with Prime Computer in Chicago; President/Owner/Engineer for Tri-Tech, Inc., and Engineer to various companies during the years.
Among his accomplishments was being the youngest to be promoted to the assignment of SMS at the rank of Lieutenant Commander for arduous sea missions (US Navy). He was a great leader to his team, awarded a Surtass 501 Club award in 1993, and a plaque in 1992 on USNS Tenacious (T-AGOS 17) by the ship’s Captain. He had a loving and generous heart and was always giving to others.
Cremation was at Barton Family Funeral and Reverend Kevin F. X. Duggan will be officiating Mass at Mary, Queen of Peace on December 31 at 9:00 a.m.
12 Responses to “Adolfo J. Tinoco”
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So sorry for your loss. Adolfo was a good friend, valued co-worker and shipmate. He will be remembered and missed.
We pray to God, to provide you and your famil. The strength you need in these difficult time, In my prayers, thoughts, you will be there everytime. Adolfo, you will be missed but never be forgotten. Sentimos, mucho esta lamentable partida mis más sinceras condolencias. Para toda la familia, El vivirá en nuestros recuerdos siempre.
RIP Uncle Adolf, he was a good man… May God bless him… May his soul find the peace it deserves. One day, we will see each other again…
Los momentos mas tristes de una persona es perder a un ser querido y nadie puede remplazarlo, pero hay q tener presente q Adolfo siempre vivirá entre nosotros gracias a estos momentos tan agradables q vivimos con El, descansa en paz.
Mi más sincero pésame a toda la familia Tinoco Ponce de León. Mis oraciones a Dios Nuestro Señor para que pronto tengan Paz y tranquilidad en sus almas y corazones. Especialmente para su padre Don Adolfo. Con todo mi cariño y respeto. Konchiz.
I am sorry to hear of Adolf’s passing, much too young, we worked together back in the 90’s on the SURTASS project. My heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.
Adolfo Te fuiste muy pronto, siempre te recordaremos y estaras en nuestros corazones. Dejas un gran vacio en la familia. Que tu alma descanse en paz y Dios te bendiga.
Dear Tinoco Family:
I was saddened to hear of the passing of Adolfo. Although I haven’t seen or spoken to him for a very long time I remember him fondly. We were classmates at St. Gabriel’s school in Chicago.
May you find Peace during this most difficult time.
I am very sorry for your loss.
Kelly Ligue Hacker
Uncle I hope you are resting in piece. Lately I’ve gone with Robert on rides in your treasured car and I can’t help but to think of you and how happy you were then. Things are not the same without you and grandma, our family is not complete. I mention you to my kids and they still remember you. I’m glad you got to meet them. Where ever you are pray for all of us.
Hey little brother! It’s been a year now and we miss you so much! We think of you always and it really hurts not to see or hear you! At least you are happy now with mom and Donna! Pray for all of us! We love you!!!
I worked with Adolph in Hawaii and was very good friends with his wife – Donna. I am so very sorry to hear of his passing. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
My lil brother,
If tears could build a stairway & memory lane, I would walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.
You’re the loving brother I’ve adored since we were small. The day you left was the saddest time of all.
Truth is I’ll never get over losing you. You are part of my heart & soul.
I miss you every day more and more!