Theresa Marie Campo

campo3Theresa Marie Campo, born to Frank and Bernie Campo, March 13, 1954, in Yakima, Washington, died in her home in Lynnwood, Washington, Tuesday, July 7, 2015, after a 6 year struggle against Multiple Myeloma. Eleven years ago, she was diagnosed and survived breast cancer.

Theresa lived in Yakima until she was three. Due to her father’s job changing location, the family moved to Seattle. She attended Our Lady of the Lake School in Seattle. After moving to the Lynnwood area when she was a teenager, she was among the first graduating class at Lynnwood High School. Theresa was a good student. She played on the volleyball team at Lynnwood High School and always enjoyed reconnecting with people at her high campo1school reunions.

After high school, Theresa worked as a nursing assistant. She started at Park Ridge Care Center, but later changed to Anderson House Both are located in Shoreline, Washington. Theresa was well liked by the people she cared for and the residents looked forward to seeing her each day. Theresa worked as a nursing assistant but strain of breast cancer and then multiple myeloma caused her to go to lighter physical work. She switched to assisting the activities director and helping with various office duties until the cancer forced her to retire early from Anderson House.

After retiring early, Theresa kept as active as she could. She enjoyed time at the Lynnwood senior center playing bunco and joining them for various holiday events. She also enjoyed having breakfast and shopping dates with friends, campo2visiting her mom each week, and spending time with family. She loved her mystery novels and word search puzzles, which helped keep her active mentally as the cancer continued to put a strain on her physical abilities.

Over the years, Theresa loved spending time with her family and especially enjoyed her nieces and nephews. She will be greatly missed and remembered for her kind heart and ever present laughter. Theresa is survived by her mother (age 91), 5 brothers, 3 sisters, and 12 nieces and nephews.

A celebration of Theresa’s life will be held at Maple Park Church at 17620 60th Ave. W., Lynnwood, WA 98037 on Saturday, July 18th, 2015, at 2:00 p.m. All friends and family are welcome to attend.



Eulogy for Theresa Marie Campo
March 13,1954 – July 7, 2015

Written by Laurie Campo Jensen

Having Theresa for a big sister definitely had its perks.  When I was little she was a great babysitter, playing games or reading with me and she was easy to talk into stay up just a little bit later. When Theresa moved out, Mary and I would take the bus down to her apartment to stay over.  I recall Herfy’s burgers and shakes, watching classics like the Apple Dumpling Gang, and that it was cool that she lived across the street from the old Aurora Village shopping mall.  Later, Theresa moved within walking distance to the condo with the swimming pool!  Another perk, was when a rated R movie came out that Mary and I wanted to see.  We made sure to let her know she was our best friend, then laid the movie times on her.

Theresa put up with alot from me as well, but with all my torment, if she was mad, it was short lived.  When I graduated high school, she not only sacrificed her privacy and peace and quiet and let me move in with her, but she also agreed to let me get my first dog, Buffi.  And how did I thank her? Theresa had these knitted slippers with big pom poms on the top of them and I taught my dog to “Get the slippers!” and off she would be after Theresa until she grab the slippers by the heel and, expertly, sling them off her feet.  Theresa laughed through it all since Buffi was skilled at doing it with no skin contact but also because she loved Buffi too.  However, I am sure I pulled that trick on her more often than I should have!

Theresa loved reading and music.  Thanks to Theresa, all of her siblings have “The Bluest Skies You’ve Ever Seen Are In Seattle” permanently etched in our brains.  She loved that song! She also loved doing her word search puzzles, and never missed an episode of Jeopardy. She loved her trivia tidbits! If you remember the TV show Cheers, Theresa was Cliff Claven of the family, sharing her trivia knowledge.  When Theresa had to have her port put in before her bone marrow transplant, she was awake for the procedure.  As Mary waited in the waiting room for Theresa, she saw the doctor coming out to talk to her with a peculiar grin on his face. Apparently, Theresa had spent the whole procedure telling the doctor one trivia fact after another. And why not? She had a captive audience and she was going to make good use of it!

Theresa also loved to see how things were made. It fascinated her. She read about it or watched it on tv.  When I moved out of Theresa’s place and became a Jensen, it wasn’t long before the Jensens were her in-laws too, and she spent quite a few Easters, Christmas gatherings, and various events with us all.  Theresa and I even took a trip down to see my sister-in-law in California and I think the highlight of this trip, over the redwood forest or other landmarks along the way, turned out to be the tour of the jelly belly factory. She loved seeing how they made them, and she loved jelly beans too! The highlight of the trip for me, however, was driving through the animal safari park and having an Emu peck away at the window to try to get at Theresa!  Maybe it was a mean Emu but I told her it was in love.  It was one of the many times with her that I was laughing so hard tears were rolling down my face.  Theresa and I went on several other little vacations together. Short weekend trips with my kids and sightseeing trips when the relatives from Spain came to visit.  As my family life got busier, and as life in general always seems to cause conflicting schedules, we didn’t find time to go on too many trips.  When the kids got older and more time allowed, the cancers arrived and there was never another trip. She would often comment that she would like to go here or there sometime, when I mentioned where we were going, but she knew she couldn’t get around well enough to go. I would have loved to have the opportunity to go more places with her, but, as I travel, and especially when Emi and I make our Disney trip this fall that she was excited to hear about, she will be there with me.  I don’t think mom will go for me scattering her ashes as we fly down the matterhorn, but I will find a way for her to be there with us in spirit.

The diagnosis of breast cancer practically on the day of her 50th birthday, was a shock.  They removed the cancer but Theresa had to undergo a large amount of Chemo and radiation.  Of course, you would expect much fatigue, and illness to go along with that. But not for Theresa!  She said she felt a bit sick after the first Chemo treatment and that was it. She lost her hair but the rest barely fazed her, physically or emotionally.  She was always positive and upbeat when you talked to her and asked how she was doing.  Multiple Myeloma came along when she was 55 and, even Theresa couldn’t shake off how hard that bone marrow transplant was, but once it was over, she was back to herself fairly quickly and telling people she was doing great.

But in fact, that was how Theresa always was.  She always had a smile and was genuinely pleased to be with people. She loved being with family and especially loved hanging out with nieces and nephews.   She told me about going to breakfast with friends, baby and bridal showers, holiday events with family and friends, bunco at the senior center and various other things she would be excited about being invited or going to.  She spoke in detail about her friends to me, and I have heard, how she spoke in detail about all her family to all her friends.  I reflected on this and realized, I don’t think I ever heard Theresa speak badly about anyone and I am certain, I never heard her say anything to anyone that was derogatory or would hurt their feelings.  I had to call at least four people over the phone to give them the sad news of Theresa’s passing.  I was amazed and inspired that each one of these people would say the exact same words to me.  I don’t think it was out of politeness or a common sentiment to say.  Each one said to me, “Theresa was the kindest person they have ever met.” It should have been plain to me

7 Responses to “Theresa Marie Campo”

  • Trudy (Pawelka) Holland says:

    My condolences to family & friends.

    So sad to hear of a classmate passing…

  • Robbins Hill Fouled says:

    Was classmate of Theresa at Alderwood Jr and Lynnwood High class of 73. I was so sorry to read of her passing in the Herald this morning, as she was still so young. I enjoyed reading about her life and accomplishments posted here. My deepest condolences to her family.

  • Julie McHeffey Ferguson says:

    God Bless you as you enter into our Lords arms.

  • Marla or Dan Burke says:

    I went to high school with Theresa Campo, Sorry to hear of her passing. I also have worked in Care Facilities, rough work. Have worked a great deal with special needs person, very rewarding. Wish her Family well Our Prayers are with you

  • Dale Newman says:

    Dear Lord Please be with Theresa’s Family as they go thru this sad time. Surround them with your love and help them cope with there loss. Theresa was a wonderful person made by you God and she was very special. Her loss will be felt by many people because she touched so many lives. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!!!

  • Aida Sanchez-Salmon says:

    Dear family, we are very sad and sorry. Elena and mom told me she was one of the warmest person they have ever met. Kind and sweet. Mom Will Pray for she at church, in a special mass. It Will take a time for you to go on. All our love and support for you, we love you all.

  • Pam Matiko, Owner/Administrator Anderson House says:

    I am saddened to hear about Theresa’s passing. Up until my retirement several years ago, Theresa kept in touch with my husband and I. She was a very loving and caring person. She always had a smile on her face despite the struggles she was going through. We will meet her again for another hug!

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