Carroll Barté (Kincaid) Twiss

carrollbtwissCarroll Barte (Kincaid) Twiss passed away peacefully on May 7, 2015, at the Golden Spirit Adult Family Home.  Carroll was born September 6, 1942, to Hugh Arthur and Emma Lou (Kittle) Kincaid in Huntington, West Virginia.  She attended the Marshall  University Experimental School and graduated from Huntington High School.   Carroll earned a B.S. Degree in Political Science from the University of Kansas in 1964.  While at K.U. she met and married Charlie Twiss, her husband of 51 years.  In 1974 the family moved to Woodinville, Washington.   Carroll worked for the Woodinville Weekly for many years.  A talented artist, Carroll returned to school and received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Washington in 1979.  She was active in the Seattle art community through the early 1980s when she returned to her first love of politics.  Carroll  was a member of the King County Democrats and the Washington State Women’s Political Caucus.  She served as the chair for the 45th District Democrats for many years.   If you lived in the Woodinvile area she probably knocked on your door introducing a candidate or initiative.  She remained active in Seattle and Washington State politics until she became ill.  Carroll enjoyed cooking and there are many fond memories of holiday meals shared with family and friends.


Carroll is survived by husband Charlie Twiss of Woodinville, Washington; daughter Catherine (Greg) Zimmerman of Sandy, Utah; daughter Cynthia Twiss of Lynnwood, Washington; daughter Charlotte Twiss of Lynnwood, Washington; brother Charles Kincaid of Portland, Oregon; brother Jefferson Kincaid of Portland, Oregon; and 6 grandchildren.


The family would like to thank Gabby, Rob and Nick for the loving care they provided for Carroll the past five years.


No services are planned at Carroll’s request.


5 Responses to “Carroll Barté (Kincaid) Twiss”

  • Betty Means says:

    Thank you for this photo of Carroll; it’s how I remember her. I was one of her Democratic Party and “uppity women” friends, someone who joined her at King County and State Party meetings. Carroll was a strong women’s rights activist who wanted a fairer world for her daughters. Like so many of us in 1984, she delighted in Geraldine Ferraro’s historic presence on a major party’s presidential ticket. –My condolences to Charlie, whom she adored, her daughters, and all who cherished her.

  • Alice McCain says:

    Carroll was a friend, neighbor, and fellow progressive in Woodinville. She had a wonderful, gracious and caring spirit and will be greatly missed. May she rest in peace.

  • Nancy Myhre says:

    My heart is filled with warm and wonderful memories of Carroll. She was feisty and tenacious. She was politically savvy. She was also the sweetest person I have ever known. Carroll led by example. She inspired people to be compassionate, committed to important causes and confident that they could make a difference in people’s lives. I am so grateful for the many ways Carroll enriched my life. My thoughts are with Charlie, her daughters and their families.

  • Tom Freeman says:

    Ah Carroll. I was so fond of you. You taught me about fairness and decency in politics. I can remember, as if it were yesterday, you looking at me on the floor of the KCCC as we broke on the opposite side of an issues saying: “We’re against each other on this one but we’ll be together on the far side”. Your other piece of advice that I’ve taken to heart is: “Commit early – never sit on a fence – even if it’s ultimately a losing position – the world respects principled losers over carpet bagging winners anyday.”
    And – of course – I will take to my grave the final words of your quick quip: “oh please lord, let me not be judged by ___________”!
    You were so wise – Thank you for sharing it.

  • Tom Short says:

    Carroll was an impressive woman who helped guide the 45th District from a Red stronghold to Purple, and even sometimes Blue. As 45th District Chair she brought in a variety of speakers that moved the group from their comfort zone. She deeply believed in her causes and was very organized and talented.
    Her ability to work with different folks was outstanding – organized, but human. I remember at the presidential caucus when Henry Jackson was running and
    Carroll was in charge of signing in the delegates. My 11 year old, very bright daughter, was along and Carroll grabbed her and put her to work doing real stuff. My daughter still remembers that day and Carroll’s warmth and caring.

    Our condolences to Charley and the family, she will be missed.

    Tom and Joyce Short, Woodinville

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