Alfred G. Abeyta

Discharge photo2Alfred G. Abeyta was born in Cleveland, New Mexico, in July 6, 1932. During WW II, the Abeyta family relocated to Seattle so Alfred’s father could get a defense job at Boeing and then in the shipyards.  In about 1953, Alfred joined the U.S. Army.  He was honorably discharged after serving three years. Serving in the Army was for Alfred a life changing experience: he met people from different parts of the U.S. and from different cultures.  He always remained proud to have served his country.

During the late 1950s, Alfred lived in Alaska, a state that he loved dearly. Alfred was fascinated with Native American culture, art and people. He married Julia Lopez, an Alaska Native, and returned to Seattle where their son, John, was born in 1963.  Alfred began working at the University of Washington, retiring from there in the 1990’s.  After he retired he met and married a Mexican woman of Amerindian-Mixtec descent, Connie Abeyta.  He spent the last 18 years of his life with her residing at their home in Edmonds, Washington.

Alfred enjoyed traveling within and outside the U.S.  He loved to casually chat with people and learn about other cultures, languages and customs.  He loved to read and converse in Spanish, the language he spoke as a child in New Mexico.  He loved to help others—especially those who were down and out.  Although Alfred preferred nature over industrial cities, he loved Seattle, especially the water.  Alfred loved pocket billiards.  As a “pool shark” he used to strike in Seattle venues.

Alfred will be remembered as a charismatic, amicable, warm, friendly man; yet, strong and determined, who appreciated the value of hard work and discipline. Alfred was an extraordinarily caring and stoic man until he took his last breath, on March 23 2015, in his home, peacefully aware of himself and those he loved and who loved him.


Alfred’s funeral service will be held Monday, April 13th, 2015, at St. James Cathedral, (804 Ninth Avenue, Seattle WA, 98104) followed by burial ceremony, at 2 pm, at Tahoma National Cemetery. Family, friends, and acquaintances are welcome.

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