Robert Ernest Riser Jr.

robert 1_edited-3Robert Ernest Riser Jr., 52, passed away Friday, March 20, 2015 in Seattle, Wash. Born in Greenwood, S.C., he was the son of the late Robert Ernest Riser and Helen Coleman Black.  Robert is survived by his son, Chad Eric Riser; his sister,Libby Riser Smith; and his uncle Martin (Billy) Riser. Funeral services will be held at Luther Memorial Lutheran Church Friday, April 10, 2015 at 7 p.m., at 13047 Greenwood Ave N., Seattle, WA 98133. Floral tributes are welcome.

5 Responses to “Robert Ernest Riser Jr.”

  • ron & gert pryor says:

    So sorry to learn of Robbie passing. I enjoyed working with him years ago and hanging out together. Our prayers are with the family. May God bring you all peace and comfort you all with His Amazing Grace. Ron & Gert Pryor Greenwood SC

  • Vivian Creswell says:

    We were so sorry to hear of Robbie passing. Our prayers are with his family and friends. We think of him and Chad often.

    Vivian & Dixie in Greenwood, SC

  • Mary Engs says:

    Words seem inadequate to express the sorrow felt by the loss of your father, brother, friend, Robert. My heart is with you.
    Jesus said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in Me. In My Father’s house are many rooms, if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I AM.

  • Irene Haines says:

    Robbie Riser was a frequent friendly face in our library. He always had a ready smile and a sweet
    “Good Morning, Ladies” to all the librarians.

    He was a close personal friend of mine and I will truly miss him. We once went on a camping trip to Salmon La Sac (near Roslyn Washington) and he really
    shared some great stories around the campfire.

  • Dallas says:

    Robbie was a funny bastard with the best heart ever. He was always there to help friends out with a listening ear and a great smile. I’ll miss ya bud. The office will be forever his!!!

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