Daniel Eugene White

White1Dan was born December 15, 1961 at Ballard General Hospital in Seattle and passed away November 27, 2014 (Thanksgiving) at Providence Hospital in Everett Washington, leaving his Wife Donna and two sons Chad and Don to survive. Full of love, and full of life, Dan lived a short 52 years after fighting cancer twice in his lifetime. He was a great father and husband, always caring about his family and friends before himself.


Dan had the most positive outlook on life, never would you see him without a grin on his face. Dan had many hobbies that he loved to do whether it was riding dirt bikes with his sons, remodeling something in his house, going crabbing at Camano, or taking his boat out in the summer. His most favorite was camping over at Banks Lake every August for his annual vacation and also celebrate his wedding anniversary. In 2007 Dan decided he was ready to restore his pride and joy, his 1967 mustang that he bought in 1982.White2


If you knew Dan, you could say he was a bit of a handyman. Had many many skills, and was very knowledgeable. Seeking to build his empire that he left for his family in Lake Stevens, his beautiful home that he lived in for 18 years. Hard work was Dan’s middle name, the most drivin and inspirational man to a lot of his piers. RIP Dan White


We will be having a celebration of life in January 2015. No set date yet but we will keep you all posted.


9 Responses to “Daniel Eugene White”

  • Alecia says:

    I’m really going to miss you Dan. I’m so glad I got to spend the time with you while you were still with us. This article is beautifully written but will never be able to describe how amazing Dan was. I love you Dan.

  • Tom Krueger says:

    Dan will always remain in my heart as a friend, confiedant, wing man, best friend and most of all trusted Brother. I first met Dan in 1987 I know him as a loving husband to Donna, nurturing father to Chad, caring brother to Doug & Crystal. He loved his mother,and taught me the meaning of a strong work ethic. We laughed hard, sang loudly together and shared life truths. God called him home much too soon. God bless everyone in his life that would be his thought and sincerest wish today. love you brother !

  • Jake Hetland says:

    An amazingly written piece. But nothing gives justice to the man he was. You had to have known him to know the loss the world took that day. I love you guys – jake

  • Doc Michaels says:

    I have never met or spoken with Dan. After reading such a well written memorial, I felt Dan was well loved and sadly he was taken before his time. I am sorry for your loss, he seemed well loved, may his Spirit live on forever by sharing his memories with others.

  • terry newkirk says:

    to my man dan, I will miss you more than words can describe. I remember my sister would make me drive her by his house, before I ever met him.She was hot for this guy! I sat in the car all night in the snow waiting for her one night, and the next morning he found out and was pissed at her for leaving me out there. He didn’t even know me, but that’s how he was. One of the kindness people I ever met. I love you my man. See you soon!!! my brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember the mariners game we we beat the Yankees he loved that game, we had such a good time.

  • jordan says:

    Dan, I’m going to miss you. you were a huge influence on me, and I always looked up to you, you were like a dad to me and always there if i needed something or someone to talk too, That was the kind of man he was always wanting to help people before himself. I can honestly say that I would not be the man i am today if it wasn’t for dan white. you will be very missed and I’m lucky that I got to grow up with you in my life!
    r.i.p dan white

  • Tanya (Leopold) Jennings says:

    So very sad to hear the news of Danny, what a beautiful life he lived, thank you for sharing. Our deepest sympathy to the family. Danny was a childhood friend of mine, he was good friends with my brother Ken. We grew up in the same neighborhood all thru our school years, and Dannys brother Doug was part of the gang too… I have such great memories w/all these big brothers, I was like Sally from the Peanuts tagging along with these guys…Running thru the neighborhood trick or treating all night, there practical jokes, hanging out at Norms resort in the summer, pinball machines, blueberry picking, (blueberry fights)sledding down the big hill on snow days, watching them build there Fords, Mustangs and Ford Victorias…Too many great childhood memories, I miss all these guys, Danny give Ken and Doug a hug from me, I’m sorry we lost contact thru the years.. Thank you for always having a smile and a kind heart even as kids! In loving memory Tanya and the family…

  • Dayleen Krueger says:

    Danny you were my dearest friend. We have grown up together, been through good times and bad. Always are friendship has remained strong. I remember us slow dancing with our first girl and boyfriends in someones basement. Sneeking out at night to party with our friends, weekends with the gang at the cabin, halloweens and christmas. Suddenly we were grown ups. I was so envious watching you become a parent, but so proud of you. I could feel the love that you had for that little boy, and it was so fun to watch you beem with pride. I am so thankful that I was able to be your friend and share so many wonderful times with your family. You had a few bumps in the road along the way but you never let them get you down. You had it all, a beautiful family and so many friends that love and care about you all. Sometimes gods greater plan is so hard to understand. He took you from us way too soon. I love you buddy and will keep you in my heart always. Dub

  • Rene' Combs says:

    Ken and I were so sorry to hear this. You were one of the first people we met when we moved to the area. So many good times and memories. We hadn’t been in touch much over the years, but you will be missed by so many. We hope Donna, Chad and the rest of your family and friends find comfort in all of the memories and life you lived and left behind. Rest in peace, Dan!

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