Lynn M David

fish_face_lynnLynn M David, Maiden Name: Thompson was born on August 18 1948 to Parents: Wellington John Thompson and Helen Beneke. DOD: April-16-2014. She is preceded in death by her Parents and her Best Friend Lori Boone Charles. She is Survived by: Aunty Pat, Brother Randy Thompson, Brother Steve Thompson and his Partner Ellie, Half Sister: Also Named Lynn, Son: Jason J David and his Partner Sarah Bovee, and her two grandchildren Jason Nevaeh David and Kalia Rose David.

Lynn was born and raised in Seattle Washington. Nathan Hale High school. Not long out of high school she married Andrew David of the Seattle Fire Department and they had their son Jason J David. She was an artist, a comedian, a confidant, dependable, honest, and a lot of fun. She loved to cook and get crafty, she liked hunting down bargains at thrift and consignment shops, she watched old movies, enjoyed an occasional glass of wine after dinner and loved personalizing gifts for friends and family, she was very thoughtful and most of the time her thoughts were of others. She had told stories of which revealed that her Father was the love of her life and her Mother, who passed early, had a beautiful voice that stuck with Lynn the rest of her life. jason_lynn_really_good_onehe_hearts_his_gma
Lynn’s first Employer Fredrick & Nelsons, of which she was vested for the time she committed.  Next was Quality Printing-located in Ballard, and then she went on to invest 13 years with First Hill Diagnostic Imaging as a Patient Services Representative.  Lynn was a hard worker -honest- and thorough but above all she was unmatched in the compassionate care she was able to offer. She had a HUGE place in her heart for every patient she had the opportunity to be of service to. During what was often a fearful and challenging journey Lynn had anecdotes, affirmations, hugs and expensive chocolate to share. Her hand was the hand held and her smile the one seen by many a patient searching for a glimmer of hope. She often brought her work home, many nights were spent putting together special treat bags or making button pins even handcrafting special greeting cards that were customized especially for a patient she knew would soon be coming in for an appointment.
Her compassion didn’t stop there. She contributed regularly to fundraisers, gathered goods for homeless women jason_kalia_gmawith families adopted by her work-family for Christmas, she collected box tops and pop top pull tabs to raise money for schools long before her grandchildren’s school needed it, she even made friends with a man who is in recovery that is homeless but sells the Real Change Newspaper and always had a smile, encouragement and a five dollar bill for the guy on her way to work.   I am positive she would have worked to her last day if it were an option.lynn_1_jd_profile_smile
 Lynn went into early retirement in 2012 with a shuffling of management and merging with Swedish her role became obsolete. Having worked the majority of her life it took some time to adjust to the change in routine. She gave a lot of her time to her actual and honorary grandkids: Jason, Kalia, Devin, Ethan, DJ, Sofielana, and the new “Charles” babies had her wrapped around their little fingers-each in their own special way. She had many phone dates with dear friends, brunches, casino trips, and as much quality time with people who she loved dearly and loved her in return.
jd_hugging_gmaIf Lynn were given the opportunity to change anything I imagine her life would’ve stayed much the same except I do see her suggesting to us all: Don’t sweat the small stuff, choose your battles and don’t give up. Her and I were talking a month back to the children about how love is the one thing we can never give too much of that it is the only thing that matters when all else falls away. Recalling that conversation and considering the circumstances I began to fear the  uncertainty we face that surrounds dying and leaving behind those we love.  I pray that in her passing she was at peace in knowing that we will all be ok and that we know nothing short of her love for us.lynn_picture_older_with_bj_nick
I imagine that she, not unlike many who can attest to the amazing almost magical qualities possessed by LOVE, spent some time after death making visits in spirit to assure that not one of her people were left behind without knowing that in her passing a piece of their hearts were exchanged with hers and because of this we, as those who love and are loved by her, have a duty to see to it that she know-that we know just how much she loved us.
This is true for brothers, ex-husbands, in-laws, daughter-out-laws, adopted children, friends, children, grandchildren, co-workers and neighbors alike; If you know how much you were loved in life by Lynn then put your arms around those you love and hug them tightly, make that phone call to that brother you haven’t talked to in years, or drop a card in the mail to that friend who you may have had a brief falling out with and emphasize not on the politics that infringe on daily life but on the love that will outlast it all. Lynn was the glue for our family- many a times it would have fallen apart had she not been there  doing what she did so well, encouraging, loving, and sticking with us through the thick and the thin.  In life and in death we honor, love and adore her. 
There will be an open service on May 10th 2014 from 2:30-4:30pm at the Phinney Neighborhood Association, the Address for the service is as follows: 6532 Phinney Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103 – 206.783.2244 Thanks to the generous contributions from F.H.D.I. Please bring any pictures you may have to share, there will be a chance to speak of her and share your thoughts. There will be a small gathering near the end of May for those who were unable to make it to scheduled service. For more information regarding that please contact Sarah at 2064580127. The family’s set up a donations page to help alleviate some of the costs they have been left with, if you’d like  contribute please go to the following  page: Another site that will be contributed to even after services have been held is: Thank You.jason_lynn_tongue_out

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