Matthew David Luna

DSCN0261Matthew David Luna, 29, of Redmond, Washington, passed away March 14, 2014 at his home in Redmond.

Born in Redmond on December 10, 1984 to Linda and Sergio Luna, Matthew was the fifth of six children. He had four older siblings: Daniel, Amber, Sergio, and Joshua; and one younger sister, Sabrina. He graduated from Lake Washington High School in 2003.

Early on, Matthew had an active lifestyle. Following the family tradition, he started with gymnastics, training alongside his brothers. He soon branched out to other sports though, first playing soccer and later joining the Rose Hill Junior High football team. He cherished the memory of making a touchdown and then being flattened by his teammates in the ensuing celebration. High school brought an intense interest in snowboarding. Every winter weekend, Matthew would be chomping at the bit to get up to the slopes and ride, eager to try the next big jump and see how high he could flip this time. Later, he enjoyed camping and hiking with friends and family.

Matthew’s interest in fitness and activity melded into his work life, as well. First in roofing and construction, he then worked at several different gyms, doing everything from managing the front desk, to odd jobs, to fitness equipment maintenance; giving him the opportunity to keep up his exercise regimen, always encouraging and inspiring others to keep fit and healthy at the same time. His greater vocational interest however, was welding. Sparked by an auto body class in high school, welding became a creative hobby for him that he hoped to turn into a career.

A favorite hobby of Matthew’s was off-road four-wheeling. His prized possession was his 2006 Chevy Colorado custom-lifted truck. He and his brother Matthew and his Chevy Colorado!  It is a 5 cylinder, 5 speed, 4 wheel drive.Josh would head to Eastern Washington for fun weekends of off-roading and rock crawling.

In terms of creative pursuits, Matthew got the musical talent in the family. He enjoyed playing guitar, composing his own music, and creative songwriting. After high school, he even played in a band with some friends for a time. Of all his siblings, Matthew was the one who wouldn’t hesitate to jump up and sing karaoke when given the chance. The many poems he wrote were another form of his creative passion.

2009 12 19_Matthew's Birthday_0615Matthew truly loved his family and treasured the time he spent with them. He valued the importance of family functions, and he was always willing to drop everything to help the family – with moving, rides to the airport, house projects… anything. To his nieces and nephews, he was a funny, entertaining, and caring uncle; taking them to the park to play, shooting pool with them in the garage, giving piggy-back rides. They had fun shooting arrows at cardboard targets in the backyard, loved swimming and playing in the pool together, and he could always get them to laugh hysterically with his perfect Donald DuckMatthew talks like Donald Duck...  It made Ella laugh so hard! voice.

To mark his passing, family and close friends will hold a Celebration of Life gathering at his sister Amber’s home in Renton, Washington on March 22, 2014. At a later date, the family will gather to spread Matthew’s ashes in the places he loved.

Devoted, compassionate, active… and young. He will be missed.

16 Responses to “Matthew David Luna”

  • Cheryl Moncrief says:

    Matt was one of the sweetest, most caring people I’ve ever met. His smile would light up a room, and he always had a hug for everyone, making them feel a part of the family. He was an amazing uncle whose nephews would always tell me funny stories about time spent with “Uncle Matthew”. He will be missed by many people and forgotten by no one. My thoughts and prayers go to the Luna family, along with my love. This is a beautiful tribute that really captures Matthew’s spirit .

  • Lynn Welborn says:

    My heart and prayers go out to the Luna family in this great loss of your Matthew. The Welborns are very saddened to hear of his passing and the heavy hearts you bear. Know that we are thinking of you and are holding you up in prayer.
    Love, Lynn, Jim and Ryan’s family

  • Caryn Radovich says:

    Our thoughts and prayers are with the Luna Family. So sad that such a wonderful young man was taken from us early. Let his memory and love be a gift.

  • Lance Bowie says:

    Just want to send you all some love. You are and will remain in our thoughts and prayers.

    -The Bowie’s

  • Alex Dieffenbach says:

    We are truly sorry for the loss of Matthew. The Dieffenbach family is holding your family close in our thoughts and prayers.

  • Anabel Albuja Guerra says:

    My prayers go out to the Luna family in this great loss of my cousin Matthew.
    I pray our loving God will comfort you all in this sad moment.

  • Federico Carrera says:

    Very sorry to know about your great loss. Our deepest condolences are with you. May his soul rest in peace.
    Federico & Patty Carrera

  • Kathy and Jim Branshaw says:

    Our thoughts and prayers are with Matthew and his family and friends. Peace be with you, Kathy and Jim

  • Jorge de la Bastida & Familia says:

    Querida Familia,
    Nos entristece la noticia y deseamos mucha paz en sus corazones al recordar a Matthew. Enviamos nuestro afecto y abrazos, a la distancia.
    Olimpia, Rocío, Jorge E, Edgar, Mónica y familias respectivas.

  • Jorge de la Bastida & Familia says:

    Querida Familia,
    Nos ha entristecido mucho la noticia.
    Deseamos que sus corazones encuentren paz al recordar a Matthew.
    Enviamos nuestro afecto y abrazos a la distancia.
    Olimpia; Rocío, Jorge E, Edgar, Mónica & familias respectivas.

  • Nick Talbott says:

    I have nothing but the most warm hearted memories of Matthew. He and I became friends/co-workers right off the bat at the gym where we worked together. Matt was hands down, the most hard working, inspirational, motivating, funniest, loving and caring person that I’ve ever known. Matthew and I grew up in Redmond and are the same age. Although, I didn’t have the pleasure to get to know him as kids (different schools), but I’m sure glad that he impacted my life in such a positive way later in my life. My thoughts and prayers are with Matthew, his family and friends. God bless Matthew David Luna and peace to his soul.

    Nicholas J Talbott

  • Cam Kerst-Davis says:

    Linda and Sergio,

    I’m sadden to hear of Matthew’s passing. You and the family are in my prayers.

  • Guillermo Carrera and family says:

    We are really sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  • Christina Rosser says:

    I am in shock to hear of Matt’s passing. He was the most incredible young man and I have countless stories of how he made a positive impact in my life. He will be deeply missed.

  • Pam Drake says:

    I’m so very sorry to hear the loss of Matt. Matt and my son Tyler used to hang out during the school years and still had seen each other afterwards. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. He will be missed.

  • Kory bentley says:

    Miss you, buddy. Grateful for all our years being friends. I think about you often.

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