Doris Charlotte High

(March 10, 1955 – July 26, 2012)


Doris High


Doris passed away at home on July 26, 2012.  She was  57 years old.  Doris was born in Munich, Germany, on March 10, 1955.  Her family came to the United States in 1965 and spent a few years in New York and Columbus, GA.  The family returned to Oberammergau, Germany for 3 years, and then moved to Washington State in 1970.

She is survived by her loving husband, Brian; her sons, David (Tera) and Eric High, and three grandchildren, Angelica, Mary Jane and Aaron; her brother  Claus (Debi) Nichols, and her sisters, Silvia (Craig) Carlson, Isabella (Mike) Hayes, and Diana (Tom) Williams; and her Goddaughter Jennifer Homer.

Doris loved animals and had pets of every kind – dogs, cats, fish, and ferrets.  She loved the water – whether lake, river, or ocean.  Hawaii was her favorite vacation spot and she went there almost every year; she frequently invited family and friends to come along.  Second to Hawaii was Leavenworth –  a little town that reminded her of Germany.  At home she enjoyed cooking special German dishes (like rouladen & schnitzel!) for her family, and was enthusiastic about gardening.  And she collected angels … there are angels everywhere in her home –  an angel was a gift that was sure to be treasured.

Doris was petite, but she had a powerful presence; she was the center of a room, and she never backed down from a challenge.  Doris had a big heart and considered her friends as family; she was fiercely protective of everyone she loved.

Doris was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer in 1999; she beat the odds and survived 13 more years to continue to bless our lives.  Her struggle was brave, but it had a price … and we know now that she is released from the pain she endured for us.

Doris, you will be greatly missed, and we will love you forever.

12 Responses to “Doris Charlotte High”

  • Brian says:

    Trying to put my Aunt Doris into words is the closest to impossible I have ever found.

    She had a deep love and sense of protection for the people she called family. Never would she back down. She even seemed to stand up for us more than we could for ourselves. I remember how she would always say that blood is thicker than water.

    Everyone that was close to Doris will tell you that at one point she had a huge impact on their life. For me there were many but one of the biggest was that she gave me a job that opened up an opportunity for a career in auto-body. Without her and Brian I could never have had the career I have today. She did this because thats how she took care of her family.

    There is no denying the way Doris could always be the center of a room. Her way of always being who she was and never backing down was so strong that we all envied her strength.

    Her warm loving heart could only be matched by our love for her. She is truly one of a kind and will be remembered every day of my life…as my Aunt Doris. Little Brian

  • Silvia says:

    To my loving sister Doris,

    As I write this I think back to our childhood remembering all the good times we had. I also think back to when you would locked me in the closet with the spider ( I hate spiders) and made me do your chores…. haha, but I guess thats what Big Sisters are supposed to do.

    Than came those young adult years….It was you that gave me a roof over my head and introduced me to my childrens Father.

    Becoming a wife and a mother took me many miles away from you and the rest of the family. I wish we only could have been closer.

    No matter how many miles away, You have always been my Big Sister. I will never be able to hear your beautiful voice or see your beautiful smile. You will be MISSED!

    When I was at the hospital by your side I asked God to release you from you from your pain and suffering and put your life in his hands. I guess at that time God need someone in heaven who was SPECIAL like you. I know you will always look out for me as you do for me when we were kids. I have always looked up to you.

    I know I will ALWAYS have an Angel watching over me. You will forever be in my heart.
    Love your little sister, Silvia

  • Jennifer says:

    Doris my loving godmother and aunt you will be dearly missed by the many hearts you have touched. In heaven you will rest until we are able to reunite. Thank you for guiding me to be the strong person I am today and for helping me build my family. Thinking of you always and loving you forever.

  • Ken says:

    Doris my dearest friend for the past 40 years we spent wonderful times together like taking our Moms out to eat.Our long drives we took and I treasure those moments I had with you.I will miss you but I know you are in heaven making all the angels happy with your joyful personality.Love you forever my prayers are for your family. Love,Ken

  • Diana says:

    Doris, May you rest in peace. I wish we could have spent more time together. I wish i could have been there for your final days. I remember Mom always saying you were our second Mom always guiding us. You will always be remembered and never forgotten. Love from your youngest sister, Diana

  • Isabella says:

    Doris, We had a bond like no other, We had many good times together. We created many Memories over the years! You will forever be in my Heart. Love Your Sister Isabella

  • Diana says:

    Doris, You are at peace now. I wish we could have spent some time together. I wish I were there for your final days. I have good childhood memories. Mom always said you were our second Mom always guiding us. You will be Forever missed and never Forgotten. Love from your youngest Sister, Diana

  • Frieda says:

    Doris, I am like your other sister to you. You will be missed. We all love you. I wish I was there to see you., but I couldn’t. At least now you are at peace and with no pain. WE ARE GOING TO MISS YOU!

  • Ron and Margo says:

    How do you pay tribute to someone who was loved and will be missed as much as Doris? She worked hard at having a welcoming home, a beautiful yard, and most of all taking care of and protecting her family. Doris gave my children their first kitten and introduced them to different types of fish which she had in her aquarium. When the kids were little we would go to visit Brian and Doris and she would fix authentic German food for us. This inspired one of our daughters to take German in High School and spend a year in Germany as an exchange student. Doris was the Office Administrator for our business for many years and kept the company on track with all her hard work. We will miss our phone calls and especially seeing her and her beautiful smile which would light up any room. She made a lot of wonderful memories with her family and we hope that those memories will bring them comfort in the days, weeks and years to come. We love you Doris!!!!

  • Nile Hutchins says:

    You are one of my favorite people in the whole world. You had the heart of a lion, and the soul of an angel! Your strength and courage were second to none! Then just add in all of your charisma and character, you were one of a kind! Few people on earth have ever matched your style as you had class, you were brash, and you were sweet but could be fierce. You were nurturing, giving, and honest (even brutally sometimes) 🙂 You were always willing to help a friend and lend an ear to those you loved and cared for the most! Even to those you didn’t know at times. I remember calling you and crying like a baby about my problems and you always had something positive to say to lift my spirits. ☺ You’ve always given me great advice, which helped me get through a lot of my trying times. I wish I had one ounce of your spirit, as it was larger than life. Through it all, you held your head up high with a smile on your face. You never let on how much you hurt, and the pain you endured, as you never wanted anyone to feel sorry for you, and for that you’re a hero of mine! I moan and whine about trivial things all the while a princess like you took every lump and bruise with dignity and maintained your self-respect. God threw every possible hurdle and test your way. You’ve handled every bad situation that God’s put before you and you’ve passed every test like a scholar, you’ve jumped every hurdle like a gold-medalist. God would give you lemons and my girl turned them into lemonade! You took every punch on the chin, while holding your head up high, never being knocked out and kept fighting the good fight. God needed a champion so he called you home. While your pain is over, ours just begins, as anyone who knew you, will miss you dearly and wish you were here still. You’ve meant so much to me! You’re like a second mother and all of the life lessons you taught me, will never be forgotten. I am blessed to have met David as a child up in Washington because if I didn’t I wouldn’t have all the amazing feelings and love for you and your family as I do. You and my mom became best of friends and I know that she feels the same as I do!! You taught me a lot and I’ll cherish those memories! We had a lot of wonderful times… The good, the bad, and the ugly! You were always there for me Dorsey…. And for that I am forever grateful. I wish we could have made more memories that I could hold onto and cherish but one of these days we will meet again and start my second chapter. You were an AWESOME AND AMAZING woman, mother, wife, friend, person, and Angel. You loved angels so much because you WERE AND AEW ONE! I know that the memories of you that I have will cherished and are ones that I will take with me forever.

  • Lindy Lane says:

    I’ve known Doris for a long time, most of my life in fact. She was a very important friend to my mother. I’m grateful to her for all of the laughs, tears and every genuine moment that the two of them shared.

    I’ve never met a more vivacious person. She made things happen in life. Her strength in life will always be remembered. Her determination and fighting spirit, to always come back to her family through her sickness is an inspiration.

    She loved so deeply and if you were one of the lucky ones, you know what it really means to be loved. Doris fought long and hard to stay with her family and friends.

    Selfishly, I can at least take comfort in knowing that she is no longer in pain, she no longer has to be the strong one, she is finally at peace. She died the same way that she lived; on HER terms, at home with the man that she loved.

    Everyday Doris will be missed but everyday she will also be remembered.

  • Stephanie DeCremer says:

    Just last Christmas I was watching videos of us as kids going out to your house. I remember looking at your fish tank and the piranahs. It was always fun going out to your house. As I got older and I started working a couple of summers at the company, I was able to work with Doris. She taught me a lot about helping the customers and business, but what I remember most is getting to know Doris on a more personal level. Despite her pain with the cancer she was always positive and smiling. She was kind and mindful of others, and very strong and positive. She never complained, and was a great example to me. I really enjoyed that time where I got to know my Aunt better on a variety of levels.

    Doris, you will be missed, but I am glad you are no longer in pain. You fought valiently for so many years and we can all be grateful that we knew you.

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