Timothy Edward Smith
Timothy Edward Smith passed away. The cause of death was an aneurysm. He was 47 years old. Tim was born in Monterey Park, California February 23, 1964. He and his family moved to Alaska when Tim was four. He began his career in the glass industry while he was still in high school. Tim then moved to the Seattle where he attended Highline College. He worked for Hartung Glass Industries for over twenty years. Tim is survived by Laurie, the love of his life, Jim and Phyllis Smith, his parents of Springfield, Oregon, Thomas, his brother from Linwood, Kansas, and a host of nieces and nephews. Tim was preceded in death by his older brother, James. The last time his parents heard from Tim was Christmas morning. He had just returned home from having purchased 18 meals from Kentucky Fried Chicken that he passed out to homeless men and women. At that point Tim’s work here on earth was done, and God took him home.
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Dear Jim and Phyllis,
Our prayers are with you from Africa in this difficult time. What a wonderful thing Tim did in giving those meals to the homeless. He was a compassionate person and our God will honor him for that. Adee was so happy to hear that you had good conversations with Tim last summer about God’s Word. May our heavenly Father comfort you in your loss and encourage you in Christ’s resurrection from the dead–the portion of all who serve him.
Love, Rob and Adee Lillo, Nigeria, West Africa