Rosemary Hughes

Rosemary ‘Rosie’ Jean Hughes (Revel)

Our beautiful beloved Rosie was taken from us suddenly on the afternoon of February 3rd, 2010. Born in Juneau, Alaska May 30th 1959, her life, although cut too short, was full of love and friendship. Whether it was her childhood in Raymond, WA, during her school years at Willapa Valley, her 20 plus years of working at the Boeing Everett plant, or her time with the friends of Bill W, she had the special ability of forging strong relationships wherever she went and a spirit that can not be forgotten.

She married David Mullenix and moved to Arlington, WA in the early 1980s to raise their two children.  In 2006 she married Michael Hughes in a Elvis themed Las Vegas wedding that her mother Darlene would have loved.

We will remember her soft touch, the way she loved and cared for others, the comfort of her embrace and her sense of humor. She had a love for all animals, music, and all people. She enjoyed singing loud, whether on the hilltop of her childhood home, or while driving in her car. She cherished the precious moments with her grandchildren, enjoyed taking them to new and exciting places and in return traveling to new places with her husband. Her sweet smile, laugh that would fill a room and large heart will stay with us forever.

Rosie is survived by her husband, Michael Hughes of Lynnwood WA, her son, Shaun Mullenix of Arizona City AZ, her daughter, Tristin Rieken of Alger WA, her brother, Allen Revel of Bothell WA, her sister, Charmayne LeClair of Raymond WA, her Grandchildren, Kaleb and Ayden Mullenix, Chayce and Fletcher Rieken and countless friends and family members whom she held so dear.

Rosie joins her father, Joe Revel, her mother, Darlene Revel and her adored dog, D.O.G. We are comforted knowing that wherever she is, she is preparing a meticulously clean and sweet smelling home to greet us all when it is our time to join them.

Rosie was there to console us in our times of grief, now it is time for us to console each other in our time of great loss. A celebration of Rosie’s life will be held Sunday, March 14th at 3pm at the Camano Senior & Community Center.  606 Arrowhead Road
Camano Island WA 98282.

In honor of Rosie, donations can be made in her name to her favorite charity, Kindering at

14 Responses to “Rosemary Hughes”

  • Tristin says:

    I love you Mom and miss you everyday.

  • Kelly says:

    I still feel like this is a bad dream that I haven’t woken up from. We miss you so much!

  • Tristin says:

    I miss you every moment of every day. As I sit reading this for the 100th time I still can not believe it is true, I too feel like it is just a dream and wake up everyday forgetting that it’s not but am always reminded. Every time the phone rings and it is not you, not your excited voice asking how I am doing, wanting to plan a weekend with Chayce or asking if your ‘grandaughter is available to talk’, I am reminded that it is true. When I check the mail on holidays and special occasions and there is not a card waiting for me addressed to ‘My Trissy Missy Moo’ I am reminded that it is true. I love you so much and am comforted knowing that your spirit lives on – not only are you watching over me, but also in the way I will mother my children because of your example.

  • Jenn says:

    My heart just aches, not many get into this heart of mine. But your love was given so freely you snuck in without me knowing. Now there is just a huge empty place in me where you love used to fill. I will miss you everyday till I can see you again. I love you Rosie, thanks for loving me too.

  • Little Dave says:

    It was so great to see Rosie at Trisin’s wedding, she was always a great loving aunt to me. Rosie will be missed by many. My thoughts and prayers go out to you Tristin and Shawn and to everyone else Rosie touched in her life much love.

  • Sheri D says:

    Rosie, I loved you since I knew you. My favorite thing was to run into you at the big B, the old cafe. We would catch up 5 years into 10 min. I love you girl, and I’ll see you on the other side. Fan of Bill W and recovery.

  • Jack & Jan Gee says:

    I knew Rosie when she lived on Kackman Rd. but ran into her about 5 years ago and was overjoyed at her faith in Christ at that time. What a wonderful transformation had taken place in her life in the time we had not seen each other. Even as I read this obituary and I thrilled to say we will meet again!
    I am curious what took her life from this world but know she lives on.

  • Lynne Stoner says:

    Oh sweet Rosie-It has been so long since I saw you last but it was always like no time had past. Your smile and spirit always lit up where ever you were. I still remember playing upstairs in Raymond when we were little and singing and performing for whoever would listen to our songs on the old wind up record player. I’m so sorry for the loss of those left behind but I know you are catching up with all who went before you. See you later angel face!

  • Flo says:

    Rosie, I can’t describe how different our lives will be without you here to share them with, you are in our hearts and always will be. But to have to hear your laugh in our mind’s and remember your smile will be so different than to hear you aloud and see you face to face!! I remember when I first met you I thought you were so pretty and so so Now the memories will be the little thing’s like the sound that your jewelry and always beautiful nails would make expecially while driving and rocking out to some Blues Traveler or Indigo Girls or some Dave Matthews.or your old red ice-water mug you drink while watching friends at the High Clover house. Even things like the smell of your house and how tidy it was and your yard tanning chair I could go on forever about my memories those are just a few!! I love you Rosie I wish you were here!! You will be missed deaerly and deeply. Enjoy your new life and keep a good eye on us please -k- Love you Flo xoxoxoxo

  • Cindi Stallard says:

    My Best Friend

    My dearest friend Rosie were do I begin..

    It started in the 5th grade I think that’s when..

    We became the best of all my FRIENDS..

    And stayed that way through thick and thin…

    We kept in touch for long time friends

    Loving and growing until the end….

    We’ll always remember those times again..

    Over and over since we begin..

    We lived apart not miles within

    But never forgot each others grin

    Oh could we laugh and make our heads spin

    SO loud, happy and love as 2 friends..

    You have not left this life we live in

    You’ve gone up above to be with HIM..

    So I’ll stay here and remember your GRIN

    For it’s that memory I’ll keep till my end..

    I love you ROSIE for all that I am

    For love of 2 friends that will never end

    You’ll be close to my heart. Not a whim

    And your memory stays strong within….


    I wrote this poem myself from my heart
    YOUR BFF and EVER!!!
    Cindi Stallard

  • Leslie Phillips says:

    So sorry all those so close to her. Loosing someone so early unimaginable and untimely of course. Ill be thinking about you for the days to come as this is new news to me this evening and but brief and short encounter I had with her is that she’s one that has left an Imprint on my heart forever.

  • Charlie Wymore says:

    I met Rosie at a rodeo in Long Beach when she was just 14 years old; she made it easy to become friends and made an impression that has lasted nearly 40 years – someone I am glad to have known even though it was a long, long time ago…it seems just a short time has passed. She was always the big smile to look forward to on the occasions when we got a chance to visit. I am sorry to learn of this, especially a few years too late. Charmayne, Allen, Rosie’s family…please accept my heartfelt and deepest sympathy for this great loss from your life.

  • Linda Mayrhofer says:

    Dearest Rosie, I just went to face book and learned that you’d gone to heaven. You will bring much light and laughter with you and abundance of joy. We lived down the street from each other and we spent many of our days with Amy and Shawn playing and our visits that seemed too short as we needed to be there for our husbands David and Henry when they returned from work. We used to clen up the house and make lunch at yours or mine for the kids. I never had a friend like you, EVER. You could make a bad situation into a party of happiness. Our children went to parent co-op preschool together SSCC and that gave us even more time to enjoy each others company.I will be strong “Rosie” and that is what you would want, but today once again you have touched my life forever. I will think of you always. God collected you in his hands because he was ready for you to come home.You will be missed dearly by everyone who knew you. My deepist sympathy to David, Shawn,Tristen Mullenix and your siblings.


    Linda Mayrhofer-Newby

  • Phil Pulve says:

    I’m truly so saddened to hear of this news. After all these years I had a vivid dream of Rosie just last night. We became good friends while working together at Boeing. I was compelled to look her up on Google after having lost touch so long ago and to find that she has passed made my heart sink.

    Rosie had the absolutely most infectious smile and just a fabulous energy. For whatever reason, she showed up last night in my dreams just as bright and beautiful as ever. She is a special soul that still shines.

    My heart goes out to all of her family and friends even after all these years. She may not be with us physically but she is always present in our hearts.

    Thanks for the visit Rosie.

    Much Love,


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