Karen Louise Goldstein

Goldstein1On August 3rd, 2009, Karen Louise Goldstein passed away in Kirkland, WA. She was a New
Year’s baby, born January 1st, 1967 to proud parents Gloria and Roy Schulz and siblings
Goldstein2Bill, Ron and Diane. Karen attended Juanita High school and went to Germany as an exchange
student in her junior year. Karen graduated from the University of Washington and Seattle
Pacific University. While at the UW, Karen enjoyed being a member of ZTA sorority. She
went on to work in the medical profession. She loved her job at Evergreen Hospital and
inspired all whom she worked with. Karen recently celebrated her 13th wedding anniversary
to her beloved husband Tim. They shared a passion for travel and experienced the world
more than many dream possible. They were blessed with the birth of their beautiful
daughter Nicole eight years ago, the love of her life. Karen was loved by so many and will
be missed by so many. She is an angel now in heaven, at peace, without pain.

The Karen Schulz Goldstein Memorial Lecture Fund has been established to endow an annual lecture series in Karen’s honor in recognition of her career and dedication to promoting diabetes education.  Karen was an active member of the Washington Association of Diabetes Educators (WADE) and the Diabetes Care and Education Practice Group.  The promotion of diabetes care and education were very important to Karen.  This annual lecture series will ensure that Karen’s passion for the promotion of diabetes care and education will continue and be available to others who share her passion.

If you are interested in donating to this Fund, you can make a check to WADE which is a not-for-profit organization.  If you write “Karen” in the memo line, your donation will be directed to this Fund.  All donations are tax deductible.

Checks may be sent to:
WADE c/o Kathy Magee
5763 28th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98105
or visit the WADE Memoriam web page for a Paypal option to make a contribution. You can find that web page at the following link:


25 Responses to “Karen Louise Goldstein”

  • Bill Schulz says:

    I’m proud of my little sister and I’m grateful that she was with us as long as she could manage. I knew
    when I developed diabetes 10 years ago that I could
    turn to her for guidance in facing this unrelenting disease. She’s helped thousands of new diabetics learn how to manage this illness and our lives are a
    living testament to her help. Her passing leaves an empty spot in our lives, but there is much to celebrate and remember fondly. She died peacefully in her sleep knowing that she was loved by friends and family. That’s not something to be sad about.

  • Joan Hill says:

    Dear Tim, Nicole, Bill and other Family:

    I don’t know you all personally, but I want to tell you how Karen and I knew one another. She was very active with the Diabetes Care and Education Practice Group of the American Dietetic Assoc. Through this group Karen and I worked together. She was the Chair of the Networking Committee, and I was on the committee. I came to know Tim and Nicole, in name only, as she talked of you both often when we had a few moments at our meetings. She was proud of you Nicole, and often shared stories about how you were growing and changing with each day. She spoke of her love for her family when she was away working so hard for her patients. Her decision to change jobs was clear to me that she wanted more time with you both and I hope you had that with her. She recently worked as a memeber of the nominating committee too. We know that this is a tough time to think of her, as you will wish she was here, I can only say that she will live on, for a long time, as her spirit touched more than you, she touched us all, and we’ll miss her very much.

    Joan Hill
    Chair DCE 2009-2010 and Karen’s friend

  • Suzanne Pecoraro says:

    To Karen’s family: I am the current chairman of the Nominating Committee for the Diabetes Care & Education Practice Group- Karen was a member of this committee. I only knew her via the phone but she was so very enthusiastic when we had our first conference call I was sure I would enjoy working with her. I am so sorry to learn of her passing – as you have said, she is in heaven now with no pain – it is those of us you are left behind who have the pain. God’s Blessings to you all at this time of saddness – I know he will give you peace and you will celebrate Karen’s life. Suzanne Pecoraro, Karen’s friend

  • Doris Piccinin says:

    I met Karen only briefly in the summer of 2007 when she worked with Camp Leo diabetes camp in Shelton, Wa. She brought Nicky with her that summer. I could see how dedicated she was with her first year at camp and working with the very young girls with diabetes. It was evident that she was passionate about what she does. I had an opportunity to have lunch with Karen again through a mutual friend and ran into her at conferences periodicaly. She was a great person and will be sadly missed.

  • Cathy Anderson says:

    Our family is so very sad. Karen was a very special person. I grew to know Karen while she worked with me at Medtronic. I have yet to meet someone so selfless and giving. Karen was a good person and loved her family dearly. She treasured and talked about her walks and travels with Tim and Nicky. Anything and everything that Nicky was excited about Karen was as well. She loved and looked forward to her Hawaii trips. I hope Heaven looks and feels like Hawaii. Please see a picture of Karen and Nicky by copying and pasting this web address.


  • Alison Evert says:

    My thoughts and prayers go out to Tim and Nicky as well as her family. Karen over the last year seemed to so enjoy her position working with women going through often difficult pregnancies. I am sure that the women she came into contact not only benefited from her expertise, but also her empathy for what they were going through because she had once been in the same place too. The end result for her being the light of her life, Nicky. I rarely had a conversation with Karen without her mentioning Nicky or family plans for travel. And typically while we were chatting she would be taking a walk! I had the opportunity to get to know Karen first as a professional colleague and then as a good friend trying to help and empower people to better self-manage this terrible disease through education. I am so sad that she didn’t have more time with Tim and Nicky – she was such a devoted wife and loving mother.

  • Ellen Kauffman says:

    I am so shocked and saddened to hear about Karen. I had the absolute privilege and pleasure to work with Karen while I was employed by Franciscan Medical Group. Karen was working for Medtronic and was absolutely selfless in her support and encouragement of others….not just patients but the staff as well. She always gave me an update on her family when we would see each other. Being diabetic myself, we would lament those doggone blood sugar fairies that whacked us too many times with the ‘sweet wand’….sometimes the only explanation for the craziness! Karen was so kind to everyone. All of her family is in my thoughts and prayers. What a blessing to have known her.

  • Max Krauskopf says:

    My Aunt Karen was funny, pretty and nice. I will miss her a lot.

  • Susie Wang says:

    My heart goes out to Karen’s family, especially Nicky, the light of her life. It was clearly obvious how much she loved her family.

    I have known Karen for several years, initially through her professional life as a diabetes educator. I respected her dedication and skill as an educator as well as her willingness to help and volunteer. She was great with patients and has helped many. She had a special connection with many of them. I also know she has worked on many professional volunteer projects and served in professional organizations.

    Later, I considered myself lucky to be one of Karen’s friends. She gave so much and touched so many. I like many, many others will miss her.

  • Linda Flanagan Vahl says:

    Very sorry to hear about Karen’s passing. Karen was clearly a very giving and talented woman. We give our sincerest condolences for your loss.

    Linda Flanagan Vahl, of the American Dietetic Association

  • Kim Lobree & Stefanie Leniszewski says:

    We had the privledge to meet Karen when she visited our office while working with Medtronic. She was incredibily knowledgeable, compassionate, patient, and thoughtful. We enjoyed sharing stories about our children and were happy for Karen when she found a job that allowed her more time with her family. What a beautiful person! Inspiring as a mother, wife, and diabetes educator. We will miss her greatly and our thoughts and prayers are with her family.

  • Mandana Ahmadian-Bellevue Endocrine Consultants says:

    We are so very sorry to hear about Karen. She was delightful and compassionate. Our condolences for your loss.

  • Dr. Quddusi's Office Franciscan Medical Group says:

    We were so sorry to hear about Karen. She touched many lives, she will never be forgotten. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of loss.

  • Kevin Cintron says:

    My condolences to the family

  • Linda Castine says:

    Beyond the vast horizon, where the ocean meets the sky
    Lies the illusion of a world without an end
    Suddenly we can be swept off our feet
    When angels call upon our loved one and dear friend.

    As we gaze off into the horizon
    Loving memories of Karen fill the air
    We must carry forward Karen’s living legacy
    To be champions of great diabetes education and quality care.

    For Family and friends that Karen left behind
    May you find comfort and peace in celebrating her life
    Let each season shower you with hope and renewal
    Remembering your friend, daughter, sister, aunt, mother, & wife.

  • Ewald, Jodi, Stefan and Amanda de Vries says:

    Tim, Nicky,

    Please accept our families deepest and most heartfelt sympathies on losing Karen.. I am beside myself with empathy for your tremendous losses, the both of you and I want to give the comfort that I received when my father passed away back to those who can use it.., please call me when you feel up for it, anytime day or night.. I will be there.

    Stefan is very concerned about Nicky and would like for me to pass on the message that he hopes you feel better soon…

    Jodi & Stefan

  • Dr. Quddusi's Office Franciscan Medical Group says:

    Dr Quddusi and her staff here at Federal Way Medical Center send their deepest condolences. She made a difference in many lives!

  • Marcia Miller says:

    It is hard to know what to say when the shocking news about Karen was heard on Aug 3. I first met Karen during her compassionate work with Medtronic. She could speak from personal experience aoout the highs and lows of living with diabetes. Those of us who live with Type 1 diabest know this is a complex and delicate ever ending responsability. Karen never stopped working hard with this.
    Karen then volunteered at Camp Leo, a summer camp for children with diabetes. She wouldn’t dream of coming without Nicole, so she spent the week balancing the needs of 8 other campers with diabetes, along with herself and watching Nicole who was about 5 at the time. She may have had night mares about it later…..but she did a great job!
    What a wonderful diabetes educator and mother. I will always remember her in this way. May we thank and support diabetes educators in her honore.
    My deepest sympathy to Tim and Nicole and Karen’s entire family.

  • Barbara Wood says:

    Karen’s premature passing is a loss to the heart of many – especially Tim and Nicky.

    I met Karen through the Look Ahead study. She was such a positive influence on those of us in the program. She was passionate about educating and supporting us. Karen was our cheerleader when we made progress. When we got frustrated by our lack of progress, she provided encouragement.

    The world is a little less vibrant without Karen.

  • Jackie Siegel says:

    Karen was a cheerful and helpful presence whenever we saw her at Virginia Mason. We valued her expertise and enjoyed her personality.

  • Amber Wamhoff says:

    She will be missed, an inspiration. My sympathies to her family and friends. I knew Karen through her work with DCE.

  • Fran Loveland says:

    My deepest sympathies go to Tim and Nicky. I’ve know Tim and Karen since we all worked at United Airlines. We’ve lost touch in the last few years and I’d actually just googled them to reconnect. I am so very saddened by this news. Karen was a wonderfully funny, intelligent, adventurous and compassionate person. She will be very much missed.
    Much love to Tim and Nicky. You will be in my prayers.

  • Amir Mostashari says:

    Karen was and always will be a angel among us!! One of the sweetest kindest frined and a lady. God bless the family!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Amir Mostashari says:

    My deepest sympathies to Tim,Nicky and the family!!!! We love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Lori Higa says:

    It has been a year and I still think about Karen a lot. I see people in the street sometimes that look like her and wish it were her, partly because I still can’t believe it. She was so special, different than others, she really glowed and shared her happiness so generously w/ her friends. I miss her. To Tim and Nicky a big hug!

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