Theodore Harold Scrivanich – April 9, 2009
Ted was born May 24, 1929 in Brookfield, WA. to Mateo Scrivanich and Zena Tarabochia. He passed away April 9, 2009 in Edmonds, WA. He was the youngest of six children, a sister dying in infancy. In 1930 his family moved to Seattle.
He joined the Marine Corps in 1946. In 1952 he married Beverley J. O’Neal and together they had three children, Janet (Bob) Miller, Teresa Costle, and Paul (Olivia) Scrivanich. He always wanted to be a fireman and had many friends at the station off of Dravus St. on Queen Anne who mentored him. He gave up that dream to care for his family and became a warehouseman working for Eyres Transfer and eventually working at the Safeway Distribution Center in the meat department. In 1990 he had a brain aneurysm and was disabled.
He loved camping and showed us where Brookfield used to be on the Columbia River. He loved picking wild blackberries and blueberries. He helped Janet and Terry pick berries to sell so we could go to the summer District Assemblies. We also spent countless hours fishing, though we rarely caught anything. His biggest catch was an octopus that grabbed hold of the boat he and George Knierim were in. Ted also loved baseball. His cousins always talked about how they would play down in Interbay. He was a big fan of the Seattle Pilots and later of the Seattle Mariners. He often took the grandkids to games, loading up on candy and snacks before they went. Later, as he lay in a coma at Harborview we would turn on the Mariner games so that he could hear them. When he came home, Bev, Janet and Bob started taking him to the games and also became fans of the Mariners. Even as he became bed-ridden, he always watched the games and we could always tell how he thought they were playing by the noises he made.
Ted loved his family and his grandchildren, Gretchen (Dave) Wailes, Cynthia, Garrett and Ashley Miller. He saw his family expand with the addition of three great-grandchildren, Madison Maez, Jacob and Savanna Wailes. He was predeceased in death by his parents, his brothers Tony, Joe, and Mike and his sister Catherine. Several nieces and nephews survive.
He will be greatly missed, but we know that he now sleeps in death awaiting the resurrection on a peaceful new earth. We will miss you dad and we’ll do our best to look after mom who gave so much of herself caring for you.
Private burial was held at Tahoma National Cemetery. A memorial will be held at 2:00 pm., Saturday, May 9, 2009 at the Aurora Village Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses 2960 NE 200th., Shoreline,Wa.
6 Responses to “Theodore Harold Scrivanich – April 9, 2009”
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I will allways remember grandpa taking us to the mariners games and buying us treats to snack on through the game. Grandpa will never be forgotten.
I have many fond memories of Uncle Ted. I remember going to the games with my Uncle and cousins. (oh and lots of candy of course). I remember a trip to Hoods Canal with Uncle Ted’s family and my family. My Dad Mike and Ted were brothers and I have many memories of visiting them at their home playing in the back yard with my cousins and their dog. I’ve always thought of my Uncle as a very gentle and compassionate man. He will be greatly missed. I love you Uncle Ted
I have many wonderfull memories of my g-pa Ted. A couple that stand out most would be when he would take us to mariners games. He would pick me up in his brown escort & have two pieces of wrigley’s gum waiting for me. That is also when I learned about road rage. There was never a shortage of drivers for him to yell at. It was great! We would get to the game with enough candy and peanuts to give a dentist a heart attack. There was always a player screwing up g-pa would be there the whole time making sure they knew it & boy could that man’s voice carry! He would encourage me to take part in his heckling the players. It was awesome! He also was also always joking around when we would go out to eat. Most of the time he was worse then us kids! He was the first person to SHOW me how to make a spoon stick to my nose. He always treated and made us grandchildren feel as though we were the best. He is greatly missed and never will be forgotten. I Love You Grandpa!
I have many memories of g-pa Ted since I was his oldest grandchild I feel special to have been able to spend 35 years with him. I remember all of the mariners games and the candy. I think he had as much of a sweet tooth as we did! I also remember the Saturday night Bar-B-Ques and how g-pa was always getting us together. He was always comming over to see us or calling to have us over. I am so glad he always lived close. I also remember alot of shopping, camping and trying out new restraunts(& going back to the good ones!) I also remember the special time I got to spend with g-pa delivering flowers in Edmonds. He would take me to the soda fountain on the corner when we were either done or waiting. If we didn’t have time he would make a quick stop by a little store to make sure I had a drink and candy. I also remember the times I had with g-pa after he got sick. I feel priveledged to have been able to take care of gpa because that meant I got to spend more time with him. Even though he couldn’t talk he would still joke around with me and smile even the last time that I got to see him when he was in so much pain. In a way it makes it alot harder not to have him around but I will always cherish the time I did get to spend with g-pa. Grandpa I miss you so much and I am so glad you got to spend time with Madison, Jacob and Savanna and be able to be at my wedding, my very first time camping, Disneyland and cutting wood off of old logging roads and of course the shopping trips even when we didn’t buy anything. It seems like there is always something comming up that you either said or did. Even though I miss gpa-I am glad your not in pain anymore. I Love You!
Allthough we all have so many memories I thought I would share a few more I remember grandpa teaching Ashley all about grapes. So he bought Ashley a grape tree and then the questions from Ashley started. Questions like when are the grapes going to be here and can she eat them and when and all the others. Grandpa as a joke went to the store and bought some grapes and stuck them on the tree and you should of seen the look on Ashley’s face she had grapes not many but she had the grapes on her grape vine! The grape tree is still planted where grandpa planted it that day. I remember going to great grandma Zenas with grandpa. He would take us many places and whenever he could he would have us in tow. I like the day we went to get squid and grandpa told us he would save the eyeballs and of course he did. He had them in a tan Tupperware cup that we all probably had at one time. The cup sat up on the shelf in the window in grandma’s kitchen and there inside were the eyeballs. I can hear grandma now how she was telling grandpa not to do it and how sick it was but that didn’t stop him. That was a favorite memory of mine. Grandpa did a lot of funny things like that and those memories will be with all of us forever.
I was sorry to hear about the passing of Ted, I will always think a lot of his friendship over the years. Having known Ted since I was 24 years old, I grew to respect and enjoy his company.
He loved camping as I do, getting lost on mountain roads was a passion he enjoyed. We used to sit at Golden Gardens boat launch and watch people make mistakes in launching the boats so we could learn what not to do. Like most lessons we forgot a few. Ted had this thing about when a bolt and nut needed to be tightened one more turn is better, leading to a broken bolt or stud.
Ted loved his family and did his best to support them. I will miss him and his sense of humor. I am soory I am not able to be there for his service, his thoughts are with me.