Caden Gordon Chapin

Caden Gordon Chapin

Caden Gordon Chapin

Caden Gordon Chapin
 August 29, 2005 – April 10, 2009

Caden Gordon Chapin, age 3, of Kirkland, died on April 10, 2009 at Children’s Hospital in Seattle.  He was born August 29, 2005 in Bellevue, WA. Caden was loved dearly by family and friends who will always cherish their time with him. Caden loved playing with his doggy, cars, reading books, and spending time with his family and many friends.  He touched the lives of others in both joy and sadness.  His smile and enduring strength will be remembered forever.
Caden was preceeded in death by his siblings Sarah and Brennen.
Caden will be deeply missed by his parents, Randall and Jane, his brother Jordan and  sister Megan, his great grandmother, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and many devoted friends.
Thr Rosary, vigil and viewing will be at Sacred Heart Church on Monday April 20th at 7:00 pm. A funeral Mass will be celebrated at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday April 21, 2009, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 9460 NE 14th Street, Bellevue.  Burial will follow at Calvary Cemetery in Seattle.

A memorial fund has been set up in Caden’s name.  You may make donations to:

Children’s Hospital Foundation

In memory of Caden Chapin

To benefit the Medically Complex Child Service

PO.Box 50020

Seattle WA 98145

Please sign the on-line guestbook below.

38 Responses to “Caden Gordon Chapin”

  • michelle says:

    my little bubby-
    i loved watching over you during the night, keeping you comfortable, wrapping you up in your red blankey, and watching you hide under it…
    i miss styling your hair, and your little hand holding my finger while you dozed off…
    i’ll miss your adorable little voice, and even your cute angry grunts when i’d wake you up at 2 a.m. for a diaper change…
    You were SO tough Caden. You endured endless pokes and procedures and did it all with a courage and resilience that belied your tender age.
    It was an honor to have known you and your incredible famimly, Caden. I consider it a privilege to have played a small role in your amazing life.
    You’ve moved on little man, past this vale of tears, free from the trials and pains that you bore so valiantly.
    You were loved. You are missed. You will not be forgotten.

  • Jack McKeegan says:

    I’m so sorry that you have to go through this. Keeping all of you in my prayers

  • Shannan says:

    I am going to miss you so much. Your smile, your grunts and the way you brought so much joy during a work day to everyone you encountered. You are such a little fighter and you have taught me so much about life. I am so blessed to have known you, your mom, dad and siblings. You will always have a place in my heart and I will never forget you.
    I miss you more then words can express!!!
    I Love you!!!!

  • Linda Taylor says:

    My precious Caden,

    What a treasured blessing you have been in our lives. The joy you have given us is unmeasureable. So many special and treasured memories…thank you my little angel; they will remain with us forever and bring warmth to our hearts and smiles to our faces.

    My heart is heavy and grieves with your loss but what assurance it is for me that because our Lord died and rose on the third day, your flight to heaven took you IMMEDIATELY into the loving arms of Jesus! Good Friday was indeed a good day for you. Peace, happiness and good health are yours for eternity, little one.

    I love you so much.
    Your Grammy

  • Stacey says:

    Dear Randall,Jane,and Family,
    I am so sorry to hear about Caden’s death. It was such a privilege to help care for him the times he was in our PICU. He was an easy little boy to fall in love with and I so enjoyed the times I got to spend with him. You and your family our in my thoughts and prayers. Stacey

  • Lisa Ritchie says:

    Caden and his mom were in a class with my son and I at the Kindering Center. Caden, thanks for teaching us about love and strength. We’ll see you soon.

    Lisa and Caleb Ritchie

  • Millie and Claudia says:

    Jane – My therapy dog (Millie) loved to visit little Caden. We are very sorry to hear of his passing. Our prayers are with you. Millie and Claudia

  • Greg Mathews says:

    Hello Chapin Family –
    Our prayers and thoughts are so with you.
    The Mathews (Formerly Bellevue, now CA)

  • Wanda says:

    I cannot even imagine your loss. You’ve now lost three children and I freak out every time I have to take my one daughter to the doctor. The dentist has requested that her dad only bring her in the future. You must be very strong. God bless you. wb

  • Kandy & David Leslie says:

    We are so sorry for the loss of your little guy…
    Know you are all strong and with God’s help you shall get through this sadness. We shall keep your family in our thoughts and prayers. Blessings to all of you.

  • The Murray's says:

    Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. Your continued optimism in the face of what you have gone through is truly an inspiration.

    God Bless you all.

  • Char Bailey says:

    I am very saddened by the news of Caden’s passing. My thoughts and prayers are with your entire family.

  • Aunt Anna :- ) says:

    Remembering our sweet Caden, I recall a friend’s comment about the significance of your 33rd birthday as your “Jesus Birthday”; a day to reflect on the impact of his 33 years against your own. Of course, even across our entire lifetime, none of us has the impact of Jesus but I find myself thinking of this when I think of Caden. Even in his short 3 2/3rd years, his gift, his legacy, is a reminder of the power of love, and to waste no time to love one another.

    We all wish Caden’s life had been longer and without so many challenges. But we’ll remember him with more smiles than tears. He was stubborn and funny and had a will to live stronger than seems possible for one so small. He lived a full life especially as he loved and was loved. He was blessed with parents who loved him, who made sure he experienced the joys of life, and fought for him every step of the way. He had a brother who lovingly teased him as brothers should and a sister who with her many friends, adored him as sisters should and he was surrounded always, everywhere, far and wide, by people who loved and cared for him.

    In his lifetime, we grew as a family and we will always remember his role in helping us remember what this really means. It means you are never alone, whether in joy or grief; in this world or the next. Left here, together we will miss him knowing he, pain free, will now be loved, and teased and adored by his big sister Sarah, his big brother Brennen, and his Papa and his Aunt Rebecca and all the saints of heaven!

  • The Neely's says:

    Thoughts and prayers from the Neely family.
    God Bless you.

  • the Evanger family says:

    You will be in our thoughts and prayers. We can rejoice in knowing that Caden is in the arms of Jesus. We know that this will still be a very difficult time for you all. God’s blessings and strength to each of you!

  • Becca and Family says:

    My heart is so full of emotion for you at this time. Knowing though that God is holding him and Caden is looking down with smiles will give comfort. My prayers are with you all.
    “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosover believes in him shall have everlasting life”
    God bless you.

  • Paula Holmberg says:

    I was fortunate to meet Caden once, but felt like I knew him, as well as his family, because of the love his Aunt Alli had for him. She would share stories about how much he loved his family, his little car sounds, his beloved puppy dog, and how he was a little trooper right up to the end.

    I just want his family to know, you have all been in my prayers, not only in the last few days, but in the last several months. God bless you all!!

  • Cheryl Carlson says:

    Big Hugs and many heartfelt prayers at your loss of beautiful baby Caden. God has a plan and purpose for each and every life, and I know He used Caden in many, many ways!! Cheryl

  • Emily says:


    You are an amazing little guy. You may have been small, but you are one of the strongest people that I have ever met. You always were a fighter, and even on some really bad days you managed to make the most of it and keep right on clapping. You are an inspiration for everyone who came into contact with you. I am lucky for getting to know you and your wonderful family, it was truly a blessing. Thanks for everything you have taught me. I will never forget you and I will always miss you. I love you lil guy.

  • Jayme says:

    Your strength is amazing. You have blessed the lives of your children with love unlike any other. It is clear you have passed that strenght and love to your family and for that you have and will continue to be blessed throughout your life!

  • Bonnie says:

    We wanted more time with you, Caden- decades of time. It is impossible to let you go. How can a 3 year old leave a legacy as big as the one you have given all of us? How can we all not try much harder in our own lives because of how you lived and struggled and loved in yours? You were and are surrounded by love. We will take good care of your family, little buddy, I promise. I love you and miss you, Grammy

  • Michele McRae says:

    My heart breaks with the news of Caden’s passing. I was blessed to have been able to care for Caden in the first few months of his life – he will forever live in my heart and memories. May the strength and love of your family and friends help you through this difficult time.

  • Alli says:

    Dear Caden, my beautiful boy, I miss you more than words can express. You are the strongest, toughest guy I’ve ever known. You are an inspiration. You’ve taught me to live every day to the fullest and love like there is no tomorrow. I love you SO much little man, infinitely and forever!! It is an honor to be your Auntie Alli. Not a day will go by that I don’t think of you and smile and blow you kisses! Love and hugs, Alli

  • Brianne says:

    Dear Caden,

    Precious little buddy, how can words describe how much you are loved and missed here? I keep thinking of it like ripples on a pond… and the ripples your short life left are far reaching. Those who knew you couldn’t help but love you and learn from you. You have taught us all a bit more about how to live life and how to never give up… how to truly take advantage of each moment God has given us.

    Though I know you are in heaven far from trials and pains with all the peace and joy that being with God brings, you are missed. Your sweet voice, your little hand wrapped around my finger, the way you snuggled with blankey… and most of all your love of life and the people in it. You are so strong, so determined, so absolutely amazing. Thank you for the blessing of knowing and loving you… and your family. You will never be forgotten.

  • Aunt Neenie says:

    Dearest Caden –
    You were such a fighter – you had more heart and strength in your tiny body than anyone anywhere ever. You rallied so many, many times with your own strength and the strength you got from the incredible love and spirit of your mom Jane, your daddy Randy, your big brother Jordan, and your big sister Megan and the host of other people who loved you and cared for you. It is hard for me to comprehend that your earthly battle is now over.

    I promise no one who had the joy of knowing you, your spirit, sweetness together with tenacity, will ever be the same. We are all better people and a better family. Thank you for that, Caden. We miss you and love you. Your Aunt Neenie.

  • Kate, Tom, Sam & Ben says:

    Dear Jane, Randy, Jordan & Megan –

    We are heartbroken and will miss Caden very much. It was an honor to have known that brave and beautiful boy and we will always remember his sweet smile and indomitable spirit. Our hearts and prayers are with you all. Love from Kate, Tom, Sam & Ben

  • Marie says:

    Caden and your AMAZING family!
    Mrs and Mr. Chapin thank you for always letting me come and talk to you in Caden’s room about everything! But more importantly…Caden, ever since meeting you, you have always been the ‘cutest (sexiest) toddler’ ever but also the world’s MOST bravest boy ever; I haven’t seen anyone deal with the things you had gone through with such grace. But everytime I would come in, you would be ‘styling’ in all your super duper cool clothes. I got to see your awesome puppets and put on a little, actually short show for you, and make the piggy go oink oink. Caden, you will forever have a spot in my heart.
    With lots of Love,

  • Martha and George says:

    Jane, Randy, Jordon, and Megan,
    I’m so sorry for your loss and your extreme sadness. You were a great family to Caden while he lived and you will celebrate the joy he brought to you all forever. With much love to you.
    Martha and George

  • Bill Gordon says:

    Hey, Buddy,

    When I saw you last, I told you goodbye; but I knew you wouldn’t really go. I still feel you now and will as long as I breathe. I know you are still with me.

    Here’s some things I want you to know:

    When I held you the last time you were thin and frail; but you are the toughest person I’ve ever known

    While there are medical experts who could have done more to help you, you can be certain your mom and dad did everything possible

    When I prayed to God for a miracle in your life, He gave me you as the miracle in mine

    While there are lots of people who love you, Jordan and Megan love you most

    While it gives me great joy to think back on the wonderful experiences we had together, I am heartbroken when I think of the ones we’ll never have

    While you are no longer with people who love you here, there are many who love you there

  • Jody Nielsen says:

    Randy and Jane => I wish I could take some of the pain off of your shoulders and carry it for you. I am so sorry for your your loss. As the tears flow down, I am certain your little guy knew how loved he was here. As I think about him now, I am at peace that he is no longer suffering but laughing and playing in God’s home like a little boy should. I pray the two of you can find peace.

  • Jan Beers says:


    I was so sorry to hear about your loss. You have endured more than any one family should endure. My prayers and thoughts are with you

  • Suzan Knowles says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. I felt so priviliged to have known Caden and your family during the time I was the nurse manager of Overlake’s NICU and Caden was in our care. He left an lasting imprint in the hearts of all who knew him. May your memories keep him alive for you for always.

  • Trish Potts says:

    Even though I never met you, I knew you in my heart. Your Grammy Bonnie is a good friend of mine and spoke with love about you all the time. You were a very special little boy to all who had the prililege to know and love you. I will keep you all in my prayers to ease you through this very difficult time.

  • Steph Harms says:

    The memories he has left are those of joy and determination. He was such a ladys man when he would travel with megans gymnastics team. He has impacted so many lifes in his sort time. He was an insperation to everyone and all i can say is he is where a beautiful boy inside and out. Jane you have showed me that it is possible to be strong through the toughest time and you are turely my role model in life. You are kind hearted and the most careing mother.

  • Ouida Bayfield says:

    To Sweet Bonnie and Family, This outpouring of love which I have just finished reading has brought me to weeping. My regret is that I will never know Caden. He must have been a remarkable little guy. God, hold him gently.

  • Jill Melia & Family says:

    Caden sounds like an adorable little guy. I am so sad that I never got to know my Nephew or that my kids didn’t know their cousin. I know they would have held him close and loved him to pieces. Mom is holding him tight and filling his days and nights with Angel kisses!

  • Mark Hannibal says:

    To the Chapin family, Jane especially: I am honored to have known Caden and challenged by the realization that we still don’t understand some illness. I thank you for allowing me to listen to your story and to try to make Caden’s life better. He will be remembered with great love.

  • a friend says:

    perhaps they are not the stars, but rather tiny holes in heaven through which the love of our lost ones shines down, letting know they are with us still…

    i read this on a card once many years ago. each night when i look up at the stars, i think of it. and i think of you, sweet Caden.

    i miss you every day.

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