Lorne Allen Grant – February 20, 2009



Lorne Allen Grant of Silverdale, WA. passed away on February 20, 2009 in Seattle, Washington. Born to Isabelle and Lorne Allen Sr. in Bathurst, New Brunswick Lorne settled in the Kingston New York area in 1971.  With the aid of Lawerence Maxwell Sr. of WGHQ AM radio in Kingston Lorne got his start working the beat as a beat reporter covering such stories as current events in Saugerties, NY and the original Woodstock festival. Upon completion of his brief stint at the radio station he landed his feet on the tugboat Bronx 6 as a deckhand for Bronx Towing in New York. Lorne enjoyed a successful career in New York Harbor and the Hudson River having also worked for such companies such as Morania, pushing hot asphalt and other petroleum cargoes until he was hired as skipper aboard the Hudson River Dayliner. He served as Captain on the Dayliner until the vessel went into dry dock for renovations to become the dinner vessel New Yorker. After Dayliner went in for conversion he moved west and eventually landed a job as a US Navy Harbor Pilot at the Long Beach Naval Station in California. During his career with the US Navy Lorne had handled such vessels as USS Missouri BB-36, USS Ranger CV-61, and laterally the SSBN submarine fleet at Bangor Washington where he was relocated after the Navy Station at Long Beach had closed.

 While living in Silverdale, Washington Lorne was well known in the local community for his unique personality and keen interest on anyone who crossed his path. He was very active in the community with activities such as Crosby Days, Whaling days and other local parades where he would enter his antique Jeep’s.

Lorne is survived by a wife Wei Grant of Silverdale WA.  brother John William Grant of Calgary Alberta, Sean Everett Grant of New York, Ryan Patrick Grant of Seattle WA. and Lorne Matthew Grant of Hemet, Ca.  An Irish memorial service was held in Silverdale at his home with close family and friends. His final resting place will be in Bathurst, New Brunswick.


40 Responses to “Lorne Allen Grant – February 20, 2009”

  • Sean says:

    “Fair Winds and Following Seas”

  • Heidi and Bill Hottinger says:

    To Lorne’s family, we are so sorry for your loss! During my time at Port Ops, Lorne always went out of his way to have conversations with both me and my husband, about Navy stuff, about going to the gym, about Diesel trucks. His curiosity, interest in the lives and hobbies of others, and sense of humor were always there. He was never shy to say what he was thinking. Our thoughts are with you.

  • Matt White says:

    To Wei and family, Lorne was a friend of mine that took me out on the sub Alaska several years ago and I was treated like a VIP and that was just an awesome experience. Lorne sure did enjoy sharing stories with me and always said there are a lot things I just can’t tell you. Military related of course. I would occasinally stop by and chat with him in my old 1982 Toyota truck which he enjoyed as he was proud of his old landcruiser. I never did get to meet Wei but he spoke very highly of you and cared for you very much. He will be missed.

  • Rick & Cristine Lindsay says:

    How can I begin? I met Loren in 1996 at Port Operations Naval Subbase Bangor. From that time we became best of friends and I was always at his house or he was at ours to celibrate holidays or just to have a great time together! Loren would do anything he could to help a friend or to just give support! If you needed I laugh Loren was the one to go to. Loren has a great wife and sons. Anybody that came into contact with him know that he was special. It is so hard to think of him as gone but he is not he is in the heart of everyone that know him! I Loved that guy with all of my heart!!! Everyone will miss being with him but his memory will live on!!! Love Rick & Critine Linsay & Family!

  • Rick & Cristine Lindsay says:

    Forgive my grammar but I guess I had alot of drinks, hell I know I had alot to drink due losing my best friend!! But like Loren always said to me drink one for me if I go before you and I told him to do the same for me!!! From Laugh Box, Loren knows Who!

  • Richard Littell says:

    I worked with Lorne while employed at Port Operations and always found him to be in good spirits, willing to trade a good joke & stories.
    He remarked that the salmon I passed his way was some of the best he had ever had, which for a fisherman is a great complement.
    He’ll be missed by family, friends & co-workers.

  • Ed Steinsvik says:

    I also worked with Lorne at the Subase, he was a good man to work for on the water. And, it was a pleasure to have coffee with Lorne between the jobs and talk tugboats.
    I am thankful to have known Lorne, and of the good fortune of being able to work with him.

  • Bianca Hubert says:

    Hi Ryan and Sean,

    My deepest condolences on the loss of your father. I still can not grasp it. I am so so sorry.
    We all loved him so much. Whenever he came upstate he made the whole house alive with his big + jolly personality and his festive laughter. I always would say to myself, “There’s a man that knows how to enjoy life.”

    I know Lorne will continue loving + living life to the fullest in heaven as he did on earth.

    All My Love Always,
    Bianca Hubert Balconis

  • His Son Sean says:

    The Below is a posting from one of my fathers friends Joe Gross.


    He was always thankful for any advice that I would give him, even when I told him I wished him the best of luck and my deepest sympathies for one thing he did.. He stayed with me at my parents house when he was not yet 20 and would eat any foul thing in the refrigerator that no one else wanted, mostly with catsup. He always used to bring up the Name of Noland Gatewood because first it is a funny sounding name and he was a very odd character. He was a barber in Anaheim who gave a really good haircut, especially if you asked how his son was doing. (His son and Tom Hutton had a Painting business together.) and he would talk and talk and consequently give you an outstanding haircut. Noland was stuck in some past moment of the 1940’s, but gave one hell of a good haircut when you engaged him in conversation. He had a Jack a Lope as a decoration piece in his barber shop. Chuck Benzie and I and Lorne, always got our hair cut there.

    In that same donut shop, Lorne coined the expression “zzshuka”, imitating the sound of a short squirt of Coca Cola in a glass filled with too much ice. He dubbed any soda so constructed as zzshuka. After that Lorne would always order his soda’s without ice. A frugal and cautious man with a mission to not be taken advantage of, probably a common goal for us all.

    When he was staying at Dan Riley’s house in Anaheim , he had this World War II Jeep and Dan Rilley Borrowed it (without permission) and blew the transmission up in a Canyon North of Brea.

    I came up with a plan for Dan to get it out of the Canyon (Can you imagine the towing bill to retrieve a car from a no road canyon) before Lorne could discover the problem.. We found somebody that was selling a Jeep, and left Dan’s car with the seller while taking a test drive. We towed Lorne’s Jeep to a reasonable towing place with the test drive Jeep.

    It was really pretty hairy as we had had to tow sideways on a very steep angle of a hill.

    This is bringing up so many memories. That same Jeep, Lorne and I were in Newport Beach one day and decided to drive along the beach, right down to the water. Soon after, the life guards were after us in their Jeep. We got away. Although I would not do it again, it was pretty exciting.

    Well Lorne isn’t here anymore, but I am sure we will all meet again somehow, and we will always have our pleasant memories that we can roll through our minds from time to time.


    Thanks Joe!

  • Natalie Riley says:

    We will miss you Lorne! Thank you for your friendship. Your uniqueness always brought us smiles! Our condolences to your family at this time.

    Natalie Riley

  • Frank Sloyan says:

    After Red and I would finish a hard two weeks pushing garbage scows out Ambrose way we would hand off the boat to the next crew and get in my 74 white Cadillac Eldorado. You could follow the empties through the Bronx upwards to Kingston, of course several stops would be made until we reached the Kozy. You will be missed Red!

  • Troy Magnuson says:

    I met him in Bangor while he was a pilot for the boats. Lorne was always ready to do his best and never admitted that he was good at what he did. I will miss him much.
    To the family I wish you the best and finest of memories as there are many.

    Troy Magnuson MMCM(SS) Retired

  • Ivo Labar says:

    I met Red Grant 20 years ago. I was 16 years old. I worked with him on a 200′ day liner out of San Pedro. He had just come from piloting the largest cruise ship on the Circle Line in New York Harbor, and his new gig was small beer to him. He was an expert pilot and I was a lowly deckhand, but he still treated me fair. He taught me everything I know about marlinspike seamanship and boat handling. He always gave me more responsibility than I could manage. Frequently, on late night runs in the Bay, he would wake up from a deep slumber and ask me where we were. He was a confident skipper. When I first started working for him I made the mistake of calling him Skipper. He looked me dead in the eye and asked me if it looked like he was skipping. Later that night I grabbed the radio and said “Roger That.” He shouted back, “Roger Who?”

    For a few years in the same wheelhouse, I would steer and he would talk. I never tired of his yarns, although I will admit the laughing juice helped. He told me about growing up in Bathhurst, so poor that his family only owned one stainless steel pot. Last I heard he still had the pot. He liked to cook beans in it. He told me about his days as a radio announcer, broadcasting from hither and yon. He told me about about the women that he loved. He would talk about his three sons. They all look like him. I remember being jealous that his boys had such a hilarious and interesting father. He told me about his life on the New York waterfront. Even though it was all those years ago, I remember all the stories with gin-like clarity: Roland White, Pat Belford, the “Great Scott” Plimpton, Frank and the Morania 6, Three-Fingered Bernardi, George Dish dancing a jig, “I don’t blame ya,” and a million and one salty tales from the copper-tiled Kozy Tavern. Once we went to New York, made our way upstate alongside the old Erie Canal and visited the Kozy. It made our local pub, the Whale and Ale, look like a homely girl at a church dance.

    I was so impressed by Lorne’s sea stories that I tried to follow in his footsteps by joining the merchant marine. Thanks to him, I have my own stories now, although his are better.

    As I got older and life kept complicating itself, my contact with Lorne became more spartan. Regardless of how much time passed, I could always pick up the phone and start up right where we left off. Like usual, he did most of the talking. It’s hard to get an edge in wordwise when you are doubled over in laughter.

    The time I spent with Lorne were among the best times of my life. I know I won’t meet anyone else like him. Here’s to not letting his memory fizzle.

  • Dale Coyle says:

    I will miss Lorne. I worked with him often in years past both at PSNS and sometimes at Bangor. His demeanor during ship movements regardless of the weather conditions or clearances was always collected with a liberal dose of dry humor. He was very good at what he did and I think that was because he enjoyed it.

    I always called him \Captain\ whenever we met or talked on the radio and he always said \Don’t call me that\. So I made sure to do it every time.

    My condolences go out to the family for the loss of such a talented and unique individual. I will miss him.

  • Monik Geisel says:

    My fondest memories of Lorne always include his laughter and smile. He would always enter our home and fill it with the warming personality and smiles of stories and “schatztie” that would bring us to grin and feel comfort. Every time I close my eyes my memories never would fail of a smile of his. Forever will he remain in my heart as an “uncle” and never will leave my heart. I am forever sorry for his passing but will never forget the warmth he created in every step he took into our home and every where else he walked. Rest in peace my uncle, forever will you swim in the blood pumping of our hearts. Never will you be forgotten. Never will you leave. It is hard to believe that he is actually gone, but never will it be permanent. Memories are forever, as long as we feel, we cannot forget the warmth of his laughter and love.

  • Brian Ledwith says:

    Sometime at eve when the tide is low,
    I shall slip my mooring and sail away

    With no response to the friendly hail

    Of kindred craft in the busy bay.

    In the silent hush of the twilight pale
    When the night stoops down to embrace the day
    And the voices call in the water’s flow….
    Sometime at eve when the tide is low
    I shall slip my mooring and sail away.

    Through the purpling shadows that darkly trail
    O’er the ebbing tide of the Unknown Sea,
    I shall fare me away, with a dip of sail
    And ripple of waters to tell the tale

    Of a lonely voyager, sailing away

    To the Mystic Isles where at anchor lay
    The crafts of those who have sailed before
    O’er the Unknown Sea to the Unseen Shore.

    A few who have watched me sail away
    Will miss my craft from the busy bay;
    Some friendly barks that were anchored near,
    Some loving souls that my heart held dear,
    In silent sorrow will drop a tear—

    But I shall have peacefully furled my sail
    In moorings sheltered from storm or gale
    And greeted the friends who have sailed before
    O’er the Unknown Sea to the Unseen Shore.

    With Deepest Sympathy,
    The Ledwith’s

  • Dar Riley says:

    Lorne and I have been close friends since he was 16 and just came to Fullerton from Canada to work in the Snack Shop Restaurant and finish highschool. I was a dishwasher and he was a bus boy. We were always on the verge of being fired for all the clowning around and mischief. He broke my two front teeth during a squirt gun fight with salad oil dispensers in the restaurant kitchen. It was an accident but I never him live it down. He is my oldest friend. You all know Lorne as a fun loving extrovert with an incredible outgoing personality. I knew him before he was acclimated to Southern California and was shy and reserved. Running around with guys like myself, Joe Gross, Chuck Benzie and my brother Terry changed him in a matter of months. By the way, Joe, I DID have permission to use the jeep, but NOT to blow the transmission. My favorite Lorne story was his Teeshirt ritual. He was staying at my house shortly after he got here and slowly acclimating to O C Society and not yet into laundry. He would wear a teeshirt for four days. The second day he turned it around; the third inside out and the fourth around again. I loved Lorne and we have been close all these years. My wife and I came up to Seattle from Anaheim in September to visit Lorne with no idea, of course, that this would happen. Lorne was one of a kind and will be sorely missed.

  • Lynn Grant says:

    It is hard, for myself and sons, to believe that Lorne is gone. He was one of a kind. To those of us who knew him he had many facets to his personality……depending on who you were and where you were with him. I will never forget him and all the many experiences he shared with my sons and I, and all the many paces we went that I would have never experienced had I not known him. I had never before rode in an army jeep with 4 sons in the back thru the woods running over small trees, driving real fast thru water, over big rocks, etc. etc. just for fun and laughs. Riding along with him, in the wheelhouse, on the Day Liner up and down the Hudson River was especially fun. Our sons had wonderful experiences doing things that no other kids had ever enjoyed……..too many to mention. I was and still am a “Calif. girl” and had never lived in the cold……. Lorne introduced me and the boys to another way of life, for sure!!!!!!! Shut the damn door the heat is getting out was repeated thousands of times. Snow, ice, and cold everywhere…. I had to adjust real quick….. and I did. The boys loved it….especially the “snow days” no school!!!!!! When we were first married, in 1984, we took a 3 week trip from New York to Bathurst, New Brunswick, where he was borne and where he will rest. I can still see the graveyard that he took me to and told me that that is where we will be buried….I wasn’t thrilled with that idea and couldn’t wrap my 35 year old head around it…. but, I let it go. On that trip I traveled the East Coast for the first time ever…it was a great experience, one I’ll never forget. One thing that stands out, about Capt. Grant, is that he excelled in his career and rose to great heights and made his sons so very proud….real bragging rights for sure. Coming from Canada with no “formal” education, just hands on experience, he rose to the very top in his field. He touched a lot of lives and his memory will live on forever in the minds of those who knew him. Dan Riley said it best….. he IS “one of a kind” and will be missed.

  • Alex and Heinz Hickethier says:

    “Fair Winds and Following Seas” From his Maritime Instructors at Southern California Merchant Marine Training in San Diego, CA Lorne was a good student and became a friend we will never foget.

  • Scott Plimpton says:

    Almost 28 years ago I met Red while transiting the Erie Canal system we were both handling lines through the locks at the time. He was a lowly deck hand then but he had a bigger license than the guys in the wheel house. The first day I met him he told me the story of the “Dragging of the Arse” and we hit it off instantly. I loved to hear of his radio days and his early days with Riley and the boys. His love of words is what struck me the most about him and the way he could string them together for tall tale or a short one. Endless stories that have now ended but will always be remembered by those of us whose lives he has touched. Where ever this sweet old world takes me I know it was made a lot more fun having known Red. He was one of my favorite people in this world and I’ll miss him. I’m sure he would advise us all to “keep a stiff upper lip”

  • Anna Marie & Stefan Geisel says:

    I can Sail without Wind
    I can Row without Oars
    But I cannot part from my best Friend
    without Tears.

    Rest in Peace .
    We Love you Forever

  • Timm Andrews says:

    What to say about gruff but loveable old Captain Grant (he hated when I called him that, all though he reallllly hated being called “Cappy”). Besides loving and collecting words, he loved and collected characters. Lets face it, Lorne was quite a character himself. We had a a boatload of characters, it was almost a Warner Bros. cartoon, “FIVE”, “the short stack”, “SnaggleTooth”, “Dodgers, the Dodgers, the Dodgers….”, “The Nose”, “Monaco, King Ranier”, and “My Mothers Spaghetti Sauce, thats short for Joe”, among many others. He always had a story about the characters in his life, and I hope that when we parted ways, I became another one of those stories.
    I last saw Lorne on a trip to Seattle in 1995, and even though it had been a few years, we connected like I had seen him yesterday. That was the man he was, a great person, and great friend. He was one man I trully respected as a mentor and a friend and even though our only contact has been occational late night phone calls or rare emails, I will miss not having him in the world.
    Thank you Lorne for letting me be a character in the life of a Great Character.

    Well Cappy, (Sorry, old habit), it is time, let us raise anchor.

  • jo schumacher says:

    My deep sympathies to Wei. I know you loved him and are having such a hard time with this. I appreciated knowing Lorne and he would be happy to know that you have friends who are helping you through this difficult time. He would want you to be taken care of.

  • Joe Gross says:

    Well my earlier post with via Sean, Lornes son.
    Here are some more memories.
    When we were doing something strenuous, like walking up a hill of anything like that, Lorne would always ask when we finished, are you panting. Of course you would never admit this, because after all, we were tough guys.
    Funney things Lorne would say.
    Delphenia Borah.
    Sun Lamp
    Ah Eekia EH (Some French Canadian Expression)
    You don’t bodder me.
    (This refering to a couple of French Canadian Girls living in Fullerton that I once dated. He was making fun of their accent)
    Banyard… I mean who can forget what Banyard did to Dan Riley’s sliding glas door in the pool room.
    Lorne had some funny jobs when he was in his early 20’s . One job was at the end of some production line at Nabisco Foods in Buena Park. The box’s would come down rhis production line similar to some I Love Lucy episode. When he thought of this job, he would sing the song, \Here they come again\ and just start laughing at the absurdity of the pressure of that job.
    What ever happened to Dennis and Terry and Diane and Dan Riley, not to mention E.J. and Mer. They were all very nice to Lorne.

    Lorne brought us al a bunch of laughs.

    Sorry about Dan Riley, not having permission. Maybe he did have permission, I guess our memories are our own.

  • Shannon Lexian says:

    I would like to offer my condolences to all of Lorne’s family and friends. Lorne will be deeply missed. My sympathies go out to his loving wife, Wei. I know Lorne is watching over you during this difficult period. I know how much you love him and want you to try to keep your head up.

  • Amanda Wong says:

    My sympathies to the Grant family. To Wei, we have been friends for a long time and your husband was a great man. His comedy and love of the outdoors is something that will be missed by all. I know, in this time of mourning, it is difficult for you. You are appreciated and I will be there for you.

  • Vivian Wong and Wu Fang says:

    Writing from Hong Kong on the one month anniversary of Lorne’s passing. We remember meeting Lorne two times here about six years ago. He was always smiling and laughing as he held his soon to be wife’s hand while he was here. They were such a happy couple and Lorne will always be remembered for his cheerful mannerisms. Many sympathies to Wei and family.

  • Yun Xiao says:

    Here with Vivian and Wu to remember and commemorate Lorne. I am very proud to of had a brother-in-law like Lorne. He was a very funny and outgoing man. The whole family sends their love. Today, March 20, on the one month of passing we are sending our love to all. To Wei all the love also. You are a very strong and loving wife. Lorne would be proud.

  • Harold Cavagnaro says:

    Dear Sean, family, and friends
    I meet Sean in 1996 at SUNY Maritime. We became quick friends once we found our common bond (up-state New York). As it turns out, Sean and I lived 5 minutes apart our whole lives, yet never knew each other growing up. It’s odd how two people are brought together in a vast world of circumstances. Through our friendship, I was eventually introduced to his wonderful father, Captain Lorne Grant. I was invited to stay with him and Sean one summer between semesters. Captain Grant welcomed me with open arms and treated me like a friend and colleague. I couldn’t believe how sincere and generous he was with Sean and I. I remember staying out late hearing sea stories, going to the military vehicle show, and most vividly, our ride aboard the USNS Georgia. Seeing Captain Grant’s pose, confidence, and knowledge of ship handling helped inspire me to follow along a similar career path. Without his charisma, passion for piloting, and insight, I probably wouldn’t be where I am today. I can’t begin to imagine how many other lives where touch by his kindness and love for the ocean. I feel blessed and honored to have known him. Thank you Captain Grant. You will be missed, but never forgotten.

  • John Grant ( Lonrns Brother ) says:

    A very very big thank you to all who showed up at
    my brothers house for the reception put on by my nephews and Wei.

    It was very conforting to be able to speak to as many of you his co-workers, friends. and listen to all your tales about him and his Job

    I am not a longwinded talker or as outgoing like my brother was but I am a good listener so did

    find out he was still telling woppers up until he was sick and probably still is

    I miss my brother very much and always will

    but some day we will be together and make up for all the time we missed together on earth

    At the present I am home sick with pnemonia and

    on a strong antibiotic. So the way I feel like a good hangover at this time I only skimmed the above messages when I come out of my sickness hoppfully this weekend I can read each and every one in Depth

    Thanks again to all the kind words about my brother

    John and Yuki ( my Wife )

  • Jinju and Kevin Smith says:

    In 2005 we met Lorne in WA through his loving wife, Wei. Lorne was a generous and comical man. We spent a lot of time together on ‘couples’ trips. We recently moved to San Diego and are saddened that we could not be there to pay our respects. Our condolences to the family and friends of Lorne. Our greatest sympathies to Wei. Lorne is looking out for you. We know how much he meant to you. He will always have a special place in our hearts.

  • Matt Diamond says:

    Its very hard to believe Lorne is gone. I grew up in Cottekill NY with Lorne, Lynn, Mike, Dan, Sean and Ryan. Some of my greatest memories I will hold for my life include Lorne and of coarse the jeeps. What people must have thought to see the 6 of us kids dressed up like army men driving down the road. By 6 im including Lorne. The stories oh the stories. Lorne was very unique I think he made us all a little unique in our owne ways due to his influence I know were all better people. He taught us all how to drive. “NO BREAKING BULLETS” Or “Youre Wrecking It” Were common phrases along with “Stratle it”. I cant help but laugh thinking of those days at “smashed up trucks” How much time he spent with us usually with video camera in hand. The memories will never end I can go on and on. He will be surely missed by all. His memorie will live on in our hearts and minds forrever.

  • Wei Grant says:

    I just want to say thank you for all of the wonderful condolences you have sent to my family in regards to my dear, loving Husband, Lorne Grant. He was a most amazing man and brought me to this country so we could spend the rest of our lives together. Lorne taught me to love and laugh and just let go and enjoy life together. All of the RV trips we took will forever be in my memory. Lorne, I love you with all of my heart and I miss you like crazy. Until we meet again. Your wife, Wei Xiao Grant

  • Nick family says:

    The days has gone by, months and soon will be years and still hard believe that Lorne Grant is gone. Lorne you will be miss and forever be in our thoughts. Our symphaty and love to your beautiful wife Wei Xiao Grant and family. Wei our God is the Greatest there is he will take care of your every need you just have to believe. With Love from The Nick Family Bremerton WA. “GOD BLESS”

  • Bill Synan says:

    “Mary, Star of the Sea, Pray for Seamen”….Fair Winds and Following Seas.

  • Ryan grant says:

    Pops were do I start.Well they are going down good now red.Pops how about a treat like at wort nose or in peekamoose at the blue hole were the water was so cold by the time i hit the water i was pissing.Or at joes to see who had the biggest scoop.Dont forget the pond the pond that had all the critters in it like the one that ended on mikes well you rember.Thanks for all the rides up two the burnt out house and the trax.I miss new york and you.Pops thanks for everything.I had two do this with a couple in me thats what had to be done.Its is.And buck snort big butt bob.

  • Dewey says:

    This is for Lorne and Ryan. Ryan, I sooo feel your pain. Lorne loved his wife dearly, this I know for certain. He cherished Ryan and the times they shared so recently…this I know for certain.

    For my Buddy and Ryan…Hey! I got one goin…Ya commin up?………………………Lorne, I’m comin up, but it may be awhile.

  • Frances Sloyan says:

    I believe I could write a book about this man and the way I could tell him anything, and he would believe it. Funny how I was just telling someone one of “my stories” about Red just the other day. I just happened upon this site, after putting my father’s name Francis Sloyan in a google search…Lorne came up as one of the links, with Frank Sloyan right below it! When I clicked on the link I saw a very familiar face, one that I have not seen in person in probably 20 years, but a face I see in my head as clear as if he was standing in front of me. Time has a way of chipping away at a person’s memories, but every once in a while we meet up with one of those characters that will live on in our hearts and minds forever. Red was one such character to me, and the goofy way he would look at me out of the corner of one eye, when he was trying to get me to believe one of his outlandish stories about my father. He had a million of them, and there wasn’t one that I believed, but he would always try anyway, and I would always give him credit for his persistence.
    My father taught him how to captain a tug, and he also taught him how to drink and upset his wife/ex real well. He would tell me how my father was such a bad influence on him! Though I knew it was partly true, I would tell him “…yea, but you know what they say Red, ‘You can lead a horse to water…’ and he would wink at me and laugh.
    Red was easily amused by the quirky side of life, and one of my favorite memories of him was of Red and my father Frank and myself heading to McSherrystown Pa. I was in Catholic Boarding School there and my father decided that he was going to drop me off on their way to meet the tug in New Jersey. I could never figure out how they figured that this was on their way, because in reality it was 4 1/2 hours out of their way, but I was happy to have the ride and the best company I could have asked for on that trip; anything beat the Greyhounds and the fumes. But, we stopped at a gas station somewhere along the way in or around Lancaster Co. Pa. and as my father was out pumping gas, Red was looking at the map to see where we were; as he looked over the map, he started laughing and asked me if I knew that there was a Blue Balls, Pa. Now given that I was just 15, and Red knowing that my father held the female gender in the most respectful and highest esteme, he knew that Frank would not take kindly to Red having this discussion with his baby girl; Red was sure to keep an eye on where my father was the whole time he talked to me about this. He continued to laugh as he told me that there was a Blue Balls, and on one side of the town was Intercourse and on the other, Bird-In-Hand. He was quite amused by this, and I was rolling around on the back seat of my father’s Eldorado, mostly because of Red’s reaction to this grand revelation and discovery! And then when my father got into the car and asked what we were laughing at, I was doubled up in laughter in the back seat, at the way Red did a mad scramble to try to explain why I was laughing so hard, without telling him that he had just corrupted the morals of his little girl! I guess he forgot to plan ahead when it came to this?- On that same trip, Red held the map and acted as my father’s co-pilot. All I can say is that it’s a good thing that he didn’t have to use road maps when he was piloting on the water ways, because we ended up so lost, and what should have been a 4 1/2 trip to the school, ended up taking us 13 1/2 hours. I arrived at school at 2am. the next morning. But, thanks to Red, I was much wiser, and a lot happier at having that extra time with him and my father.
    My father passed away in July of ’96, and I remember the hand written letter that Red sent from Ca. saddened by the news of everyone’s loss, and feeling so bad that he was unable attend the funeral of his best friend. No one felt worse about his absence then I did, because I really wanted the chance to be near someone who understood my father and loved him the way he did, and I just wanted some time with Red again…I missed him. I have thought of Red so often since his move to Ca. and have shared many stories of him with my children and friends. I am so sorry to know that he is no longer with us here, but happy to know that he will always be right here in my heart and mind forever, just as he always has been.
    There’s no doubt in my mind that my father was piloting the tug that picked Red up on Feb. 20th, as he left this port to go to the next. And I am sure that my father happily handed over the wheel to Red, knowing that he would be in the best of hands, with Red as the pilot.
    Now a question—where did the post #11 come from? Frank Sloyan was my father, that was his car, and his/their favorite haunt, but written 13 years after his death. Can anyone explain that?

    With Deepest Sadness,
    Frances Sloyan

  • Sean Grant says:

    Frances this is Lornes son Sean, I know the origin of that comment, sorry it took two years to go back to this blog! Email me at gbosun@yahoo.com

    tp the folks of Barton, how can i get a copy of this amazing blog about my Dad!

  • Jana King says:

    I happened upon this site after googling Lorne’s name hoping to see how he is doing. I am so sorry to hear he has passed. Lorne and I has a relationship in the mid to late 90s. I just want to say I am sorry he didn’t get a long life and I hope his family is doing okay. He was so special to me, even long after we stopped seeing each other, he would call just to “hear my laugh” about once a year. I just loved that! Lorne, check in on me from time to time, you can be my angel… I didn’t know you were already an angel, keep us safe!

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