George (Bob) Robert Henry Jr.

Born: July 4th, 1953 in Grants Pass Oregon

Death: May 15th, 2017 (age 63)

Lived: Edmond, WA

Manner of Death:  Colon Cancer

Wife: Chris     Married: June 30th, 1990

Daughter: Riley Henry

Sons: Patrick and George Henry

Surviving Brother: Jim Henry

Deceased Brother: Joe Henry

Parents (Deceased): George Sr. and Lupe Henry


photo of George Robert Henry Jr.

George Robert Henry Jr.

Bob was a loving and very funny man.  His sense of humor and witty remarks made him the person he was, and he could always get a laugh out of anyone.  His eyes and eyebrows were so expressive, you could most always hear his laugh before it came out of his mouth.  His personality passed down through his children, who inherited his weird jokes, and mannerisms.  He had worked very hard throughout many years building his insurance business from the ground up.  Some of the clients he has today, have carried on with him since the beginning, and have built strong family-like relationships.

He was very attentive to Riley and Patrick, and always made a point to teach them as much as they were willing to learn.  He had them help him mow the lawn at 3 years old, taught about cars and bikes, educated in lessons of history etc.  He was very handy, and could fix (or try to) most any broken thing that was handed to him. He wanted the best for his kids and his wife, and made sure that we always had food to eat and a roof over our heads.  He was not a demonstrative man in a physical or verbal way, but instead, showed his love through the things he did, rather than what he said.  He taught us how to appreciate what we have, and to work hard for the things we desire, as nothing in this life is easy.

He absolutely loved his dogs, and the birds we grew up with (even though he would never admit to it).  His love for music was passed down to Riley and Patrick, as both play piano and guitar.  He loved old classic songs, from the Beatles, to the Monkey’s, to the kinks, and everything in-between.

He was devastated when he got diagnosed with cancer, but was determined to get through all of the wicked treatments, regardless of how brutal they were.  Towards the end, the cancer became more vicious, and did not cease to spread.  His death was expected, but not so soon.  The pain and sickness he endured for so long had finally caught up with him, and there were no other options for treatment.  He passed quietly at night, which was a blessing.  His suffering is no longer carried out though each day, and he can finally be at peace and rest soundly.  His life will be lived through his family, and each memory he has left with all of us.



Please join us to honor, remember, and lay Bob to rest. Words cannot describe how much he will be missed every minute of everyday.

Friday, June 2nd, 2017

Service: 11:00 AM

Saint Thomas More Parish

6511 176th St SW, Lynnwood, WA 98037

Burial: 1:30 PM

Holyrood Catholic Cemetery

205 Northeast 205th Street, Shoreline, WA 98155

*Please no jeans, shorts, or shoulder-baring attire. Thank you.*

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”
Matthew 5:4

6 Responses to “George (Bob) Robert Henry Jr.”

  • Gregg and Tatyana Michael says:

    We are completely surprised. Had no idea as we had fallen out if touch in the last few years. We are so sorry for your loss Chris and family. We use to joke and for us he will always be Tanya’s booby and Bob loved it.

  • Elizabeth henry says:

    Uncle Bobby you will forever live on until we meet again I love you and I’ll play a game of bingo with you when I get up there and monopoly with you and the moose ..
    I love you ..
    your niece Elizabeth

  • Linda Horvath says:

    The past eleven years Bob has been such a special friend and so much fun to know. We met at Lynnwood Eagles and both loved to sing karaoke. Bartending together was fun and he always found time to sing one of his favorite songs! I think of him each time I hear a song by the Monkees or the Beatles! RIP Bob. We love you and our prayers go out to your loving family. Linda & Lenny

  • Michael Walker says:

    So heartbroken that Bob has left us. Our professional relationship grew to a very special personal relationship as well. He served his clients with the utmost professionalism and was always counted on to conduct his business on the highest ethical plane. My visit to his office for an Insurance carrier were always the highlight of a trip and I looked forward to making plans and strategies to move our business forward and then grabbing a beer. His sense of humor and personality were second to none and the world is a little worse off without him and Heaven just got a little better. Thoughts and prayers to the family

  • Cliff Clark says:

    I was so sad to hear of Bob’s passing. We first met and worked together at the Western Casualty Insurance Company in Seattle. Over the years we would stay in touch through the Insurance business, Bob on the Agent side and me on the Company side.

    He was a fun individual and great to hang out with. He enjoyed his beer and always had some great stories to tell. His sense of humor was wonderful.

    He would talk about his kids and family and what was going on. I think we did more catching up than business on my visits.

    My prayers and thoughts are with his family.

    A toast to you Bob, you will be missed.

  • Kimberly Potes says:

    I was so shocked and saddened to hear of Bob’s passing. I can’t even count the years I’ve done business with him. We never met in person, but I feel like I lost a friend. We have chatted over the years about our families, and the woes of raising children. Several laughs and parallels we had. I just spoke with him in March….
    I cannot tell you how sorry I am for the family’s loss. He will definitely be missed by me.
    Prayers for everyone

    Kimberly Potes

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