Jed Harris Hartley

November 19, 1968-October 7, 2015

Jed Thanksgiving 2014_edited-1Jed lived the first 5 years of his life in Salt Lake City, Utah and moved to the Seattle area in 1973 when he and his mother and 2 brothers relocated. They settled in the Ballard area and he attended West Woodland Elementary and Kamiakin Junior High for the 8th grade in Kirkland.


He was a bright child and excelled in school. Academics came easy for him and he enjoyed little league baseball and competing on the Baskin/ Robbins team.
From the beginning of his teen years he struggled with illness. He entered a treatment program when he was 17 and completed that program but was unable to maintain a balanced lifestyle.


Drifting from job to job and living space to living space he was a victim of a violent crime at age 30 and left for dead. When revived he was left with part of his lung missing and partially paralyzed because of a bullet lodged in his spinal column. He suffered residual neuropathic pain for the remainder of his life, yet he got out of bed and carried on as well as he could.


Three years ago a Metro bus ran over his feet and his left leg mid-calf and 3/4 of his right foot were amputated. He still kept getting out of bed into his wheelchair and living his life. He was known for his quick wit, sweet smile and determination to keep on going and let nothing get him down. He also spoke his mind and if he thought your were screwing up you would hear about it. He was extremely independent and believed himself capable of caring for all his needs. He liked to read, watch some TV but mostly go out and interact with people. He loved the Seahawks. He was a caring, forgiving person and would always give you the benefit of a doubt. He trusted others even when they would steal his wheelchair, phones or money. He still had a good heart. In many ways though he was a very private person about his deeper feelings.
Even as his body was giving up he wasn’t, but he did say “mom I don’t think I’m going to be around much longer.” More and more trips to the hospital with a little bit of loss of energy each time took it’s toll and when the medic’s were called on his last night he refused treatment. I think he said enough, it time for me to go home. He was my hero and I could have not walked his path. I know he is at peace now but I think he wakes me up at 4:30am every morning to remind me to remember him.


There will be a viewing and farewell on Oct 30th here at the Barton funeral home from 3pm to 5pm.
A Celebration of Life at 7846 Lake City Way NE in Seattle from 6pm to 9pm the same day.


2 Responses to “Jed Harris Hartley”

  • Ole and Julie Godefroy says:

    Family of Jed Hartley, Although this loss will always be in your lives, I know Jed would want you to remember the good parts of his life. Maybe someday our culture and society will find a more nurturing path for those in need. I feel deeply for your loss and I will keep Jed and his family in my prayers.

    Sincerely, Ole and Julie Godefroy

  • Gordon Valenta says:

    Jed was and always will be one of my closest friends. No matter what the situation he could always joke or make you smile. I am grateful to know Jed and his family. I wish I could of done more, been there more and listened more. I will remember you always Jed and love you even more.

    Little Gordie!!!

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