William B Douglass


image of William B Douglass

William B Douglass

Bill Douglass was Born in NY on Feb 3rd 1931 to William B Douglass Sr and Marjorie Justa Douglass. He had one brother, Alfred Robert.

Bill went to college at Utah State University, where he met his first wife, Peggy. They had six children, Shelley, Billy, Paul, Steve, Mike and Richard.

Bill was a life long lover of learning. As a trained geologist, he worked in the oil industry for years and eventually retiring to Mexico where he met his wife Ana and her son Eduardo. He spent well over thirty years living in Mexico after he retired. Bill loved to travel the world and discover new places and learn new things.

He had a long and happy life and everybody that interacted with Bill found him a really interesting and passionate guy.

William spent his last days in Seattle surrounded by his wife and step son and passed away peacefully on October 9th. He lived a full, happy, and accomplished life and is survived by his wife Ana and his sons Billy, Paul, Steve, Mike, Richard and Eduardo.

13 Responses to “William B Douglass”

  • Diana Oliveros and Jaime Mendez says:

    Nuestro más sentido pésame para la familia Douglass. Quep ronto encuentren resignación ante la pérdida. Con cariño especial para Ana y Eduardo.

    Jaime y Diana

  • Norma Laura says:

    Sin duda, un hombre que vivió al máximo. Deseo para sus deudos, que el duelo transcurra con la menor cantidad de contratiempos. Que los bellos recuerdos, sean un aliciente para continuar adelante.
    Abrazo afectuoso.

  • natalia says:

    Recordaremos siempre a mi tio bill por su bondad, su risa y los momentos especiales que comparto con nosotros,Siempre vivirás en nuestras memorias y en nuestras historias. Descansa en paz tio bill.

  • Abril Sherman says:

    It’s impossible not to honor his memory and reflect on the remarkable impact he had. He was an inspiring figure to many, admired not only for his impressive professional achievements but also for the warmth and dedication he showed to those around him, especially Eduardo. He was a constant source of strength, guidance, and encouragement.

    His legacy goes far beyond his career accomplishments; it lives on in the lives of those he touched with his kindness and wisdom. The lessons he shared and the example he set will continue to inspire all who were fortunate enough to know him.

    With heartfelt condolences and deep admiration,

  • David y Alma says:

    Abrazamos con el corazon a su familia. Haberle conocido y disfrutado de su conocimiento y gran personalidad fue un privilegio.
    Se el dolor que deja con su partida en mi Queridisimma Anita, pero confio que Eduardo sera su pilar y consuelo.
    Dios les bendinga a todos, que Bill seguira disfrutando desde donde esta, lo que dejo como ejemplo para todos.

  • Adriana Maldonado says:

    Nuestros mas sentidos pesame para Ana y Eduardo, que descanse en paz, Siempre los vamos a recordar y que los recuerdos seana un aliciente para seguir adelante.
    Un abrazo

  • Guanajuato´s Family says:

    Nos deja un vacío enorme ya no tenerlo presente. Recordaremos con mucha alegría y emoción, el habernos considerado parte de su familia. Creemos firmemente que emprendió un nuevo viaje por todo el mundo, siempre lo tendremos vivo en nuestra mente y corazón.

  • Jesus y Olga Gutierrez says:

    De verdad que era una deleite disfrutar esos paseos a los que nos invitaba por su sabiduria y experiencia pero ahora ya esta en un mejor lugar, Animo Ana y Eduardo lo extrañamos pero en algun momento lo alcanzaremos en ese viaje que emprendio, Abrazos de la Familia Gutierrez Espinoza.

  • Wendy Evans says:

    I was so very fortunate to meet Ana & Bill Douglas in my early years of arriving in Ajijic. They took me under their wing and as such I experienced so much more of Ajijic in their generous presence. Bill brought me many diverse books to read so I would understand the geological aspect of this area of Mexico. They were such an aspiration to me. What a great couple who so enjoyed expanding my knowledge and experiencing the area and it’s history. Without their generosity I would never have come to know the history of this paradise they called Ajijic. Much love to you Ana and the remaining family and compassion for your loss. Always Wendy.

  • Johan Gutierrez says:

    Tuve la suerte de conocer a Bill en mi adolescencia, donde aprendí muchísimo de su experiencia y trayectoria de vida. Bill era un gran hombre y sinceramente era un placer platicar con él. Ojalá que sigue compartiendo su sabiduría y que sigue disfrutando de lo que digue después de la vida aquí en la tierra. Un abrazo fuerte a Ana, Eduardo, y toda la familia. Johan Gutierrez Espinoza

  • Joann Stock says:

    I had the greatest good fortune to work with Bill in the field in Jalisco when he volunteered with our field project to make GPS measurements. We were studying deformation occurring due to the subduction zone and the crustal rift systems. He was a great person to have on our field team, and we never lacked for conversation, as we drove around to repeat our surveys at different benchmark sites in Jalisco and Colima. It was wonderful to also meet Ana and Eduardo starting at this time, and to hear news from them periodically even after our field measurements were finished. My condolences to the family. Bill and his family will be fondly remembered by all of us who did field work with him.

  • Tony Lowry says:

    Ana and Eduardo, I was deeply sorry to hear of Bill’s passing. I greatly enjoyed his occasional emails with photos of the house in Ajijic, of his adventures traveling around Guadalajara, and of his jaunts up to the US to visit Eduardo and other folks here. I also appreciated that he would make time to stop by my office here in Logan for chats on occasion (and that he brought both of you along to our Christmas party years ago!) He was a remarkably inquisitive and gregarious fellow, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to get to know him.

  • Jonathan Gutierrez says:

    Ana and Eduardo, I am so sorry for your loss. Bill was a great man and my family and I were very fortunate to have met him. My brother and I were also blessed have to been mentored by Bill when we both younger and his assistance to our family is immeasurable. My he Rest In Peace.

    Jonathan Gutierrez

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