Anthony S. Alvarado


image of Anthony S. Alvarado

Anthony S. Alvarado

Anthony S. Alvarado passed away peacefully in the comfort of his own residence surrounded by his family on September 6, 2024 after courageously battling an illness.  He would have been 85 years old on October 7.

He will be remembered as a pillar of knowledge, a mentor to those seeking wisdom, and a jokester for everyone needing a laugh.  Anthony was a loving husband to his wife of 48 years, proud father to his three children, and honored to be “Lito” to four amazing grandchildren.  His family was his nucleus, his soul, his everything.

Known to his patients as Dr. A, Anthony went to University of California Berkeley and later attended medical school at University of Oklahoma.  Dr. A started his own solo medical practice in the field of Orthopedic surgery with specialization in hand microsurgery and trauma in 1979.  After 31 years, Anthony retired and eventually moved to be closer to his children.

Beyond his devotion to his profession, Anthony was a passionate gardener.  His residence for 38 years could be described as a garden oasis as he molded the land with his own two hands.  Anthony implanted his own character at his current residence with gardens named for all of his tribe members throughout the property.

His family will always have his writings Anthony made throughout the years.  Many are profound words of wisdom from a remarkable mind and others are just the laugh we all need to heal.  Anthony touched the lives of many.  He will forever live in the hearts of all those that he touched.  His family requests their privacy through this emotional time.  He will be remembered through a private ceremony.  The family invites donations in lieu of flowers, to be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Center:

One Response to “Anthony S. Alvarado”

  • Joel Equinones says:

    My condolences to the family
    I worked with Dr. A for several years
    He was a very great Dr and father
    everyone loved him.

    Joel. Equinoned

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