Clara Elizabeth Jackson

Clara Elizabeth Jackson
Clara Elizabeth Jackson, née Cross passed away suddenly at home on November 10, 2023 at age 56.
Born on July 20, 1967 in Florida to Don and Marolyn Cross, who were from Oklahoma and Utah. Don Cross worked nearby at Cape Kennedy in the Aerospace industry. Clara was the youngest of three children with her sister Cheryl and her brother, Victor. She lived in Florida until she was 6 years old, when the family moved to the Washington DC area. When Clara was 10, she moved with her Dad to the LA suburbs. After her Dad was transferred to Alaska, she went to live with her Uncle Joe Shull and Aunt Sandy and their family nearby in Valinda, California.
Clara was involved in drama and choir in high school. She had a lot of friends and was active in the church youth group. The family moved to Kirkland, Washington in 1984 where Clara graduated from Juanita High School in 1985. She attended Ricks College in Rexburg, Idaho, where she was pledged to Lambda Delta Sigma Sorority. She served an 18 month mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Rome, Italy from September 1988 to the Spring of 1990. After she returned home, she met her husband, Rick Jackson, at a young adult group in the summer of 1990. They were happily married for eternity in the Seattle Temple on Dec. 27, 1990.
While she and Rick were attending college at the University of Utah, Clara worked at various jobs. Their beloved son Brandon was born on September 21, 1996. Clara graduated from the University of Utah with a psychology degree in June 1997. The family moved to Kirkland Washington, where she was a home-maker and devoted mother. Clara and Rick taught a primary CTR class together. She is survived by her husband Rick, her son, Brandon, her sister Cheryl, and brother Victor. She will be greatly missed by all her family and friends.
The memorial will be held December 2nd, 2023 at 10 am at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel at 7910 NE 132nd St., Kirkland, WA, 98034 and will be laid to rest at the Kirkland Cemetery at noon.
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Dearest Sorella, you are back to Stardust in the heavens. The Earth is now half empty without you here. I was filled with joy, love, and happiness the moment you were born and became my sister. You were my closest most beloved family, yet we did not get to live at that house together for long, or near each other. You were my Florida Sunlight and radiance, the coal that burned in my soul’s survival. I treasure the weeks over each year we spent together, they were far too few, and the many letters you eloquently wrote.
Your work here is done, you gave your powerful love to a beloved son and husband. You fought your pains to the end. Now rest a deserved night amongst the stars,you will help brighten their shine in the arch of the twinkling sky. You will always be my Sister, mi Sorella. I love you into the blackhole at the center of the Universe and back. Always, yours, forever Cheryl
Awe Clara!!! My heart is still so sad to hear about your passing. You made college so much fun with your larger than life energy. I have been thrown into so many memories as we all were navigating our Gen-X world of the coolest music, hairstyles, dances, and a fair share of video parties and MTV. We then moved on to adulthood with serving missions, getting married, becoming mothers, and I truly loved our recent connections on social media and kept hoping we could meet up at some point. You are leaving a legacy of being one of the kindest people I have ever known, and I will never forget you.
Clara was always kind to me. A smile and a wave. She always made me feel welcome. I feel fortunate to have you, Rick and Brandon as friends! Thanks! Till we meet again, Joe Jones
That was beautiful Cheryl!
Clara had a way of making each of us feel special and loved for who we are!
My dear “twin”
I will miss you so much. You were a central part of my life growing up. Even after we lived far apart you would call or send me a card on my birthday or Holidays filled with your joy despite your struggles. I’m so glad I got to see you more often over these last few years.
Ibi wibill ibalwibays libove yibou!
Clara Clara Bo Berra. Oh the memories! We were all just a bunch of goofy teenager girls on our own for the first time and finding our way together smack in the middle of the 80’s! Could we have had a better time? 🎉 I often liken our college years to the sitcom Friends. So many different people coming in and out of our apartment and lives making it such an energetic and joyful place. Cheers to Jake Ryan 🎂🏎️, Rick Springfield 🎸, and Todd Jones 🔥🎟️. (“We’ll
be back to pick you up in just 5️⃣ minutes!”) I’m waving to you from here! 👋🏻
Mom, you were the greatest, kindest, most wonderful person I knew. Even when times were hard for you, I always looked forward to spending time with you, laughing with you, hugging you, and so much more. You comforted me whenever I felt down, and supported me whenever I accomplished something good. Without you, I wouldn’t have the strong testimony in Jesus Christ the Savior that I have now.
I know you are restored up in heaven, and that God is looking after you. Good-bye for now, Mom. I love you so much, forever and ever. 💗 × 4 = ❤️
Sweet Clara….
Words can not express how deeply you were loved. You were a bright light through my teenage years who never failed to make me laugh. I still have some of the silly letters you used to send me. Though we lost touch over the years, I have always looked back with a smile at the times we laughed ourselves silly. Thank you for always being such a loyal friend and incredible human. The heavens are lucky to have you. I love you sweet friend… love, Dina
Rest now my beloved! You accomplished so much in this life – missionary, wife and mother. Daughter, sister and friend. So many experiences on this mortal plane. Now Heavenly Father has called you home in his care no more to be in pain but to have the peace that you deserve. I am so thankful you came into my life and are a part of me forever. You have so many people that love you and miss you! You are my best friend forever and always. I love you and miss you! ti amo, Clara
We love you so much and know you are in a great place! You have always been so kind and we loved the opportunity that we had to spend some time with you in Utah before your passing. You were very special to both Shannon and I and we are so grateful to have watched the love that you and Rick had for each other. It was such an example to all of us on forging through trials with complete love and support. You will be missed but we will take good care of Rick and Brandon. Rick has been such an amazing friend and I know he always treated me with the love and respect that he has always shown you. We will never forget your kindness and your desire to always help and serve others. We will miss you until we meet again!
All of our love!
Tyler and Shannon Jones
Clara, I remember your laugh filling the room and the amazing sense of humor that went with it. And I am grateful to you for giving my friend Rick such kind, loving, joy. You are something special in the world, because you live on in all of us.
I was so privileged to be your friend. I loved going on drives with you. We’d laugh and act like giddy teenagers. We talked about a lot of things; your childhood and how you grew up, your mission and all things Italy,and how much you loved your family and were proud of them. I was always so impressed with how you dealt with your struggles with a fierce optimism and beautiful exuberance for life. You were the best of listeners. You sent cheery emails full of emojis and encouragement just to wish me a good day .
One of the last things we did was go on a temple date. It was great being with you, Rick, and Brandon together.
I miss you terribly. Can’t wait to give you a hug and a Diet Coke. Love you!!!
I’ve known Clara since we were teenagers. She was always very kind. I got to know her better after she married one of my best friends, Rick Jackson. So many fond memories of hanging out with them over the years. Clara was one of the funniest people I ever knew, as it turned out. I don’t remember everything that was said, but remember well the laughter. We would be in stitches as Clara would make hilarious observations about even the most mundane things. Another thing about her was her deliberate kindness. It was like she was meant to say something nice about you every time you talked to or saw each other. I will miss all of these things about Clara.
Lastly, I knew she loved her husband, Rick, and adored their son, Brandon. She also loved God and the gospel of Jesus Christ, and because of this I believe I will get to enjoy her wonderful spirit and sense of humor again.
Having Clara as a sister in Law was enriching to my life and added depth and value and joy to our family experiences. Whether it was going out to eat as family at Red Robin to celebrate some occasion, Family dinners at Thanksgiving or Christmas or going on a trip such as the road trip we recently went on to Utah in June 2024 to visit family and attend her nieces wedding, Temple trip to Moses lake , or just gathering at home in the living room watching TV or in Brandon’s room, I think you could count on Clara’s presence to add that extra bond of family and bringing humor, Kindness and personality to the experience.
When I had and operation and needed some recovery time at their house, Rick and Clara were so kind to me. Clara made me a great scrambled eggs and bacon meal. She was a great cook.
Clara was not afraid to strike up a conversation with anyone and would be very open about sharing her feelings on things and open to others sharing their thoughts and opinions as well. And she would listen and consider things and made you feel like your ideas mattered.
She loved her family Rick and Brandon. She was so encouraging and protective to Brandon, Rick and Clara’s personalities and interactions we so complimentary to each other. In their conversations and love the way that Rick would care for Clara and their marriage. It was as if it was bond of one together.
I loved Clara her kind words helped bring me up and her humor made me laugh and it was fun to joke with her. And it is helpful to know that there is will be future time and place where we can be with our family loved ones again. And experience the joy of seeing them. With love.
Though its been years since we last saw you, your memory remains vivid in our hearts. Your beautiful smile and personality left a memorable mark on Cheryl and me. We remember the fun times meeting you and Rick for games, and talking about our futures as soon to be parents. You will be missed! Love, Rick and Cheryl
Clara, it was so good to know you and your sweet family while we were in the Kirkland ward together, and I’m glad we were able to keep contact through the years, especially the boys. You always had the biggest smile and so much love in your heart for all those around you. You always radiated kindness and goodness, and you were such a good mom to Brandon. He is such a great young man and I know your family bonds are strong and forever. Thank you for being so thoughtful of us and bringing us a Christmas card every year. We love you and your family and we will miss you! We look forward to getting to see you again someday!
Clara, you are such a thoughtful and kind person. I am grateful for the chance to get to know you and your family. Brandon has always been the glue that connects our families. We’ve so enjoyed him and his goodness. He reflects your goodness and light. I will miss your kind compliments and thoughtfulness. Many thanks for passing our way.
I have fond memories of Aunt Clara. I always remember her as genuinely caring and interested in those she loved. From a young age, I admired her positive outlook on life and the times she shared her favorite music with me. One of my favorite memories of Clara was when I was 14 and spent two weeks with her at my grandparents’ house. We laughed a lot, she shared stories, and we listened to her favorite music together. I will miss Clara’s messages of encouragement and I’ll always remember our conversations and her sweet nature.
Rest in peace, Aunt Clara. You are deeply missed.
I first remember meeting Clara at my apartment complex when I was at BYU in Provo, Utah. Joe and I were in the same complex (this was before we were married) and Clara had come to visit Joe. She was going to Rick’s College at the time (later BYU Idaho). She was very friendly and energetic and full of a love of life. She clogged at Rick’s and would clog for us 🙂 She had so much energy, it was amazing!
Life was always brighter when Clara was around or when she’d send her sweet messages. She always made us feel special and loved!
I started trying to learn Italian in the early spring of 2023. Clara and I messaged each other a little bit in Italian. We talked about traveling to Italy together and we were very excited for the possibility.
We will all miss having such a fun and caring person in our lives!
Jackson Family!
What an amazing woman, oh how we loved Clara. She will be missed and gone far too soon but her influence will be something that endures. No doubt the Lord needed her to teach the gospel and do an important work in His presence.
An absolute light to those whom she loved and to those whom she served. She loved everyone and if you didn’t love Clara… that was a you problem!
Her testimony of Jesus Christ and His restored gospel was obvious. She served as a missionary, loved the temple, loved her family, and loved her church family.
Her love for her son, her love for her husband, absolutely brilliant. She just lit up when she spoke about her boys and her family.
We are so grateful for Clara, Rick, and Brandon. We love each of you more than you know. Our prayers and love are with you.
How grateful we are for the Lord Jesus Christ and His resurrection, we will see Clara again.
With love and hope,
Jake + Jaimi Sowby