Hubert Daniel Daily Jr.

Cmdr. Hubert Daniel Daily Jr
Cmdr. Hubert Daniel Daily Jr., aka Dan, born Dec. 30, 1931, passed away peacefully on November 28th, 2022 at the age of 90 years. He leaves a long legacy of laughter, storytelling, love of music and dedication for and service to the country. He was the top aircraft accident investigator in the country, serving in the Navy for 19 years and the NTSB for another 20 years.
He was preceded into the great stream of well-being by his parents, Hubert Daily Sr. (Pa Hu) and Evelyn Daily (née Riley, Gram Ev) and our mother Nancee Anne Daily ( née Trafton) and joins them again in love and laughter.
He is survived by his siblings, James Autrey Daily (husband Douglas Hill) and Margaret Henderson (née Daily, husband Forney) and her children Mike and Holly Henderson. Also his children; Elizabeth Anne Woods (née Daily, husband Ronald, deceased), Mark Edward Daily (wife Susie Spicer) and Danna Lee Daily (partner Shannon Freeman). He had 4 grandchildren, Jamie, Ronnie, Mike and Jacob and 6 great-grandchildren; Ashlyn, Christopher, Lyla, Jude, Elise and Azalee.
He may be visited at the Tahoma National Cemetary.
Please donate to your local Veterans association in lieu of flowers.
May we suggest: National Native American Veterans Assoc.
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