Marcia Joann Nussbaum


image of Marcia Joann Nussbaum

Marcia Joann Nussbaum

On December 13th 2021,  Marcia  Joann Nussbaum passed away at the Evergreen Hospice Care Center. Marcia was72 years old.

Born April 22, 1949 to Hans and Gertie Nussbaum in Seattle WA, Marcia attended McGilvery elementary, Meany junior high and graduated from Garfield high school. From there Marcia went to U of W earning her teaching degree. Marcia began teaching for the Seattle school district. She taught physical Ed until her retirement in 2015.

Marcia was always an active enthusiast. She started as a volunteer for the National Ski Patrol  at the summit of Snoqualmie while in high school.  She has worked for the ski hill for 57 years. Marcia also worked for the Seattle Parks department as a lifeguard and swim instructor.

At the time of her death she was still employed  by both if these jobs. Marcia loved these jobs and the people she worked with. These people were more than friends they became family and a great support group.

Marcia taught decades of children to enjoy the outdoors and physical activity.

Marcia is survived by her brother Brian (Terri) of (Black Diamond);  nephew Russell (Cady) (Spanaway); 6 great niece and nephews, cousins Barry Nussbaum (Virginia),Tom Nussbaum (Mexico), and Dorie Nussbaum (Seattle).

Donations may be made to Seattle Humane Society, Frankel school at Herzl-Nar Tamid Bellevue,WA. and National Ski Patrol.

29 Responses to “Marcia Joann Nussbaum”

  • Tom Nussbaum says:

    Marcia positively impacted countless people, especially children, for decades. Her contributions to the world did not go unnoticed. She leaves a void and will be missed by many. RIP, my cousin.

  • ErinB says:

    Don’t worry Nussie, we are staying on top of the towels!

  • Mary Rowe says:

    Marcia made water aerobics great fun. I will miss her eye rolls and sense of humor.

  • Don Gregory says:

    Marcia was a great friend to all those she worked with. Whether teaching, riding her bike, working on Ski-Patrol or lifeguarding at a pool or a Seattle Beach. Marcia was my friend for 55 years – she will be remembered by many and missed by all who knew her. RIP Marcia 😔

  • Susan Anstine says:

    A great neighbor; a better friend. Marcia was always there for us and 41st Ave E will sorely miss her!

  • Courtney C says:

    Thank you Marcia for keeping me on my toes whenever we worked together. We always had great conversations and you made me laugh! I’ll keep working hard to BE busy in all I do…maybe even throw a few towels in from time to time. 😉 Miss you.

  • Toni Rivas says:

    Marcia, was great example of a genuine guide & friend. Since we meet in 1996, I always thought amazing woman. Very inspiring woman. Her accomplishments w kids, her ski group and her students. Wow. Gave me better look on life. I always looked forward to time w her. I started missing as soon not see her. I will miss her way of calm.

  • Roger Robertson says:

    Marcia you were a strength in our community. Always kind, honest and funny. The opportunities I had to work with you were great. Thank you for your amazing presence. We’ll keep you in our hearts and thoughts.

  • Bill Bottenberg says:

    Happy Birthday Marcia! I truly missed exchanging birthday wishes this month. It was something I always look forward to. You are greatly missed by the Bottenberg Family.

  • Pat Houser says:

    Marcia was an inspiration to how life should be lived to the fullest, never letting any grass grow under her feet! She was compassionate, fun and hard working, just one of a kind.

  • Joyce Walters says:

    I miss Marcia so much. We are fellow ski patrollers. We’d talk at least once a week if not twice a week. We’d talk about our ski patrol refreshers. I visited her at the Hospice the day after she arrived. And the next day she told me I didn’t have to visit her every day. Her brother left a “visitor’s sign in book”. I met her brother-,so nice to. I’d heard about him a lot. I visited her 2 days before December 13. I was going to visit her that afternoon. I’ve cried my eyes out a lot.I miss Marcia so much.

  • Joyce A Walters says:

    I miss Marcia..She is with her parents now

  • Joseph Hodges says:

    Marcia, I have just retired from teaching and reflected tonight on those who were kind to me and encouraged me as I completed my degree. You are one of those. I wanted to chat, but it looks like that will have to wait for a while longer. Peace to you and yours.

  • Joyce Walters says:

    I just want to repeat I miss Marcia so much..As the summer goes on she would tell me where she’d be stationed and what she’d be doing. I felt so honored.

  • Joyce Walters says:

    Ski patrol refreshers will be starting. Marcia and I would have been talking every week about stations, skills, and things. I miss Marcia sooo much.

  • Joyce Walters says:

    Well Marcia..the refresher for instructors was yesterday. I thought of you all day. I zipped my car key in my pocket per your instructions. The weather was sunny. I’m sure you were watching us. I miss you.

  • Joyce Walters says:

    Hi Marcia..First weekend of refreshers is done. Beautiful weather. We saw a momma bear and cub during the CPR refresher part. Next refresher in 2 weeks.

  • Joyce A Walters says:

    Hi Marcia..2nd weekend of the OEC refresher is done. I know we would have worked together in soft tissue injury. I heard 150 patrollers did not go through. Jim Benton put this together. So far no makeup refresher. Next weekend would have been when you would be doing the OTH. I wave at you every time I drive by West. I miss you so much.

  • Joyce A Walters says:

    The way I answered my phone when you’d call..hello my dear. In 2 weeks from this weekend you’d be doing your OTH then you’d let me know what you did.I sure miss you.

  • Joyce A Walters says:

    I messaged Norman since I can’t find out from you. In my message to him I told him you’d be letting me know so I was asking him. I guess the OTH is the same..under the bridge, etc. I miss you so much

  • Joyce Walters says:

    Marcia has been with her parents for a year. I miss her so much.

  • Joyce Walters says:

    I just want Marcia to know I miss you so much!

  • Joyce A Walters says:

    I just want to tell Marcia I miss you so much.. Seafair is coming. We always worked it together or volunteered together

  • Joyce A Walters says:

    I miss you so much. The online refresher is out. I know we would have been commenting on it. I got it done. I could hardly wait to share with you.

  • Joyce Walters says:

    Hi Marcia.. I’ve missed you so much. The first weekend of OEC refresher and CPR refresher is done. The Alpental parking lot has been reorganized with ropes dividing the parking is kind of nice. I look down by the river and think your keys are some place down there.maybe.

  • Joyce A Walters says:

    Hi Marcia..every time I drive by West I wave hi to you..I miss you so much.. Refreshers are done..Central will be doing the OEC on the snow for the new class December 10th.

  • Joyce A Walters says:

    It has been 2 years..hard to believe..I miss you so much..I wave at you every time I pass West.

  • Joyce A Walters says:

    I left our parking lot at 3pm.. cleared about a foot and a half off my car.. I’ve driven in worse but ok..miss you so much

  • Bill Bottenberg says:

    Thinking of you today Marcia, on your birthday!

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