Mark Moody
Mark Moody of Edmonds, Washington died January 31, 2016 at home with his wife, Glenda and his beloved dog, Sadie Mae at his side. He was 67 years old.
Mark was born and raised in Seattle, Washington and was the eldest of four children born to Robert and Barbara Moody. Mark was father to Joy and Ryan, grandfather to Angela, Ravyn and Reba and great grandfather to Jordyn and Annabell.
Mark had a generous and often ‘indulgent’ spirit for those less fortunate. His love of God was displayed in his volunteer work for various organizations, including his ministry, Northwest Awakening. During his lifetime, Mark took many mission trips overseas to offer comfort and love to the broken. Mark believed in being a messenger of ‘the good news’, abroad and here in the Pacific Northwest.
Mark and Glenda were married January 1, 2000 and made their home in Edmonds where Mark loved being able to work in his yard almost 12 months out of the year. His dog, Sadie Mae was always by his side, ‘helping’ him with projects and yard work and embraced the ‘art of napping’ with Mark after a hard day’s work. Mark enjoyed sitting on his back deck overlooking his beautiful yard and thanking God for being alive.
Mark’s diagnosis of leukemia (AML) in October 2015 was received with courage and determination to ‘fight the good fight’ as long as he could. While Mark was always a ‘fighter’, his body could not endure the many complications that came up over the last several months. Mark was gracious and always appreciative of his doctors, friends who prayed and visited and of course, his wife Glenda, who never left his side during his illness. Mark requested to be at home during his last days where he could have his much loved dog, Sadie Mae, next to him while he looked out over his gardens. Glenda was determined to make Mark as comfortable and peaceful as possible during this time. He died on a Sunday morning with the sun streaming in over him. He is at last at peace and ‘dancing on the street that are golden’… the ultimate prize.
A memorial service to celebrate Mark’s life will be held Saturday, February 13, 2016 at 1pm at Bethel Chapel, 23010 66th Ave West, Mountlake Terrace, WA.
In lieu of flowers, please send gifts to Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission, P.O. Box 202, Seattle, WA 98111, in memory of Mark Moody or to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance,
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Mark, you will be so very missed. I’ve known you since we both were in our 20’s! You were known to be generous and kind; very present to whomever you were engaging with and willing to stop and have a conversation and lend a hand if needed to whomever was there. I have appreciated the last number of years of closer contact with you as Glenda and I have been in the same real estate offices. You are now beaming with joy at your new heavenly home. Your journey is now complete.
Your time together seems much to short but the love and support was strong. God bless.
We have known each other for over 20 years, many, many memories and most important Holy Ghost stories…from being at the Toronto Airport Vinyard back in 1994 to landing in Rio/Brazil on 9/11/2001. WOW!
My favorite memory/story is I can say you were a my friend and brother. Thank You!!! I can sense your smile while doing ‘dance’
I have been good friends with Mark Moody since the early 70s, when I joined the King’s Temple. In Yiddish, the term that best describes Mark is mench, which means that individual is a genuine good person; a real human being; an individual who wouldn’t hesitate to help those in need and an example for others to follow. This was the man that I knew and loved. I’ve heard it said, if you move away from an area or leave a congregation, you will find out who your real friends are. In spite of all my faults and failings, Mark was always there for me.
During the last few years, I was traveling to Seattle about every other month and always made a point of getting together with Mark. I knew that he was living on borrowed time, so I wanted to spend as much time with him as my schedule would allow. For this, I’m most grateful as he always had uplifting advice for me. Even though I knew his time was short, I always thought that I would see him again, like the line from the James Taylor song. He will be greatly missed.
May his memory always be for a blessing.
Dear Glenda, I’m sad and happy upon learning Mark had passed away. Sad because he suffered here on earth – – but very happy as I know Mark is with his Heavenly Father! Take care of yourself, Glenda! I feel blessed to have know him!! Rest in Peace Mark.
Bev Hagstrom
I regret not being able to provide you some comfort during your passing. I’ll always be grateful to have had you as my big brother. With Love & Affection. Cath
We were friends in grade school and in high school and I will never forget the night I spent sleeping in your parents car in the garage because you forgot to inform them I was spending the night. It was great to run into you 5 years ago at Alderwood Vision where I was working the time. Rest in peace, my old friend, many will miss you and I will be one.
I have fond memories of working with Mark and Glenda at Windermere Real Estate in Lynnwood before they became enamered with each other. You 2 were a match made in heaven. I love you both and will always be greatful to have seen the 2 of you make such a great pair.
Glenda, we are so sorry for your loss. May Mark see the face of the Lord this day. Love and prayers.
We are so sorry for your loss.
Marks memories will be in your forever.
Chuck and Carolyn
I should have bought that house in MLT that he offered to sell me. He had a loud voice that stood out during song service at The King’s Temple. I emailed him about 3 years about my concern of him being involved in the NAR but he was too far into it. What happened to Wyona?
My grandpa. My amazing, amazing, one of a kind grandpa. The world was such a better place with you in it. I have been missing you so much as I have achieved amazing things in life! I know you would be so so so proud of me. I wish you were here by my side still. I wish you could meet my dog, Potato. You two would be the most absolute best of friends. I can see it now.
I know you are with me constantly, because I get front row parking everywhere I go no matter where it is. That was always your thing and we called it “good parking karma.” I would do anything to have one of your giant hugs, with you saying “Hi Putz” with your big smile on your face. I miss you more than you know. I miss my best friend. Please come visit me in my dreams.
I love you.
Hi Grandpa.
I had a very very very vivid dream about you this weekend. I woke up on Sunday morning, in tears. I could not stop crying as I could still see your face and hear your voice talking to me. I was talking to you about my job, and what I am up to these days. We were standing outside the Edmonds house, Glenda and Sadie were there too. I woke up so thankful that you visited me, but also I was so sad that I could not see you again. I was so sad that I could not hug you.
I would do ANYTHING to feel the warm embrace of you again and hear you call me Putz. I miss you so much more than you will ever know. I love you Grandpa, please visit me again soon.