Barbara Sue Jones

Barbara Sue Jones (Christensen) isn’t a name that is going to pass through the history books having accomplished any great feat of consequence. As a matter of fact, her name will only be passed down in a handful of circles. But in those circles….she mattered more than any history book. When Barbara Sue came into this world she was a daughter and a sister. A middle child, born in 1955, she was the little sister to Larry Christensen and Glenda Vio andshortly thereafter, a big sister to Andrea Christensen. Her siblings described her as loving and caring, but still a pain in the ass. And that was her charm: she gave and showed up and cared, but she came with her own set of opinions and a mouth that wasn’t worried about expressing them.

momandboysWhen Barbara was in grade school, she met Cindy. From the time they were just 8 years old, Barbara and Cindy recognized the power of “connection”. They became lifelong friends. Cindy’s father worked for Boeing and the family moved back to KS after their 5th grade year. Barbara and Cindy remained connected by handwritten letters for many years. Their parents allowed some phone calls on special occasions, but by-in-large, their friendship grew through sharing lives through the written words.

Marriages, divorces, children; they experienced all of these life events with each other. Technology in their adult lives enabled easier communication and talking on the phone for hours was common. Their friendship could easily endure periods of silence between them, and then also, just as easily, literally pick up where they left off. Cindy would live in the Seattle area again as a married adult and their friendship would grow even deeper and now include Barbara’s children and Barbara and Cindy’s husbands, Robert and Paul.

The one characteristic that everyone can agree that stood out in Barb was that she loved deeply. After her first two marriages, Barb found what she always referred to as her kindred spirit in Robert. Their ability to laugh and enjoy the simple things in life is what made the foundation of their marriage for 17 years.

But if you asked Barb about her greatest love in life, she would tell you about her kids; Bret, Brian and Wayne. She loved her kids fiercely and with a fervor that only a mother can. She would be the first one to say that her children were her greatest accomplishment. She would often say that Wayne was the idea man and he had the guts to chase the entrepreneurial spirit; something that she would have followed if she hadn’t chosen motherhood first. Bret, the oldest, was the practical and responsible one. Surprised, but no less proud, when he came to her to tell her he wanted to be an accountant. And last but not least, there is Brian: the wild child who encapsulated the fighter and free spirit that she held deep inside. There is no better reflection of Barb’s soul than if you witness her three kids; strong, smart, reliable, kind, caring, and fiercely protective of loved ones.


Barbara passed away on the morning of September 8th, 2015 from complications of cancer and stroke. Though she had been constantly surrounded by her family while in the hospital, she waited until no one was watching to quietly pass in her sleep. She left this world to go join her mother Joyce, whom she missed terribly, to watch over those that remain: Father, Niels. Husband, Rob. Brother, Larry. Sisters, Glenda and Andrea.  Niece, Inge.  Nephew, Pete. Best Friend, Cindy. Daughters: Heather and Renee. Sons: Bret, Brian and Wayne.

4 Responses to “Barbara Sue Jones”

  • Justin says:

    Our condolences and deepest sympathy go out to you, your family, and friends. I never had the privlage to meet her, but I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to have Wayne as a friend, as well as meet Bret at Wayne and Rennee’s wedding. And from the spirit that her children posses, the way they carry themselves, and their different successes I have no doubt she was an absolutely amazing woman. Our thoughts again go out to you, and yours!

  • Victoria Hallowell says:

    En kvinde, der rørte livet for mere end hun vidste, en flamme, der aldrig vil dø. Maj hun rejse sikkert gennem havet og synge hendes død sang stolt.

    My condolences to the family. The spirit she left in her children will carry on. Such an amazing woman left behind such an even more amazing legacy.

  • Airen L. says:

    Condolences to all Barbara’s loved ones. I did not have the pleasure of knowing her personally, but I have appreciated both Bret’s stories about her and also the amazing person he is after being raised by her. What great gifts she brought to this world!

  • Taylor Woods says:

    I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Barbara. Wishing the Jones and Christensen families peace. Remember, not that Barbara has died, but that she lived, and that her life gave you memories too beautiful to forget. While grief at the loss of Barbara is great – Joy of welcoming her back in the resurrection will be even greater, for God has promised, “Your Dead Will Live. Awake and shout joyfully, You Residents In The Dust!..” (Isaiah 26:19) With heartfelt condolences.

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