John Sherman Tobias

April 8, 1952- August 24, 2015


TobiasJohn Tobias passed away unexpectedly at his home in Milton, WA at the age of 63. John was born and raised in Southern California in the 1960’s, a time which he always recalled with great fondness. After graduating from Glendora High School in 1970, John worked a wide variety of jobs in food service industries throughout California before ultimately making the Pacific Northwest his home in 1984.

John was an accomplished musician, skilled in playing several instruments and with an incredible ear for music. One of his proudest achievements was serving as drum major for Glendora High, where his old classmates still remember their leader of the band. John was also an excellent cook and a wonderful storyteller, ready to share generously with those around him his fascinating experiences and delicious creations.

John is survived by his twin sons Michael and Robert Tobias, his sister Terry Dessert and her family, and the many friends and loved ones who had the pleasure of knowing him over the years. His remains will be cremated and scattered, per his request, we are planning on scattering his ashes in the Puget Sound on the Seattle to Bainbridge Island ferry on Sunday 18 at 9:35 AM.  There will also be a dinner for family and friends in his honor the night before at his sister Terry’s house. For more information, please feel free to contact Michael Tobias at

5 Responses to “John Sherman Tobias”

  • Jane Cashion says:

    Thank you, Mike, for the excellent writing you have done about your dad. John was so special to all who knew him. He was filled with love and pride for his sons and his sister and her family. When John would write to me or talk to me he ALWAYS had such wonderful things to tell me about all of you. John will never be forgotten. He will live in my heart for the rest of my life. His stories and loving thoughts along with his political viewpoints will be missed and the memories cherished. John’s spirit will be with us as he rides high with our Lord.

  • Vicky Baker says:

    Thank you Mike for your beautiful tribute to your father. He loved and admired you both, being so proud of you – you were certainly blessings to his life and there was not a time where John wasn’t touting on how blessed he was that you two and his sister and mom were in his life. He loved you all so very much.

    We miss John, his comments, his suggestions, his support as well as the love he had for music and the postings he’d make when a song was relevant to a particular subject. When I was having difficulties, he was there. When I was experiencing joy, he was there. When I needed help, he was there. When I needed guidance, he was there. He was truly a gentleman and a friend who loved us all.

    Please know our thoughts and prayers are with you all. We know he’s enjoying Heaven as he proudly proclaimed his love of our Lord and his deep faith of life everlasting. I know he’s around – his presence is felt. He may not be here in body, but he’s definitely here in spirit.

    My love and prayers to you all. May our Lord comfort you in this time of grief with the knowledge that although he may be gone from our sight, he is not really gone. He’ll be with us all, especially in our hearts and memories.

    Blessings on you and yours,

  • Gordon Norman says:

    I had the true privilege of being the Band Director at the time was a student at Glendora High School. I had the privilege of choosing John to be the Drum Major of the Tartan Band a job he did with great leadership, humility and tradition. Through John’s hard work to be the best at all and anything he did he received great recognition as the most outstanding Drum Major in the State of California in 1969 when he won every Drum Major Award that the Tartan’s competed in. John had a wonderful family so supportive of him. He was always a great role model for all. It was a true pleasure to see him twice before he passed. He was loved and respected by his classmates and fellow competitors. A true person with great values and is missed and have been touched by all who knew him as a true Tartan. Gordon Norman

  • Candy (Buffington) Kv idahl says:

    I will always remember John fondly as my drum major while I was in the band at Glendora High. However, I will remember him most for the great conversations we shared on Facebook the past 3 years since I moved up to Washington. He and I had great discussions about the world and current events. We also loved to talk politics together. I already miss not seeing his post on Facebook. However, if heaven has a Facebook I am sure he is posting his intelligent opinions there as well. God be with his family and prayers to all.

  • Timothy Blystone says:

    John was truly a unique individual and an awesome person. I will miss his wit and humor. For a long time I have been planning to return to Seattle for a visit and every time I think about the trip the first thing I think about is visiting with John again.

    When we worked together I could always rely on John for an honest opinion and he always made sure I knew he valued mine. We would always get together when we were in the same area and share stories about our clients. John had such a unique perspective and always made me see things in a different light I had not previously considered. He quite often amazed me with the clarity in which he saw things.

    There are few people who can bring a smile to my face and make me laugh the way John could. It is with the deepest regret I could not have been in Washington for for his memorial.

    I love you like a brother JoTo

    Your friend always

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