Juanita Lee
Juanita Lee, née Cook
Juanita was the first child born to Darwin and Ethel Cook on December 7, 1930 in the house they lived in on the dairy farm in north Salem where Darwin worked. In 1947 her Mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She took care of her until her death later that year.
She had two other siblings at the time. Shortly after her mother’s passing her father remarried. Four more brothers and sisters were added. Later a new son was added to the mix for a total of eight. They moved to the Conner area where the family established a farm.
Juanita always liked housework so after high school she worked at housekeeping for various people and earned her tuition to Seattle Pacific College where she attended. She was at a housekeeping job when she met her future husband Alvin Lee. After a short stint in Portland they moved to Eugene and established their family there.
They became active members of the Eugene Free Methodist Church as well as hobby farmers. Over the years, the family kept an assortment of livestock and a large garden with a number of fruit trees. She took well-deserved pride in frequently producing meals that were substantially homegrown and was well-known for her hospitality. She was well versed in Organic gardening and raising Organic beef long before Organic became in vogue.
In recent years, Alvin and Juanita pulled up roots and moved to Shoreline, Washington to be near one of their sons Marv and his family. Juanita and Alvin continued to show their love for gardening as they became serious blackberry pickers and could often be seen around town with ladder and hoes in an effort to reach the best berries left behind by the other novice pickers. Many have enjoyed the fruit of their labors in Juanita’s blackberry pies.
It was utmost in Juanita’s parents’ hearts and minds for each family member to be exposed to the gospel of grace offered in the Bible. Juanita, thankfully, shared the same desire for her own family. Even though Juanita’s time on earth came to a close June 23, 2012 as a result of complications from a stroke, we expect to have a large family reunion in heaven someday and look forward to seeing our sister, mother, and grandmother again.
Juanita’s love for family was evident as she welcomed daughter-in-laws, Greta and Norma, into the family. She was also a proud grandmother to her grandchildren; Aaron and Nicky, Micah, Erica, Kiesha, and Jared, as well as her two great-grandchildren, Cameron and Seth. She leaves behind these, her husband (Alvin), her two sons (Ken and Marv), and all siblings but one who pre-deceased her.
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Our hearts go out to the family at this time of loss. We were acquainted with Juanita and Al for a short while, when they moved to Seattle a couple years ago, but it was a pleasure being acquainted with both this wonderful couple.
We pray for the Lord’s blessing on the entire family at this time.