Elda Behm, July 14, 2008

In loving memory of Elda Behm who passed away on  July 14, 2008 in  Washington State.  Please feel free to write your own remembrances in the space provided at the bottom of this page.

One Response to “Elda Behm, July 14, 2008”


    Dear Behm, Woodbury and extended family, Elda was one of a kind. Her eyes always twinkled and she smiled in such a demur, ladylike way. Although I didn’t know her until she was in her mid-70s, I was always impressed with her humility and sweet disposition. She loved deeply, simply and honestly. So very glad I was able to know her through my son, Rod Moore, as he became a part of your family. Pray you sense His presence as you celebrate a live well lived. Love from Alabama, REB

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